## List merge requests

Get all MR for this project.

GET /projects/:id/merge_requests


+ `id` (required) - The ID of a project

            "username": "admin",
            "username": "admin",

## Show MR

Show information about MR.

GET /projects/:id/merge_request/:merge_request_id


+ `id` (required) - The ID of a project
+ `merge_request_id` (required) - The ID of MR

        "username": "admin",
        "username": "admin",

## Create MR

Create MR.

POST /projects/:id/merge_requests


+ `id` (required) - The ID of a project
+ `source_branch` (required) - The source branch
+ `target_branch` (required) - The target branch
+ `assignee_id`              - Assignee user ID
+ `title` (required)         - Title of MR

        "username": "admin",
        "username": "admin",

## Update MR

Update MR. You can change branches, title, or even close the MR.

PUT /projects/:id/merge_request/:merge_request_id


+ `id` (required)               - The ID of a project
+ `merge_request_id` (required) - ID of MR
+ `source_branch`               - The source branch
+ `target_branch`               - The target branch
+ `assignee_id`                 - Assignee user ID
+ `title`                       - Title of MR
+ `closed`                      - Status of MR. true - closed

        "username": "admin",
        "username": "admin",
## Post comment to MR

Post comment to MR

POST /projects/:id/merge_request/:merge_request_id/comments


+ `id` (required) - The ID of a project
+ `merge_request_id` (required) - ID of MR
+ `note` (required) - Text of comment

Will return created note with status `201 Created` on success, or `404 Not found` on fail.

        "username": "admin",