/* * jQuery UI selectmenu dev version * * Copyright (c) 2009 AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about) * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses. * * http://docs.jquery.com/UI * https://github.com/fnagel/jquery-ui/wiki/Selectmenu */ (function($) { $.widget("ui.selectmenu", { getter: "value", version: "1.8", eventPrefix: "selectmenu", options: { transferClasses: true, typeAhead: "sequential", style: 'dropdown', positionOptions: { my: "left top", at: "left bottom", offset: null }, width: null, menuWidth: null, handleWidth: 26, maxHeight: null, icons: null, format: null, bgImage: function() {}, wrapperElement: "<div />" }, _create: function() { var self = this, o = this.options; // set a default id value, generate a new random one if not set by developer var selectmenuId = this.element.attr( 'id' ) || 'ui-selectmenu-' + Math.random().toString( 16 ).slice( 2, 10 ); // quick array of button and menu id's this.ids = [ selectmenuId + '-button', selectmenuId + '-menu' ]; // define safe mouseup for future toggling this._safemouseup = true; // create menu button wrapper this.newelement = $( '<a />', { 'class': this.widgetBaseClass + ' ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all', 'id' : this.ids[ 0 ], 'role': 'button', 'href': '#nogo', 'tabindex': this.element.attr( 'disabled' ) ? 1 : 0, 'aria-haspopup': true, 'aria-owns': this.ids[ 1 ] }); this.newelementWrap = $( o.wrapperElement ) .append( this.newelement ) .insertAfter( this.element ); // transfer tabindex var tabindex = this.element.attr( 'tabindex' ); if ( tabindex ) { this.newelement.attr( 'tabindex', tabindex ); } // save reference to select in data for ease in calling methods this.newelement.data( 'selectelement', this.element ); // menu icon this.selectmenuIcon = $( '<span class="' + this.widgetBaseClass + '-icon ui-icon"></span>' ) .prependTo( this.newelement ); // append status span to button this.newelement.prepend( '<span class="' + self.widgetBaseClass + '-status" />' ); // make associated form label trigger focus $( 'label[for="' + selectmenuId + '"]' ) .attr( 'for', this.ids[0] ) .bind( 'click.selectmenu', function() { self.newelement[0].focus(); return false; }); // click toggle for menu visibility this.newelement .bind('mousedown.selectmenu', function(event) { self._toggle(event, true); // make sure a click won't open/close instantly if (o.style == "popup") { self._safemouseup = false; setTimeout(function() { self._safemouseup = true; }, 300); } return false; }) .bind('click.selectmenu', function() { return false; }) .bind("keydown.selectmenu", function(event) { var ret = false; switch (event.keyCode) { case $.ui.keyCode.ENTER: ret = true; break; case $.ui.keyCode.SPACE: self._toggle(event); break; case $.ui.keyCode.UP: if (event.altKey) { self.open(event); } else { self._moveSelection(-1); } break; case $.ui.keyCode.DOWN: if (event.altKey) { self.open(event); } else { self._moveSelection(1); } break; case $.ui.keyCode.LEFT: self._moveSelection(-1); break; case $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT: self._moveSelection(1); break; case $.ui.keyCode.TAB: ret = true; break; default: ret = true; } return ret; }) .bind('keypress.selectmenu', function(event) { self._typeAhead(event.which, 'mouseup'); return true; }) .bind('mouseover.selectmenu focus.selectmenu', function() { if (!o.disabled) { $(this).addClass(self.widgetBaseClass + '-focus ui-state-hover'); } }) .bind('mouseout.selectmenu blur.selectmenu', function() { if (!o.disabled) { $(this).removeClass(self.widgetBaseClass + '-focus ui-state-hover'); } }); // document click closes menu $(document).bind("mousedown.selectmenu", function(event) { self.close(event); }); // change event on original selectmenu this.element .bind("click.selectmenu", function() { self._refreshValue(); }) // FIXME: newelement can be null under unclear circumstances in IE8 // TODO not sure if this is still a problem (fnagel 20.03.11) .bind("focus.selectmenu", function() { if (self.newelement) { self.newelement[0].focus(); } }); // set width when not set via options if (!o.width) { o.width = this.element.outerWidth(); } // set menu button width this.newelement.width(o.width); // hide original selectmenu element this.element.hide(); // create menu portion, append to body this.list = $( '<ul />', { 'class': 'ui-widget ui-widget-content', 'aria-hidden': true, 'role': 'listbox', 'aria-labelledby': this.ids[0], 'id': this.ids[1] }); this.listWrap = $( o.wrapperElement ) .addClass( self.widgetBaseClass + '-menu' ) .append( this.list ) .appendTo( 'body' ); // transfer menu click to menu button this.list .bind("keydown.selectmenu", function(event) { var ret = false; switch (event.keyCode) { case $.ui.keyCode.UP: if (event.altKey) { self.close(event, true); } else { self._moveFocus(-1); } break; case $.ui.keyCode.DOWN: if (event.altKey) { self.close(event, true); } else { self._moveFocus(1); } break; case $.ui.keyCode.LEFT: self._moveFocus(-1); break; case $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT: self._moveFocus(1); break; case $.ui.keyCode.HOME: self._moveFocus(':first'); break; case $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP: self._scrollPage('up'); break; case $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN: self._scrollPage('down'); break; case $.ui.keyCode.END: self._moveFocus(':last'); break; case $.ui.keyCode.ENTER: case $.ui.keyCode.SPACE: self.close(event, true); $(event.target).parents('li:eq(0)').trigger('mouseup'); break; case $.ui.keyCode.TAB: ret = true; self.close(event, true); $(event.target).parents('li:eq(0)').trigger('mouseup'); break; case $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE: self.close(event, true); break; default: ret = true; } return ret; }) .bind('keypress.selectmenu', function(event) { self._typeAhead(event.which, 'focus'); return true; }) // this allows for using the scrollbar in an overflowed list .bind( 'mousedown.selectmenu mouseup.selectmenu', function() { return false; }); // needed when window is resized // TODO seems to be useless, but causes errors (fnagel 01.08.11) // see: https://github.com/fnagel/jquery-ui/issues/147 // $(window).bind( "resize.selectmenu", $.proxy( self._refreshPosition, this ) ); }, _init: function() { var self = this, o = this.options; // serialize selectmenu element options var selectOptionData = []; this.element .find('option') .each(function() { var opt = $(this); selectOptionData.push({ value: opt.attr('value'), text: self._formatText(opt.text()), selected: opt.attr('selected'), disabled: opt.attr('disabled'), classes: opt.attr('class'), typeahead: opt.attr('typeahead'), parentOptGroup: opt.parent('optgroup'), bgImage: o.bgImage.call(opt) }); }); // active state class is only used in popup style var activeClass = (self.options.style == "popup") ? " ui-state-active" : ""; // empty list so we can refresh the selectmenu via selectmenu() this.list.html(""); // write li's if (selectOptionData.length) { for (var i = 0; i < selectOptionData.length; i++) { var thisLiAttr = { role : 'presentation' }; if ( selectOptionData[ i ].disabled ) { thisLiAttr[ 'class' ] = this.namespace + '-state-disabled'; } var thisAAttr = { html: selectOptionData[i].text, href : '#nogo', tabindex : -1, role : 'option', 'aria-selected' : false }; if ( selectOptionData[ i ].disabled ) { thisAAttr[ 'aria-disabled' ] = selectOptionData[ i ].disabled; } if ( selectOptionData[ i ].typeahead ) { thisAAttr[ 'typeahead' ] = selectOptionData[ i ].typeahead; } var thisA = $('<a/>', thisAAttr); var thisLi = $('<li/>', thisLiAttr) .append(thisA) .data('index', i) .addClass(selectOptionData[i].classes) .data('optionClasses', selectOptionData[i].classes || '') .bind("mouseup.selectmenu", function(event) { if (self._safemouseup && !self._disabled(event.currentTarget) && !self._disabled($( event.currentTarget ).parents( "ul>li." + self.widgetBaseClass + "-group " )) ) { var changed = $(this).data('index') != self._selectedIndex(); self.index($(this).data('index')); self.select(event); if (changed) { self.change(event); } self.close(event, true); } return false; }) .bind("click.selectmenu", function() { return false; }) .bind('mouseover.selectmenu focus.selectmenu', function(e) { // no hover if diabled if (!$(e.currentTarget).hasClass(self.namespace + '-state-disabled') && !$(e.currentTarget).parent("ul").parent("li").hasClass(self.namespace + '-state-disabled')) { self._selectedOptionLi().addClass(activeClass); self._focusedOptionLi().removeClass(self.widgetBaseClass + '-item-focus ui-state-hover'); $(this).removeClass('ui-state-active').addClass(self.widgetBaseClass + '-item-focus ui-state-hover'); } }) .bind('mouseout.selectmenu blur.selectmenu', function() { if ($(this).is(self._selectedOptionLi().selector)) { $(this).addClass(activeClass); } $(this).removeClass(self.widgetBaseClass + '-item-focus ui-state-hover'); }); // optgroup or not... if ( selectOptionData[i].parentOptGroup.length ) { var optGroupName = self.widgetBaseClass + '-group-' + this.element.find( 'optgroup' ).index( selectOptionData[i].parentOptGroup ); if (this.list.find( 'li.' + optGroupName ).length ) { this.list.find( 'li.' + optGroupName + ':last ul' ).append( thisLi ); } else { $(' <li role="presentation" class="' + self.widgetBaseClass + '-group ' + optGroupName + (selectOptionData[i].parentOptGroup.attr("disabled") ? ' ' + this.namespace + '-state-disabled" aria-disabled="true"' : '"' ) + '><span class="' + self.widgetBaseClass + '-group-label">' + selectOptionData[i].parentOptGroup.attr('label') + '</span><ul></ul></li> ') .appendTo( this.list ) .find( 'ul' ) .append( thisLi ); } } else { thisLi.appendTo(this.list); } // append icon if option is specified if (o.icons) { for (var j in o.icons) { if (thisLi.is(o.icons[j].find)) { thisLi .data('optionClasses', selectOptionData[i].classes + ' ' + self.widgetBaseClass + '-hasIcon') .addClass(self.widgetBaseClass + '-hasIcon'); var iconClass = o.icons[j].icon || ""; thisLi .find('a:eq(0)') .prepend('<span class="' + self.widgetBaseClass + '-item-icon ui-icon ' + iconClass + '"></span>'); if (selectOptionData[i].bgImage) { thisLi.find('span').css('background-image', selectOptionData[i].bgImage); } } } } } } else { $('<li role="presentation"><a href="#nogo" tabindex="-1" role="option"></a></li>').appendTo(this.list); } // we need to set and unset the CSS classes for dropdown and popup style var isDropDown = ( o.style == 'dropdown' ); this.newelement .toggleClass( self.widgetBaseClass + '-dropdown', isDropDown ) .toggleClass( self.widgetBaseClass + '-popup', !isDropDown ); this.list .toggleClass( self.widgetBaseClass + '-menu-dropdown ui-corner-bottom', isDropDown ) .toggleClass( self.widgetBaseClass + '-menu-popup ui-corner-all', !isDropDown ) // add corners to top and bottom menu items .find( 'li:first' ) .toggleClass( 'ui-corner-top', !isDropDown ) .end().find( 'li:last' ) .addClass( 'ui-corner-bottom' ); this.selectmenuIcon .toggleClass( 'ui-icon-triangle-1-s', isDropDown ) .toggleClass( 'ui-icon-triangle-2-n-s', !isDropDown ); // transfer classes to selectmenu and list if ( o.transferClasses ) { var transferClasses = this.element.attr( 'class' ) || ''; this.newelement.add( this.list ).addClass( transferClasses ); } // set menu width to either menuWidth option value, width option value, or select width if ( o.style == 'dropdown' ) { this.list.width( o.menuWidth ? o.menuWidth : o.width ); } else { this.list.width( o.menuWidth ? o.menuWidth : o.width - o.handleWidth ); } // reset height to auto this.list.css( 'height', 'auto' ); var listH = this.listWrap.height(); // calculate default max height if ( o.maxHeight && o.maxHeight < listH ) { this.list.height( o.maxHeight ); } else { var winH = $( window ).height() / 3; if ( winH < listH ) this.list.height( winH ); } // save reference to actionable li's (not group label li's) this._optionLis = this.list.find( 'li:not(.' + self.widgetBaseClass + '-group)' ); // transfer disabled state if ( this.element.attr( 'disabled' ) ) { this.disable(); } else { this.enable() } // update value this.index( this._selectedIndex() ); // needed when selectmenu is placed at the very bottom / top of the page window.setTimeout( function() { self._refreshPosition(); }, 200 ); }, destroy: function() { this.element.removeData( this.widgetName ) .removeClass( this.widgetBaseClass + '-disabled' + ' ' + this.namespace + '-state-disabled' ) .removeAttr( 'aria-disabled' ) .unbind( ".selectmenu" ); // TODO unneded as event binding has been disabled // $( window ).unbind( ".selectmenu" ); $( document ).unbind( ".selectmenu" ); // unbind click on label, reset its for attr $( 'label[for=' + this.newelement.attr('id') + ']' ) .attr( 'for', this.element.attr( 'id' ) ) .unbind( '.selectmenu' ); this.newelementWrap.remove(); this.listWrap.remove(); this.element.show(); // call widget destroy function $.Widget.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments); }, _typeAhead: function( code, eventType ){ var self = this, focusFound = false, C = String.fromCharCode(code).toUpperCase(); c = C.toLowerCase(); if ( self.options.typeAhead == 'sequential' ) { // clear the timeout so we can use _prevChar window.clearTimeout('ui.selectmenu-' + self.selectmenuId); // define our find var var find = typeof( self._prevChar ) == 'undefined' ? '' : self._prevChar.join( '' ); function focusOptSeq( elem, ind, c ){ focusFound = true; $( elem ).trigger( eventType ); typeof( self._prevChar ) == 'undefined' ? self._prevChar = [ c ] : self._prevChar[ self._prevChar.length ] = c; } this.list.find( 'li a' ).each( function( i ) { if ( !focusFound ) { // allow the typeahead attribute on the option tag for a more specific lookup var thisText = $( this ).attr( 'typeahead' ) || $(this).text(); if ( thisText.indexOf( find + C ) === 0 ) { focusOptSeq( this, i, C ); } else if (thisText.indexOf(find+c) === 0 ) { focusOptSeq( this, i, c ); } } }); // set a 1 second timeout for sequenctial typeahead // keep this set even if we have no matches so it doesnt typeahead somewhere else window.setTimeout( function( el ) { self._prevChar = undefined; }, 1000, self ); } else { // define self._prevChar if needed if ( !self._prevChar ) { self._prevChar = [ '' , 0 ]; } focusFound = false; function focusOpt( elem, ind ){ focusFound = true; $( elem ).trigger( eventType ); self._prevChar[ 1 ] = ind; } this.list.find( 'li a' ).each(function( i ){ if (!focusFound){ var thisText = $(this).text(); if ( thisText.indexOf( C ) === 0 || thisText.indexOf( c ) === 0 ) { if (self._prevChar[0] == C){ if ( self._prevChar[ 1 ] < i ){ focusOpt( this, i ); } } else{ focusOpt( this, i ); } } } }); this._prevChar[ 0 ] = C; } }, // returns some usefull information, called by callbacks only _uiHash: function() { var index = this.index(); return { index: index, option: $("option", this.element).get(index), value: this.element[0].value }; }, open: function(event) { var self = this, o = this.options; if ( self.newelement.attr("aria-disabled") != 'true' ) { self._closeOthers(event); self.newelement.addClass('ui-state-active'); self.listWrap.appendTo( o.appendTo ); self.list.attr('aria-hidden', false); if ( o.style == "dropdown" ) { self.newelement.removeClass('ui-corner-all').addClass('ui-corner-top'); } self.listWrap.addClass( self.widgetBaseClass + '-open' ); // positioning needed for IE7 (tested 01.08.11 on MS VPC Image) // see https://github.com/fnagel/jquery-ui/issues/147 if ( $.browser.msie && $.browser.version.substr( 0,1 ) == 7 ) { self._refreshPosition(); } var selected = self.list.attr('aria-hidden', false).find('li:not(.' + self.widgetBaseClass + '-group):eq(' + self._selectedIndex() + '):visible a'); if (selected.length) selected[0].focus(); // positioning needed for FF, Chrome, IE8, IE7, IE6 (tested 01.08.11 on MS VPC Image) self._refreshPosition(); self._trigger("open", event, self._uiHash()); } }, close: function(event, retainFocus) { if ( this.newelement.is('.ui-state-active') ) { this.newelement .removeClass('ui-state-active'); this.listWrap.removeClass(this.widgetBaseClass + '-open'); this.list.attr('aria-hidden', true); if ( this.options.style == "dropdown" ) { this.newelement.removeClass('ui-corner-top').addClass('ui-corner-all'); } if ( retainFocus ) { this.newelement.focus(); } this._trigger("close", event, this._uiHash()); } }, change: function(event) { this.element.trigger("change"); this._trigger("change", event, this._uiHash()); }, select: function(event) { if (this._disabled(event.currentTarget)) { return false; } this._trigger("select", event, this._uiHash()); }, _closeOthers: function(event) { $('.' + this.widgetBaseClass + '.ui-state-active').not(this.newelement).each(function() { $(this).data('selectelement').selectmenu('close', event); }); $('.' + this.widgetBaseClass + '.ui-state-hover').trigger('mouseout'); }, _toggle: function(event, retainFocus) { if ( this.list.parent().is('.' + this.widgetBaseClass + '-open') ) { this.close(event, retainFocus); } else { this.open(event); } }, _formatText: function(text) { return (this.options.format ? this.options.format(text) : text); }, _selectedIndex: function() { return this.element[0].selectedIndex; }, _selectedOptionLi: function() { return this._optionLis.eq(this._selectedIndex()); }, _focusedOptionLi: function() { return this.list.find('.' + this.widgetBaseClass + '-item-focus'); }, _moveSelection: function(amt, recIndex) { // do nothing if disabled if (!this.options.disabled) { var currIndex = parseInt(this._selectedOptionLi().data('index') || 0, 10); var newIndex = currIndex + amt; // do not loop when using up key if (newIndex < 0) { newIndex = 0; } if (newIndex > this._optionLis.size() - 1) { newIndex = this._optionLis.size() - 1; } // Occurs when a full loop has been made if (newIndex === recIndex) { return false; } if (this._optionLis.eq(newIndex).hasClass( this.namespace + '-state-disabled' )) { // if option at newIndex is disabled, call _moveFocus, incrementing amt by one (amt > 0) ? ++amt : --amt; this._moveSelection(amt, newIndex); } else { return this._optionLis.eq(newIndex).trigger('mouseup'); } } }, _moveFocus: function(amt, recIndex) { if (!isNaN(amt)) { var currIndex = parseInt(this._focusedOptionLi().data('index') || 0, 10); var newIndex = currIndex + amt; } else { var newIndex = parseInt(this._optionLis.filter(amt).data('index'), 10); } if (newIndex < 0) { newIndex = 0; } if (newIndex > this._optionLis.size() - 1) { newIndex = this._optionLis.size() - 1; } //Occurs when a full loop has been made if (newIndex === recIndex) { return false; } var activeID = this.widgetBaseClass + '-item-' + Math.round(Math.random() * 1000); this._focusedOptionLi().find('a:eq(0)').attr('id', ''); if (this._optionLis.eq(newIndex).hasClass( this.namespace + '-state-disabled' )) { // if option at newIndex is disabled, call _moveFocus, incrementing amt by one (amt > 0) ? ++amt : --amt; this._moveFocus(amt, newIndex); } else { this._optionLis.eq(newIndex).find('a:eq(0)').attr('id',activeID).focus(); } this.list.attr('aria-activedescendant', activeID); }, _scrollPage: function(direction) { var numPerPage = Math.floor(this.list.outerHeight() / this.list.find('li:first').outerHeight()); numPerPage = (direction == 'up' ? -numPerPage : numPerPage); this._moveFocus(numPerPage); }, _setOption: function(key, value) { this.options[key] = value; // set if (key == 'disabled') { this.close(); this.element .add(this.newelement) .add(this.list)[value ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']( this.widgetBaseClass + '-disabled' + ' ' + this.namespace + '-state-disabled') .attr("aria-disabled", value); } }, disable: function(index, type){ // if options is not provided, call the parents disable function if ( typeof( index ) == 'undefined' ) { this._setOption( 'disabled', true ); } else { if ( type == "optgroup" ) { this._disableOptgroup(index); } else { this._disableOption(index); } } }, enable: function(index, type) { // if options is not provided, call the parents enable function if ( typeof( index ) == 'undefined' ) { this._setOption('disabled', false); } else { if ( type == "optgroup" ) { this._enableOptgroup(index); } else { this._enableOption(index); } } }, _disabled: function(elem) { return $(elem).hasClass( this.namespace + '-state-disabled' ); }, _disableOption: function(index) { var optionElem = this._optionLis.eq(index); if (optionElem) { optionElem.addClass(this.namespace + '-state-disabled') .find("a").attr("aria-disabled", true); this.element.find("option").eq(index).attr("disabled", "disabled"); } }, _enableOption: function(index) { var optionElem = this._optionLis.eq(index); if (optionElem) { optionElem.removeClass( this.namespace + '-state-disabled' ) .find("a").attr("aria-disabled", false); this.element.find("option").eq(index).removeAttr("disabled"); } }, _disableOptgroup: function(index) { var optGroupElem = this.list.find( 'li.' + this.widgetBaseClass + '-group-' + index ); if (optGroupElem) { optGroupElem.addClass(this.namespace + '-state-disabled') .attr("aria-disabled", true); this.element.find("optgroup").eq(index).attr("disabled", "disabled"); } }, _enableOptgroup: function(index) { var optGroupElem = this.list.find( 'li.' + this.widgetBaseClass + '-group-' + index ); if (optGroupElem) { optGroupElem.removeClass(this.namespace + '-state-disabled') .attr("aria-disabled", false); this.element.find("optgroup").eq(index).removeAttr("disabled"); } }, index: function(newValue) { if (arguments.length) { if (!this._disabled($(this._optionLis[newValue]))) { this.element[0].selectedIndex = newValue; this._refreshValue(); } else { return false; } } else { return this._selectedIndex(); } }, value: function(newValue) { if (arguments.length) { this.element[0].value = newValue; this._refreshValue(); } else { return this.element[0].value; } }, _refreshValue: function() { var activeClass = (this.options.style == "popup") ? " ui-state-active" : ""; var activeID = this.widgetBaseClass + '-item-' + Math.round(Math.random() * 1000); // deselect previous this.list .find('.' + this.widgetBaseClass + '-item-selected') .removeClass(this.widgetBaseClass + "-item-selected" + activeClass) .find('a') .attr('aria-selected', 'false') .attr('id', ''); // select new this._selectedOptionLi() .addClass(this.widgetBaseClass + "-item-selected" + activeClass) .find('a') .attr('aria-selected', 'true') .attr('id', activeID); // toggle any class brought in from option var currentOptionClasses = (this.newelement.data('optionClasses') ? this.newelement.data('optionClasses') : ""); var newOptionClasses = (this._selectedOptionLi().data('optionClasses') ? this._selectedOptionLi().data('optionClasses') : ""); this.newelement .removeClass(currentOptionClasses) .data('optionClasses', newOptionClasses) .addClass( newOptionClasses ) .find('.' + this.widgetBaseClass + '-status') .html( this._selectedOptionLi() .find('a:eq(0)') .html() ); this.list.attr('aria-activedescendant', activeID); }, _refreshPosition: function() { var o = this.options; // if its a native pop-up we need to calculate the position of the selected li if ( o.style == "popup" && !o.positionOptions.offset ) { var selected = this._selectedOptionLi(); var _offset = "0 -" + ( selected.outerHeight() + selected.offset().top - this.list.offset().top ); } // update zIndex if jQuery UI is able to process var zIndexElement = this.element.zIndex(); if ( zIndexElement ) { this.listWrap.css( 'zIndex', zIndexElement ); } this.listWrap.position({ // set options for position plugin of: o.positionOptions.of || this.newelement, my: o.positionOptions.my, at: o.positionOptions.at, offset: o.positionOptions.offset || _offset, collision: o.positionOptions.collision || 'flip' }); } }); })(jQuery);