class Profile < Spinach::FeatureSteps include SharedAuthentication include SharedPaths Then 'I should see my profile info' do page.should have_content "Profile" page.should have_content page.should have_content end Then 'I change my contact info' do fill_in "user_skype", :with => "testskype" fill_in "user_linkedin", :with => "testlinkedin" fill_in "user_twitter", :with => "testtwitter" click_button "Save" @user.reload end And 'I should see new contact info' do == 'testskype' @user.linkedin.should == 'testlinkedin' @user.twitter.should == 'testtwitter' end Then 'I change my password' do fill_in "user_password", :with => "222333" fill_in "user_password_confirmation", :with => "222333" click_button "Save" end When 'I unsuccessfully change my password' do fill_in "user_password", with: "password" fill_in "user_password_confirmation", with: "confirmation" click_button "Save" end Then "I should see a password error message" do page.should have_content "Password doesn't match confirmation" end And 'I should be redirected to sign in page' do current_path.should == new_user_session_path end Then 'I reset my token' do @old_token = @user.private_token click_button "Reset" end And 'I should see new token' do find("#token").value.should_not == @old_token find("#token").value.should == @user.reload.private_token end Given 'I have activity' do create(:closed_issue_event, author: current_user) end Then 'I should see my activity' do page.should have_content "#{} closed issue" end When "I change my application theme" do choose "Violet" end When "I change my code preview theme" do choose "Dark code preview" end Then "I should see the theme change immediately" do page.should have_selector('body.ui_color') page.should_not have_selector('body.ui_basic') end Then "I should receive feedback that the changes were saved" do page.should have_content("Saved") end end