namespace :gitlab do desc "GITLAB | Enable usernames and namespaces for user projects" task enable_namespaces: :environment do warn_user_is_not_gitlab print "Generate usernames for users without one: " User.find_each(batch_size: 500) do |user| next if user.namespace User.transaction do username =^[^@]*/)[0] if user.update_attributes!(username: username) print '.'.green else print 'F'.red end end end puts "" print "Create directories for groups: " Group.find_each(batch_size: 500) do |group| if group.ensure_dir_exist print '.'.green else print 'F'.red end end puts "" git_path = Gitlab.config.gitolite.repos_path puts "" puts "Move projects in groups into respective directories ... " Project.where('namespace_id IS NOT NULL').find_each(batch_size: 500) do |project| next unless group = print "#{project.name_with_namespace.yellow} ... " new_path = File.join(git_path, project.path_with_namespace + '.git') if File.exists?(new_path) puts "already at #{new_path}".green next end old_path = File.join(git_path, project.path + '.git') unless File.exists?(old_path) puts "couldn't find it at #{old_path}".red next end begin, '', group.path).execute puts "moved to #{new_path}".green rescue puts "failed moving to #{new_path}".red end end puts "" puts "Rebuild Gitolite ... " gitolite = gitolite.update_repositories(Project.where('namespace_id IS NOT NULL')) puts "... #{"done".green}" end end