require 'spec_helper' describe User do describe "Associations" do it { should have_many(:users_projects).dependent(:destroy) } it { should have_many(:projects) } it { should have_many(:my_own_projects).class_name('Project') } it { should have_many(:keys).dependent(:destroy) } it { should have_many(:events).class_name('Event').dependent(:destroy) } it { should have_many(:recent_events).class_name('Event') } it { should have_many(:issues).dependent(:destroy) } it { should have_many(:notes).dependent(:destroy) } it { should have_many(:assigned_issues).dependent(:destroy) } it { should have_many(:merge_requests).dependent(:destroy) } it { should have_many(:assigned_merge_requests).dependent(:destroy) } end describe 'validations' do it { should validate_presence_of(:projects_limit) } it { should validate_numericality_of(:projects_limit) } it { should allow_value(0).for(:projects_limit) } it { should_not allow_value(-1).for(:projects_limit) } it { should ensure_length_of(:bio).is_within(0..255) } end describe "Respond to" do it { should respond_to(:is_admin?) } it { should respond_to(:identifier) } it { should respond_to(:name) } it { should respond_to(:private_token) } end describe '#identifier' do it "should return valid identifier" do user = build(:user, email: "") user.identifier.should == "test_mail_com" end it "should return identifier without + sign" do user = build(:user, email: "") user.identifier.should == "test_foo_mail_com" end it "should conform to Gitolite's required identifier pattern" do user = build(:user, email: "") user.identifier.should == 'test_example_com' end end describe '#generate_password' do it "should execute callback when force_random_password specified" do user = build(:user, force_random_password: true) user.should_receive(:generate_password) end it "should not generate password by default" do user = create(:user, password: 'abcdefg') user.password.should == 'abcdefg' end it "should generate password when forcing random password" do Devise.stub(:friendly_token).and_return('123456789') user = create(:user, password: 'abcdefg', force_random_password: true) user.password.should == '12345678' end end describe 'authentication token' do it "should have authentication token" do user = Factory(:user) user.authentication_token.should_not be_blank end end end