class DashboardSearch < Spinach::FeatureSteps include SharedAuthentication include SharedPaths Given 'I search for "Sho"' do fill_in "dashboard_search", :with => "Sho" click_button "Search" end Then 'I should see "Shop" project link' do page.should have_link "Shop" end And 'I own project "Shop"' do @project = Factory :project, :name => "Shop" @project.add_access(@user, :admin) end Given 'I search for "Contibuting"' do fill_in "dashboard_search", :with => "Contibuting" click_button "Search" end And 'Project "Shop" has wiki page "Contibuting guide"' do @wiki_page = Factory :wiki, :project => @project, :title => "Contibuting guide", :slug => "contributing" end Then 'I should see "Contibuting guide" wiki link' do page.should have_link "Contibuting guide" end end