%aside.projects - if current_user.can_create_project? .alert-message.block-message You can create at least = current_user.projects_limit projects. Click on button to add a new one .alert-actions = link_to new_project_path, :class => "btn small" do New Project » - if current_user.is_admin? .alert-message.block-message You have administrator privilegies. You can configure application following this button: .alert-actions = link_to admin_root_path, :class => "btn small", :title => "Admin" do Visit Admin Area » - if current_user.projects.count > 0 %div.entry %h5 Recent Projects: %ul - current_user.projects.order("id DESC").limit(5).each do |project| %li = link_to project_path(project) do = project.name = link_to "More » ", projects_path