### Create a backup of the GitLab system Creates a backup archive of the database and all repositories. This archive will be saved in backup_path (see `config/gitlab.yml`). The filename will be `[TIMESTAMP]_gitlab_backup.tar`. This timestamp can be used to restore an specific backup. ``` bundle exec rake gitlab:backup:create RAILS_ENV=production ``` Example output: ``` Dumping database tables: - Dumping table events... [DONE] - Dumping table issues... [DONE] - Dumping table keys... [DONE] - Dumping table merge_requests... [DONE] - Dumping table milestones... [DONE] - Dumping table namespaces... [DONE] - Dumping table notes... [DONE] - Dumping table projects... [DONE] - Dumping table protected_branches... [DONE] - Dumping table schema_migrations... [DONE] - Dumping table services... [DONE] - Dumping table snippets... [DONE] - Dumping table taggings... [DONE] - Dumping table tags... [DONE] - Dumping table users... [DONE] - Dumping table users_projects... [DONE] - Dumping table web_hooks... [DONE] - Dumping table wikis... [DONE] Dumping repositories: - Dumping repository abcd... [DONE] - Dumping repository gitolite-admin.git... [DONE] Creating backup archive: $TIMESTAMP_gitlab_backup.tar [DONE] Deleting tmp directories...[DONE] Deleting old backups... [SKIPPING] ``` ### Restore a previously created backup ``` bundle exec rake gitlab:backup:restore RAILS_ENV=production ``` Options: ``` BACKUP=timestamp_of_backup (required if more than one backup exists) ``` Example output: ``` Unpacking backup... [DONE] Restoring database tables: -- create_table("events", {:force=>true}) -> 0.2231s [...] - Loading fixture events...[DONE] - Loading fixture issues...[DONE] - Loading fixture keys...[SKIPPING] - Loading fixture merge_requests...[DONE] - Loading fixture milestones...[DONE] - Loading fixture namespaces...[DONE] - Loading fixture notes...[DONE] - Loading fixture projects...[DONE] - Loading fixture protected_branches...[SKIPPING] - Loading fixture schema_migrations...[DONE] - Loading fixture services...[SKIPPING] - Loading fixture snippets...[SKIPPING] - Loading fixture taggings...[SKIPPING] - Loading fixture tags...[SKIPPING] - Loading fixture users...[DONE] - Loading fixture users_projects...[DONE] - Loading fixture web_hooks...[SKIPPING] - Loading fixture wikis...[SKIPPING] Restoring repositories: - Restoring repository abcd... [DONE] - Restoring repository gitolite-admin.git... [DONE] Deleting tmp directories...[DONE] ```