require 'spec_helper' describe "Top Panel", :js => true do before { login_as :user } describe "Search autocomplete" do before do visit projects_path fill_in "search", :with => "Ke" within ".ui-autocomplete" do find(:xpath, "//a[.=\"Keys\"]").click end end it "should be on projects page" do current_path.should == keys_path end end describe "with project" do before do @project = Factory :project @project.add_access(@user, :read) visit project_path(@project) fill_in "search", :with => "Commi" within ".ui-autocomplete" do find(:xpath, "//a[.=\"#{@project.code} / Commits\"]").click end end it "should be on projects page" do current_path.should == project_commits_path(@project) end end end