var NoteList = { notes_path: null, target_params: null, target_id: 0, target_type: null, top_id: 0, bottom_id: 0, loading_more_disabled: false, reversed: false, init: function(tid, tt, path) { this.notes_path = path + ".js"; this.target_id = tid; this.target_type = tt; this.reversed = $("#notes-list").is(".reversed"); this.target_params = "target_type=" + this.target_type + "&target_id=" + this.target_id; // get initial set of notes this.getContent(); $("#notes-list, #new-notes-list").on("ajax:success", ".js-note-delete", function() { $(this).closest('li').fadeOut(function() { $(this).remove(); NoteList.updateVotes(); }); }); $(".note-form-holder").on("ajax:before", function(){ $(".submit_note").disable(); }) $(".note-form-holder").on("ajax:complete", function(){ $(".submit_note").enable(); $('#preview-note').hide(); $('#note_note').show(); }) disableButtonIfEmptyField(".note-text", ".submit_note"); $("#note_attachment").change(function(e){ var val = $('.input-file').val(); var filename = val.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, ''); $(".file_name").text(filename); }); if(this.reversed) { var textarea = $(".note-text"); $('.note_advanced_opts').hide(); textarea.css("height", "40px"); textarea.on("focus", function(){ $(this).css("height", "80px"); $('.note_advanced_opts').show(); }); } // Setup note preview $(document).on('click', '#preview-link', function(e) { $('#preview-note').text('Loading...'); $(this).text($(this).text() === "Edit" ? "Preview" : "Edit"); var note_text = $('#note_note').val(); if(note_text.trim().length === 0) { $('#preview-note').text('Nothing to preview.'); } else { $.post($(this).attr('href'), {note: note_text}).success(function(data) { $('#preview-note').html(data); }); } $('#preview-note, #note_note').toggle(); e.preventDefault(); }); }, /** * Handle loading the initial set of notes. * And set up loading more notes when scrolling to the bottom of the page. */ /** * Gets an inital set of notes. */ getContent: function() { $.ajax({ url: this.notes_path, data: this.target_params, complete: function(){ $('.notes-status').removeClass("loading")}, beforeSend: function() { $('.notes-status').addClass("loading") }, dataType: "script" }); }, /** * Called in response to getContent(). * Replaces the content of #notes-list with the given html. */ setContent: function(newNoteIds, html) { this.top_id = newNoteIds.first(); this.bottom_id = newNoteIds.last(); $("#notes-list").html(html); // init infinite scrolling this.initLoadMore(); // init getting new notes if (this.reversed) { this.initRefreshNew(); } }, /** * Handle loading more notes when scrolling to the bottom of the page. * The id of the last note in the list is in this.bottom_id. * * Set up refreshing only new notes after all notes have been loaded. */ /** * Initializes loading more notes when scrolling to the bottom of the page. */ initLoadMore: function() { $(document).endlessScroll({ bottomPixels: 400, fireDelay: 1000, fireOnce:true, ceaseFire: function() { return NoteList.loading_more_disabled; }, callback: function(i) { NoteList.getMore(); } }); }, /** * Gets an additional set of notes. */ getMore: function() { // only load more notes if there are no "new" notes $('.loading').show(); $.ajax({ url: this.notes_path, data: this.target_params + "&loading_more=1&" + (this.reversed ? "before_id" : "after_id") + "=" + this.bottom_id, complete: function(){ $('.notes-status').removeClass("loading")}, beforeSend: function() { $('.notes-status').addClass("loading") }, dataType: "script" }); }, /** * Called in response to getMore(). * Append notes to #notes-list. */ appendMoreNotes: function(newNoteIds, html) { var lastNewNoteId = newNoteIds.last(); if(lastNewNoteId != this.bottom_id) { this.bottom_id = lastNewNoteId; $("#notes-list").append(html); } }, /** * Called in response to getMore(). * Disables loading more notes when scrolling to the bottom of the page. * Initalizes refreshing new notes. */ finishedLoadingMore: function() { this.loading_more_disabled = true; // from now on only get new notes if (!this.reversed) { this.initRefreshNew(); } // make sure we are up to date this.updateVotes(); }, /** * Handle refreshing and adding of new notes. * * New notes are all notes that are created after the site has been loaded. * The "old" notes are in #notes-list the "new" ones will be in #new-notes-list. * The id of the last "old" note is in this.bottom_id. */ /** * Initializes getting new notes every n seconds. */ initRefreshNew: function() { setInterval("NoteList.getNew()", 10000); }, /** * Gets the new set of notes. */ getNew: function() { $.ajax({ url: this.notes_path, data: this.target_params + "&loading_new=1&after_id=" + (this.reversed ? this.top_id : this.bottom_id), dataType: "script" }); }, /** * Called in response to getNew(). * Replaces the content of #new-notes-list with the given html. */ replaceNewNotes: function(newNoteIds, html) { $("#new-notes-list").html(html); this.updateVotes(); }, /** * Adds a single note to #new-notes-list. */ appendNewNote: function(id, html) { if (this.reversed) { $("#new-notes-list").prepend(html); } else { $("#new-notes-list").append(html); } this.updateVotes(); }, /** * Recalculates the votes and updates them (if they are displayed at all). * * Assumes all relevant notes are displayed (i.e. there are no more notes to * load via getMore()). * Might produce inaccurate results when not all notes have been loaded and a * recalculation is triggered (e.g. when deleting a note). */ updateVotes: function() { var votes = $("#votes .votes"); var notes = $("#notes-list, #new-notes-list").find(".note .vote"); // only update if there is a vote display if (votes.size()) { var upvotes = notes.filter(".upvote").size(); var downvotes = notes.filter(".downvote").size(); var votesCount = upvotes + downvotes; var upvotesPercent = votesCount ? (100.0 / votesCount * upvotes) : 0; var downvotesPercent = votesCount ? (100.0 - upvotesPercent) : 0; // change vote bar lengths votes.find(".bar-success").css("width", upvotesPercent+"%"); votes.find(".bar-danger").css("width", downvotesPercent+"%"); // replace vote numbers votes.find(".upvotes").text(votes.find(".upvotes").text().replace(/\d+/, upvotes)); votes.find(".downvotes").text(votes.find(".downvotes").text().replace(/\d+/, downvotes)); } } }; var PerLineNotes = { init: function() { $(".per_line_form .hide-button").on("click", function(){ $(this).closest(".per_line_form").hide(); return false; }); /** * Called when clicking on the "add note" or "reply" button for a diff line. * * Shows the note form below the line. * Sets some hidden fields in the form. */ $(".diff_file_content").on("click", ".js-note-add-to-diff-line", function(e) { var form = $(".per_line_form"); $(this).closest("tr").after(form); form.find("#note_line_code").val($(this).data("lineCode")); form.find("#note_noteable_type").val($(this).data("noteableType")); form.find("#note_noteable_id").val($(this).data("noteableId"));; e.preventDefault(); }); disableButtonIfEmptyField(".line-note-text", ".submit_inline_note"); /** * Called in response to successfully deleting a note on a diff line. * * Removes the actual note from view. * Removes the reply button if the last note for that line has been removed. */ $(".diff_file_content").on("ajax:success", ".js-note-delete", function() { var trNote = $(this).closest("tr"); trNote.fadeOut(function() { $(this).remove(); }); // check if this is the last note for this line // elements must really be removed for this to work reliably var trLine = trNote.prev(); var trRpl =; if (".line_holder") &&".reply")) { trRpl.fadeOut(function() { $(this).remove(); }); } }); } }