class ProjectsController < ApplicationController before_filter :project, :except => [:index, :new, :create] layout :determine_layout # Authorize before_filter :add_project_abilities before_filter :authorize_read_project!, :except => [:index, :new, :create] before_filter :authorize_admin_project!, :only => [:edit, :update, :destroy] before_filter :require_non_empty_project, :only => [:blob, :tree] def index @projects = current_user.projects.all end def new @project = end def edit end def create @project =[:project]) @project.owner = current_user Project.transaction do! @project.users_projects.create!(:admin => true, :read => true, :write => true, :user => current_user) end respond_to do |format| if @project.valid? format.html { redirect_to @project, notice: 'Project was successfully created.' } format.js else format.html { render action: "new" } format.js end end rescue Gitosis::AccessDenied render :js => "location.href = '#{errors_gitosis_path}'" and return rescue StandardError => ex @project.errors.add(:base, "Cant save project. Please try again later") respond_to do |format| format.html { render action: "new" } format.js end end def update respond_to do |format| if project.update_attributes(params[:project]) format.html { redirect_to project, :notice => 'Project was successfully updated.' } format.js else format.html { render action: "edit" } format.js end end end def show return render "projects/empty" unless @project.repo_exists? @date = case params[:view] when "week" then - 7.days when "day" then else nil end if @date @date = @date.at_beginning_of_day @commits = @project.commits_since(@date) @messages = project.notes.since(@date).order("created_at DESC") else @commits = @project.fresh_commits @messages = project.notes.fresh.limit(10) end end # # Wall # def wall @note = @notes = @project.common_notes.order("created_at DESC") @notes = @notes.fresh.limit(20) respond_to do |format| format.html format.js { respond_with_notes } end end # # Repository preview # def tree load_refs # load @branch, @tag & @ref @repo = project.repo if params[:commit_id] @commit = @repo.commits(params[:commit_id]).first else @commit = @repo.commits(@ref || "master").first end @tree = @commit.tree @tree = @tree / params[:path] if params[:path] respond_to do |format| format.html # show.html.erb format.js do # diasbale cache to allow back button works response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate" response.headers["Pragma"] = "no-cache" response.headers["Expires"] = "Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT" end end rescue return render_404 end def blob @repo = project.repo @commit = project.commit(params[:commit_id]) @tree = project.tree(@commit, params[:path]) if @tree.is_a?(Grit::Blob) send_data(, :type => @tree.mime_type, :disposition => 'inline', :filename => else head(404) end rescue return render_404 end def destroy project.destroy respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to projects_url } end end protected def project @project ||= Project.find_by_code(params[:id]) end def determine_layout if @project && !@project.new_record? "project" else "application" end end end