require 'spec_helper' describe IssueObserver do let(:some_user) { create :user } let(:assignee) { create :user } let(:author) { create :user } let(:mock_issue) { double(:issue, id: 42, assignee: assignee, author: author) } let(:assigned_issue) { create(:issue, assignee: assignee, author: author) } let(:unassigned_issue) { create(:issue, author: author) } let(:closed_assigned_issue) { create(:closed_issue, assignee: assignee, author: author) } let(:closed_unassigned_issue) { create(:closed_issue, author: author) } before { subject.stub(:current_user).and_return(some_user) } before { subject.stub(notification: mock('NotificationService').as_null_object) } subject { IssueObserver.instance } describe '#after_create' do it 'is called when an issue is created' do subject.should_receive(:after_create) Issue.observers.enable :issue_observer do create(:issue, project: create(:project)) end end it 'trigger notification to send emails' do subject.should_receive(:notification) subject.after_create(mock_issue) end end context '#after_close' do context 'a status "closed"' do it 'note is created if the issue is being closed' do Note.should_receive(:create_status_change_note).with(assigned_issue, some_user, 'closed') assigned_issue.close end it 'trigger notification to send emails' do subject.should_receive(:notification) assigned_issue.close end it 'creates a note' do Note.should_receive(:create_status_change_note).with(unassigned_issue, some_user, 'closed') unassigned_issue.close end end context 'a status "reopened"' do it 'note is created if the issue is being reopened' do Note.should_receive(:create_status_change_note).with(closed_assigned_issue, some_user, 'reopened') closed_assigned_issue.reopen end it 'trigger notification to send emails' do subject.should_receive(:notification) closed_assigned_issue.reopen end it 'create a note' do Note.should_receive(:create_status_change_note).with(closed_unassigned_issue, some_user, 'reopened') closed_unassigned_issue.reopen end end end context '#after_update' do before(:each) do mock_issue.stub(:is_being_reassigned?).and_return(false) end it 'is called when an issue is changed' do changed = create(:issue, project: create(:project)) subject.should_receive(:after_update) Issue.observers.enable :issue_observer do changed.description = 'I changed' end end context 'notification' do it 'triggered if the issue is being reassigned' do mock_issue.should_receive(:is_being_reassigned?).and_return(true) subject.should_receive(:notification) subject.after_update(mock_issue) end it 'is not triggered if the issue is not being reassigned' do mock_issue.should_receive(:is_being_reassigned?).and_return(false) subject.should_not_receive(:notification) subject.after_update(mock_issue) end end end end