window.updatePage = (data) -> $.ajax({type: "GET", url: location.href, data: data, dataType: "script"}) window.slugify = (text) -> text.replace(/[^-a-zA-Z0-9]+/g, '_').toLowerCase() window.ajaxGet = (url) -> $.ajax({type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "script"}) window.errorMessage = (message) -> ehtml = $("

") ehtml.addClass("error_message") ehtml.html(message) ehtml window.split = (val) -> return val.split( /,\s*/ ) window.extractLast = (term) -> return split( term ).pop() # Disable button if text field is empty window.disableButtonIfEmptyField = (field_selector, button_selector) -> field = $(field_selector) closest_submit = field.closest("form").find(button_selector) closest_submit.disable() if field.val() is "" field.on "input", -> if $(@).val() is "" closest_submit.disable() else closest_submit.enable() $ -> # Click a .one_click_select field, select the contents $(".one_click_select").on 'click', -> $(@).select() # Click a .appear-link, appear-data fadeout $(".appear-link").on 'click', -> $('.appear-data').fadeIn() # Initialize chosen selects $('select.chosen').chosen() # Initialize tooltips $('.has_tooltip').tooltip() # Bottom tooltip $('.has_bottom_tooltip').tooltip(placement: 'bottom') # Form submitter $('.trigger-submit').on 'change', -> $(@).parents('form').submit() $("abbr.timeago").timeago() # Flash if (flash = $(".flash-container")).length > 0 -> $(@).fadeOut() setTimeout (-> flash.fadeOut()), 3000 # Disable form buttons while a form is submitting $('body').on 'ajax:complete, ajax:beforeSend, submit', 'form', (e) -> buttons = $('[type="submit"]', @) switch e.type when 'ajax:beforeSend', 'submit' buttons.disable() else buttons.enable() # Show/Hide the profile menu when hovering the account box $('.account-box').hover -> $(@).toggleClass('hover') # Focus search field by pressing 's' key $(document).keypress (e) -> # Don't do anything if typing in an input return if $(":input") switch e.which when 115 $("#search").focus() e.preventDefault() # Commit show suppressed diff $(".supp_diff_link").bind "click", -> $(@).next('table').show() $(@).remove() (($) -> _chosen = $.fn.chosen $.fn.extend chosen: (options) -> default_options = search_contains: "true" $.extend default_options, options _chosen.apply @, [default_options] # Disable an element and add the 'disabled' Bootstrap class $.fn.extend disable: -> $(@).attr('disabled', 'disabled').addClass('disabled') # Enable an element and remove the 'disabled' Bootstrap class $.fn.extend enable: -> $(@).removeAttr('disabled').removeClass('disabled') )(jQuery)