module TabHelper # Navigation link helper # # Returns an `li` element with an 'active' class if the supplied # controller(s) and/or action(s) are currently active. The content of the # element is the value passed to the block. # # options - The options hash used to determine if the element is "active" (default: {}) # :controller - One or more controller names to check (optional). # :action - One or more action names to check (optional). # :path - A shorthand path, such as 'dashboard#index', to check (optional). # :html_options - Extra options to be passed to the list element (optional). # block - An optional block that will become the contents of the returned # `li` element. # # When both :controller and :action are specified, BOTH must match in order # to be marked as active. When only one is given, either can match. # # Examples # # # Assuming we're on TreeController#show # # # Controller matches, but action doesn't # nav_link(controller: [:tree, :refs], action: :edit) { "Hello" } # # => '
  • Hello
  • ' # # # Controller matches # nav_link(controller: [:tree, :refs]) { "Hello" } # # => '
  • Hello
  • ' # # # Shorthand path # nav_link(path: 'tree#show') { "Hello" } # # => '
  • Hello
  • ' # # # Supplying custom options for the list element # nav_link(controller: :tree, html_options: {class: 'home'}) { "Hello" } # # => '
  • Hello
  • ' # # Returns a list item element String def nav_link(options = {}, &block) if path = options.delete(:path) if path.respond_to?(:each) c = { |p| p.split('#').first } a = { |p| p.split('#').last } else c, a, _ = path.split('#') end else c = options.delete(:controller) a = options.delete(:action) end if c && a # When given both options, make sure BOTH are active klass = current_controller?(*c) && current_action?(*a) ? 'active' : '' else # Otherwise check EITHER option klass = current_controller?(*c) || current_action?(*a) ? 'active' : '' end # Add our custom class into the html_options, which may or may not exist # and which may or may not already have a :class key o = options.delete(:html_options) || {} o[:class] ||= '' o[:class] += ' ' + klass o[:class].strip! if block_given? content_tag(:li, capture(&block), o) else content_tag(:li, nil, o) end end def project_tab_class [:files, :edit].each do |action| return "active" if current_page?(controller: "projects", action: action, id: @project) end if ['snippets', 'services', 'hooks', 'deploy_keys', 'team_members'].include? controller.controller_name "active" end end def branches_tab_class if current_page?(branches_project_repository_path(@project)) || current_controller?(:protected_branches) || current_page?(project_repository_path(@project)) 'active' end end # Use nav_tab for save controller/action but different params def nav_tab key, value, &block o = {} o[:class] = "" o[:class] << " active" if params[key] == value if block_given? content_tag(:li, capture(&block), o) else content_tag(:li, nil, o) end end end