class CommitDecorator < ApplicationDecorator decorates :commit # Returns the commits title. # # Usually, the commit title is the first line of the commit message. # In case this first line is longer than 80 characters, it is cut off # after 70 characters and ellipses (`&hellp;`) are appended. def title title_end = safe_message.index(/\n/) if (!title_end && safe_message.length > 80) || (title_end && title_end > 80) safe_message[0..69] << "…".html_safe else safe_message.split(/\n/, 2).first end end # Returns the commits description # # cut off, ellipses (`&hellp;`) are prepended to the commit message. def description title_end = safe_message.index(/\n/) if (!title_end && safe_message.length > 80) || (title_end && title_end > 80) "…".html_safe << safe_message[70..-1] else safe_message.split(/\n/, 2)[1].try(:chomp) end end def breadcrumbs end end