Given /^I visit profile page$/ do visit profile_path end Then /^I should see my profile info$/ do page.should have_content "Profile" page.should have_content page.should have_content end Given /^I visit profile password page$/ do visit profile_password_path end Then /^I change my password$/ do fill_in "user_password", :with => "222333" fill_in "user_password_confirmation", :with => "222333" click_button "Save" end Then /^I should be redirected to sign in page$/ do current_path.should == new_user_session_path end Given /^I visit profile token page$/ do visit profile_token_path end Then /^I reset my token$/ do @old_token = @user.private_token click_button "Reset" end Then /^I should see new token$/ do find("#token").value.should_not == @old_token find("#token").value.should == @user.reload.private_token end