namespace :gitlab do namespace :env do desc "GITLAB | Show information about GitLab and its environment" task info: :environment do # check which OS is running os_name = run("lsb_release -irs") os_name ||= if File.readable?('/etc/system-release')'/etc/system-release') end os_name ||= if File.readable?('/etc/debian_version') debian_version ='/etc/debian_version') "Debian #{debian_version}" end os_name.squish! # check if there is an RVM environment rvm_version = run_and_match("rvm --version", /[\d\.]+/).try(:to_s) # check Ruby version ruby_version = run_and_match("ruby --version", /[\d\.p]+/).try(:to_s) # check Gem version gem_version = run("gem --version") # check Bundler version bunder_version = run_and_match("bundle --version", /[\d\.]+/).try(:to_s) # check Bundler version rake_version = run_and_match("rake --version", /[\d\.]+/).try(:to_s) puts "" puts "System information".yellow puts "System:\t\t#{os_name || "unknown".red}" puts "Current User:\t#{`whoami`}" puts "Using RVM:\t#{rvm_version.present? ? "yes".green : "no"}" puts "RVM Version:\t#{rvm_version}" if rvm_version.present? puts "Ruby Version:\t#{ruby_version || "unknown".red}" puts "Gem Version:\t#{gem_version || "unknown".red}" puts "Bundler Version:#{bunder_version || "unknown".red}" puts "Rake Version:\t#{rake_version || "unknown".red}" # check database adapter database_adapter = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name.downcase project = "some-project") project.path = "some-project" # construct clone URLs http_clone_url = project.http_url_to_repo ssh_clone_url = project.ssh_url_to_repo omniauth_providers = Gitlab.config.omniauth_providers! { |provider| provider['name'] } puts "" puts "GitLab information".yellow puts "Version:\t#{Gitlab::Version}" puts "Revision:\t#{Gitlab::Revision}" puts "Directory:\t#{Rails.root}" puts "DB Adapter:\t#{database_adapter}" puts "URL:\t\t#{Gitlab.config.url}" puts "HTTP Clone URL:\t#{http_clone_url}" puts "SSH Clone URL:\t#{ssh_clone_url}" puts "Using LDAP:\t#{Gitlab.config.ldap_enabled? ? "yes".green : "no"}" puts "Using Omniauth:\t#{Gitlab.config.omniauth_enabled? ? "yes".green : "no"}" puts "Omniauth Providers: #{', ')}" if Gitlab.config.omniauth_enabled? # check Gitolite version gitolite_version_file = "#{Gitlab.config.git_base_path}/../gitolite/src/VERSION" if File.exists?(gitolite_version_file) && File.readable?(gitolite_version_file) gitolite_version = end puts "" puts "Gitolite information".yellow puts "Version:\t#{gitolite_version || "unknown".red}" puts "Admin URI:\t#{Gitlab.config.gitolite_admin_uri}" puts "Admin Key:\t#{Gitlab.config.gitolite_admin_key}" puts "Repositories:\t#{Gitlab.config.git_base_path}" puts "Hooks:\t\t#{Gitlab.config.git_hooks_path}" puts "Git:\t\t#{Gitlab.config.git.path}" end # Helper methods # Runs the given command and matches the output agains the given RegExp def run_and_match(command, regexp) run(command).try(:match, regexp) end # Runs the given command # # Returns nil if the command was not found # Returns the output of the command otherwise def run(command) unless `#{command} 2>/dev/null`.blank? `#{command}` end end end end