@Wall = note_ids: [] notes_path: null notes_params: null project_id: null init: (project_id) -> Wall.project_id = project_id Wall.notes_path = "/api/" + gon.api_version + "/projects/" + project_id + "/notes.json" Wall.getContent() Wall.initRefresh() Wall.initForm() # # Gets an initial set of notes. # getContent: -> $.ajax url: Wall.notes_path, data: private_token: gon.api_token gfm: true recent: true dataType: "json" success: (notes) -> notes.sort (a, b) -> return a.id - b.id $.each notes, (i, note)-> if $.inArray(note.id, Wall.note_ids) == -1 Wall.note_ids.push(note.id) Wall.renderNote(note) Wall.scrollDown() complete: -> $('.js-notes-busy').removeClass("loading") beforeSend: -> $('.js-notes-busy').addClass("loading") renderNote: (note) -> author = '' + note.author.name + '' body = '' + note.body + '' file = '' if note.attachment file = '' + note.attachment + '' html = '
  • ' + author + body + file + '
  • ' $('ul.notes').append(html) initRefresh: -> setInterval("Wall.refresh()", 10000) refresh: -> Wall.getContent() scrollDown: -> notes = $('ul.notes') $('body').scrollTop(notes.height()) initForm: -> form = $('.new_note') form.find("#target_type").val('wall') # remove unnecessary fields and buttons form.find("#note_line_code").remove() form.find(".js-close-discussion-note-form").remove() form.find('.js-notify-commit-author').remove() form.on 'ajax:success', -> Wall.refresh() form.find(".js-note-text").val("").trigger("input") form.on 'ajax:complete', -> form.find(".js-comment-button").removeAttr('disabled') form.find(".js-comment-button").removeClass('disabled') form.on "click", ".js-choose-note-attachment-button", -> form.find(".js-note-attachment-input").click() form.on "change", ".js-note-attachment-input", -> filename = $(this).val().replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, '') form.find(".js-attachment-filename").text(filename) form.show()