module Notes class LoadContext < BaseContext def execute target_type = params[:target_type] target_id = params[:target_id] after_id = params[:after_id] before_id = params[:before_id] @notes = case target_type when "commit" project.commit_notes(project.commit(target_id)).fresh when "issue" project.issues.find(target_id).notes.inc_author.fresh when "merge_request" project.merge_requests.find(target_id).mr_and_commit_notes.inc_author.fresh when "snippet" project.snippets.find(target_id).notes.fresh when "wall" # this is the only case, where the order is DESC project.common_notes.order("created_at DESC, id DESC").limit(50) end @notes = if after_id @notes.where("id > ?", after_id) elsif before_id @notes.where("id < ?", before_id) else @notes end end end end