namespace :gitlab do desc "GITLAB | Check the configuration of GitLab and its environment" task check: %w{gitlab:env:check gitlab:app:check gitlab:gitolite:check gitlab:resque:check} namespace :app do desc "GITLAB | Check the configuration of the GitLab Rails app" task check: :environment do print "config/database.yml............" if File.exists?(Rails.root.join "config", "database.yml") puts "exists".green else puts "missing".red return end print "config/gitlab.yml............" if File.exists?(Rails.root.join "config", "gitlab.yml") puts "exists".green else puts "missing".red return end end end namespace :env do desc "GITLAB | Check the configuration of the environment" task check: :environment do end end namespace :gitolite do desc "GITLAB | Check the configuration of Gitolite" task check: :environment do git_base_path = Gitlab.config.git_base_path print "#{git_base_path}............" if File.exists?(git_base_path) puts "exists".green else puts "missing".red return end print "#{git_base_path} is writable?............" if File.stat(git_base_path).writable? puts "YES".green else puts "NO".red return end FileUtils.rm_rf("/tmp/gitolite_gitlab_test") begin `git clone -q #{Gitlab.config.gitolite_admin_uri} /tmp/gitolite_gitlab_test` raise unless $?.success? print "Can clone gitolite-admin?............" puts "YES".green rescue print "Can clone gitolite-admin?............" puts "NO".red return end begin Dir.chdir("/tmp/gitolite_gitlab_test") do `touch blah && git add blah && git commit -qm blah -- blah` raise unless $?.success? end print "Can git commit?............" puts "YES".green rescue print "Can git commit?............" puts "NO".red return ensure FileUtils.rm_rf("/tmp/gitolite_gitlab_test") end print "UMASK for .gitolite.rc is 0007? ............" if open(File.absolute_path("#{git_base_path}/../.gitolite.rc")).grep(/UMASK([ \t]*)=([ \t>]*)0007/).any? puts "YES".green else puts "NO".red return end gitolite_hooks_path = File.join(Gitlab.config.git_hooks_path, "common") gitlab_hook_files = ['post-receive'] gitlab_hook_files.each do |file_name| dest = File.join(gitolite_hooks_path, file_name) print "#{dest} exists? ............" if File.exists?(dest) puts "YES".green else puts "NO".red return end end if Project.count > 0 puts "\nValidating projects repositories:".yellow Project.find_each(:batch_size => 100) do |project| print "* #{}....." hook_file = File.join(project.path_to_repo, 'hooks', 'post-receive') unless File.exists?(hook_file) puts "post-receive file missing".red next end original_content ='lib', 'hooks', 'post-receive')) new_content = if original_content == new_content puts "post-receive file ok".green else puts "post-receive file content does not match".red end end end end end namespace :resque do desc "GITLAB | Check the configuration of Resque" task check: :environment do end end end