- bash_lexer = Pygments::Lexer[:bash] %div.help_content %h2 Gitlabhq %span.right v2.1 %hr %h3 Self Hosted Git Management %h3 Fast, secure and stable solution based on Ruby on Rails & Gitolite. %hr .menu %h3= link_to "Workflow", "#", :class => "active" .content %h3 Clone project .bash %pre git clone git@example.com:project-name.git %h3 Create branch with your feature .bash %pre git checkout -b $feature_name %h3 Write code. Commit changes .bash %pre git commit -am "My feature is ready" %h3 Push your branch to gitlabhq .bash %pre git push origin $feature_name %h3 Review your code .bash= image_tag "help_commit.png", :width => 600 %h3 Open a merge request .bash= image_tag "help_merge_request.png", :width => 600 %h3 Your team lead will review code & merge it to main branch