- if current_user.require_ssh_key? %ul.errors_holder %li You have no ssh keys added to your profile. %li You wont be able to pull/push repository. %li Visit profile → keys and add public key of every machine you want to use for work with gitlabhq. %ul.alert_holder %li You should push repository to proceed. %li After push you will be able to browse code, commits etc. - bash_lexer = Pygments::Lexer[:bash] %div.git-empty %h3 Git global setup: - setup_str = ["git config --global user.name \"#{current_user.name}\"", "git config --global user.email \"#{current_user.email}\""].join("\n") = raw bash_lexer.highlight(setup_str) %br %br %h3 Create Repository - repo_setup_str = ["mkdir #{@project.path}", "cd #{@project.path}", "git init", "touch README", "git add README", "git commit -m 'first commit'", "git remote add origin #{@project.url_to_repo}", "git push -u origin master"].join("\n") = raw bash_lexer.highlight(repo_setup_str) %br %br %h3 Existing Git Repo? - exist_repo_setup_str = ["cd existing_git_repo", "git remote add origin #{@project.url_to_repo}", "git push -u origin master"].join("\n") = raw bash_lexer.highlight(exist_repo_setup_str)