Given /^project "(.*?)" have "(.*?)" open issue$/ do |arg1, arg2| project = Project.find_by_name(arg1) Factory.create(:issue, :title => arg2, :project => project, :author => project.users.first) end Given /^project "(.*?)" have "(.*?)" closed issue$/ do |arg1, arg2| project = Project.find_by_name(arg1) Factory.create(:issue, :title => arg2, :project => project, :author => project.users.first, :closed => true) end Given /^I should see "(.*?)" in issues$/ do |arg1| page.should have_content arg1 end Given /^I should not see "(.*?)" in issues$/ do |arg1| page.should_not have_content arg1 end Then /^I should see issue "(.*?)"$/ do |arg1| issue = Issue.find_by_title(arg1) page.should have_content issue.title page.should have_content issue.author_name page.should have_content end Given /^I submit new issue "(.*?)"$/ do |arg1| fill_in "issue_title", with: arg1 click_button "Submit new issue" end Given /^project "(.*?)" have issues tags:$/ do |arg1, table| project = Project.find_by_name(arg1) table.hashes.each do |hash| Factory :issue, project: project, label_list: [hash[:name]] end end Given /^I visit project "(.*?)" labels page$/ do |arg1| visit project_labels_path(Project.find_by_name(arg1)) end Then /^I should see label "(.*?)"$/ do |arg1| within ".labels-table" do page.should have_content arg1 end end Given /^I fill in issue search with "(.*?)"$/ do |arg1| # Because fill_in, with: "" triggers nothing # we need to trigger a keyup event if arg1 == '' page.execute_script("$('.issue_search').val('').keyup();"); end fill_in 'issue_search', with: arg1 end When /^I select milestone "(.*?)"$/ do |milestone_title| select milestone_title, from: "milestone_id" end Then /^I should see selected milestone with title "(.*?)"$/ do |milestone_title| issues_milestone_selector = "#issue_milestone_id_chzn/a" wait_until{ page.has_content?("Details") } page.find(issues_milestone_selector).should have_content(milestone_title) end When /^I select first assignee from "(.*?)" project$/ do |project_name| project = Project.find_by_name project_name first_assignee = project.users.first select, from: "assignee_id" end Then /^I should see first assignee from "(.*?)" as selected assignee$/ do |project_name| issues_assignee_selector = "#issue_assignee_id_chzn/a" wait_until{ page.has_content?("Details") } project = Project.find_by_name project_name assignee_name = page.find(issues_assignee_selector).should have_content(assignee_name) end