require 'digest/md5' module ApplicationHelper def gravatar_icon(user_email = '', size = 40) return unless user_email gravatar_host = request.ssl? ? "" : "" user_email.strip! "#{gravatar_host}/avatar/#{Digest::MD5.hexdigest(user_email.downcase)}?s=#{size}&d=identicon" end def request_protocol request.ssl? ? "https" : "http" end def web_app_url "#{request_protocol}://#{Gitlab.config.web_host}/" end def last_commit(project) if project.repo_exists? time_ago_in_words(project.commit.committed_date) + " ago" else "Never" end rescue "Never" end def grouped_options_refs(destination = :tree) options = [ ["Branch", ], [ "Tag", @project.tags ] ] # If reference is commit id - # we should add it to branch/tag selectbox if(@ref && !options.flatten.include?(@ref) && @ref =~ /^[0-9a-zA-Z]{6,52}$/) options << ["Commit", [@ref]] end grouped_options_for_select(options, @ref || @project.default_branch) end def gfm(text, html_options = {}) return text if text.nil? raise "@project is not set" if @project.nil? # Extract pre blocks # from extractions = {} text.gsub!(%r{
|.*?}m) do |match| md5 = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(match) extractions[md5] = match "{gfm-extraction-#{md5}}" end # match 1 2 3 4 5 6 text.gsub!(/(\W)?(@([\w\._]+)|[#!$](\d+)|([\h]{6,40}))(\W)?/) do |match| prefix = $1 reference = $2 user_name = $3 issue_id = $4 merge_request_id = $4 snippet_id = $4 commit_id = $5 suffix = $6 # TODO: add popups with additional information ref_link = case reference # team member: @foo when /^@/ user = @project.users.where(:name => user_name).first member = @project.users_projects.where(:user_id => user).first if user link_to("@#{user_name}", project_team_member_path(@project, member), html_options.merge(:class => "gfm gfm-team_member #{html_options[:class]}")) if member # issue: #123 when /^#/ # avoid HTML entities unless prefix.try(:end_with?, "&") && suffix.try(:start_with?, ";") issue = @project.issues.where(:id => issue_id).first link_to("##{issue_id}", project_issue_path(@project, issue), html_options.merge(:title => "Issue: #{issue.title}", :class => "gfm gfm-issue #{html_options[:class]}")) if issue end # merge request: !123 when /^!/ merge_request = @project.merge_requests.where(:id => merge_request_id).first link_to("!#{merge_request_id}", project_merge_request_path(@project, merge_request), html_options.merge(:title => "Merge Request: #{merge_request.title}", :class => "gfm gfm-merge_request #{html_options[:class]}")) if merge_request # snippet: $123 when /^\$/ snippet = @project.snippets.where(:id => snippet_id).first link_to("$#{snippet_id}", project_snippet_path(@project, snippet), html_options.merge(:title => "Snippet: #{snippet.title}", :class => "gfm gfm-snippet #{html_options[:class]}")) if snippet # commit: 123456... when /^\h/ commit = @project.commit(commit_id) link_to(commit_id, project_commit_path(@project, :id =>, html_options.merge(:title => "Commit: #{commit.author_name} - #{}", :class => "gfm gfm-commit #{html_options[:class]}")) if commit end # case ref_link.nil? ? match : "#{prefix}#{ref_link}#{suffix}" end # gsub # Insert pre block extractions text.gsub!(/\{gfm-extraction-(\h{32})\}/) do extractions[$1] end text.html_safe end # circumvents nesting links, which will behave bad in browsers def link_to_gfm(body, url, html_options = {}) gfm_body = gfm(body, html_options) gfm_body.gsub!(%r{.*?}m) do |match| "#{match}#{link_to("", url, html_options)[0..-5]}" # "".length +1 end link_to(gfm_body.html_safe, url, html_options) end def markdown(text) @__renderer ||=, filter_html: true, with_toc_data: true), { no_intra_emphasis: true, tables: true, fenced_code_blocks: true, autolink: true, strikethrough: true, lax_html_blocks: true, space_after_headers: true, superscript: true }) @__renderer.render(text).html_safe end def search_autocomplete_source projects ={ |p| { :label =>, :url => project_path(p) } } default_nav = [ { :label => "Profile", :url => profile_path }, { :label => "Keys", :url => keys_path }, { :label => "Dashboard", :url => root_path }, { :label => "Admin", :url => admin_root_path } ] project_nav = [] if @project && !@project.new_record? project_nav = [ { :label => "#{} / Issues", :url => project_issues_path(@project) }, { :label => "#{} / Wall", :url => wall_project_path(@project) }, { :label => "#{} / Tree", :url => tree_project_ref_path(@project, @project.root_ref) }, { :label => "#{} / Commits", :url => project_commits_path(@project) }, { :label => "#{} / Team", :url => team_project_path(@project) } ] end [projects, default_nav, project_nav].flatten.to_json end def ldap_enable? Devise.omniauth_providers.include?(:ldap) end def app_theme Gitlab::Theme.css_class_by_id(current_user.try(:theme_id)) end def show_last_push_widget?(event) event && event.last_push_to_non_root? && !event.rm_ref? && event.project && event.project.merge_requests_enabled end def tab_class(tab_key) active = case tab_key # Project Area when :wall; wall_tab? when :wiki; controller.controller_name == "wikis" when :issues; issues_tab? when :network; current_page?(:controller => "projects", :action => "graph", :id => @project) when :merge_requests; controller.controller_name == "merge_requests" # Dashboard Area when :help; controller.controller_name == "help" when :search; current_page?(search_path) when :dash_issues; current_page?(dashboard_issues_path) when :dash_mr; current_page?(dashboard_merge_requests_path) when :root; current_page?(dashboard_path) || current_page?(root_path) # Profile Area when :profile; current_page?(:controller => "profile", :action => :show) when :password; current_page?(:controller => "profile", :action => :password) when :token; current_page?(:controller => "profile", :action => :token) when :design; current_page?(:controller => "profile", :action => :design) when :ssh_keys; controller.controller_name == "keys" # Admin Area when :admin_root; controller.controller_name == "dashboard" when :admin_users; controller.controller_name == 'users' when :admin_projects; controller.controller_name == "projects" when :admin_emails; controller.controller_name == 'mailer' when :admin_resque; controller.controller_name == 'resque' when :admin_logs; controller.controller_name == 'logs' else false end active ? "current" : nil end def hexdigest(string) Digest::SHA1.hexdigest string end end