class ProjectIssues < Spinach::FeatureSteps Given 'I should see "Release 0.4" in issues' do page.should have_content "Release 0.4" end And 'I should not see "Release 0.3" in issues' do page.should_not have_content "Release 0.3" end Given 'I click link "Closed"' do click_link "Closed" end Then 'I should see "Release 0.3" in issues' do page.should have_content "Release 0.3" end And 'I should not see "Release 0.4" in issues' do page.should_not have_content "Release 0.4" end Given 'I click link "All"' do click_link "All" end Given 'I click link "Release 0.4"' do click_link "Release 0.4" end Then 'I should see issue "Release 0.4"' do page.should have_content "Release 0.4" end Given 'I click link "New Issue"' do click_link "New Issue" end And 'I submit new issue "500 error on profile"' do fill_in "issue_title", :with => "500 error on profile" click_button "Submit new issue" end Given 'I click link "500 error on profile"' do click_link "500 error on profile" end Then 'I should see issue "500 error on profile"' do issue = Issue.find_by_title("500 error on profile") page.should have_content issue.title page.should have_content issue.author_name page.should have_content end Given 'I visit issue page "Release 0.4"' do issue = Issue.find_by_title("Release 0.4") visit project_issue_path(issue.project, issue) end And 'I leave a comment like "XML attached"' do fill_in "note_note", :with => "XML attached" click_button "Add Comment" end Then 'I should see comment "XML attached"' do page.should have_content "XML attached" end Given 'I fill in issue search with "Release"' do fill_in 'issue_search', with: "Release" end Given 'I fill in issue search with "Bug"' do fill_in 'issue_search', with: "Bug" end And 'I fill in issue search with "0.3"' do fill_in 'issue_search', with: "0.3" end And 'I fill in issue search with "Something"' do fill_in 'issue_search', with: "Something" end And 'I fill in issue search with ""' do page.execute_script("$('.issue_search').val('').keyup();"); fill_in 'issue_search', with: "" end Given 'project "Shop" has milestone "v2.2"' do project = Project.find_by_name("Shop") milestone = Factory :milestone, :title => "v2.2", :project => project 3.times do issue = Factory :issue, :project => project, :milestone => milestone end end And 'project "Shop" has milestone "v3.0"' do project = Project.find_by_name("Shop") milestone = Factory :milestone, :title => "v3.0", :project => project 3.times do issue = Factory :issue, :project => project, :milestone => milestone end end And 'I visit project "Shop" issues page' do visit project_issues_path(Project.find_by_name("Shop")) end When 'I select milestone "v3.0"' do select "v3.0", from: "milestone_id" end Then 'I should see selected milestone with title "v3.0"' do issues_milestone_selector = "#issue_milestone_id_chzn/a" wait_until { page.has_content?("Details") } page.find(issues_milestone_selector).should have_content("v3.0") end When 'I select first assignee from "Shop" project' do project = Project.find_by_name "Shop" first_assignee = project.users.first select, from: "assignee_id" end Then 'I should see first assignee from "Shop" as selected assignee' do issues_assignee_selector = "#issue_assignee_id_chzn/a" wait_until { page.has_content?("Details") } project = Project.find_by_name "Shop" assignee_name = page.find(issues_assignee_selector).should have_content(assignee_name) end Given 'I sign in as a user' do login_as :user end And 'I own project "Shop"' do @project = Factory :project, :name => "Shop" @project.add_access(@user, :admin) end And 'project "Shop" have "Release 0.4" open issue' do project = Project.find_by_name("Shop") Factory.create(:issue, :title => "Release 0.4", :project => project, :author => project.users.first) end And 'project "Shop" have "Release 0.3" closed issue' do project = Project.find_by_name("Shop") Factory.create(:issue, :title => "Release 0.3", :project => project, :author => project.users.first, :closed => true) end end