class CreateProject < Spinach::FeatureSteps Given 'I signin as a user' do login_as :user end When 'I visit new project page' do visit new_project_path end And 'fill project form with valid data' do fill_in 'project_name', :with => 'NewProject' fill_in 'project_code', :with => 'NPR' fill_in 'project_path', :with => 'newproject' click_button "Create project" end Then 'I should see project page' do current_path.should == project_path(Project.last) page.should have_content('NewProject') end And 'I should see empty project instuctions' do page.should have_content "git init" page.should have_content "git remote" page.should have_content Project.last.url_to_repo end end