Commit graph

9 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Abe Voelker 76ebdd051f Fix gl-setup PATH warning when executing gl-system-install.
My git user uses bash (so .bash_profile), but I think it should work the same for sh shell.

Full warning message:

                ***** WARNING *****
gl-setup is not in your $PATH.

Since gl-setup MUST be run from the PATH (and not as src/gl-setup or such),
you must fix this before running gl-setup.  The simplest way is to add


to the end of your bashrc or similar file.  You can even simply run that
command manually each time you log in and want to run a gitolite command.

Run /home/git/gitolite/src/gl-system-install -h for a detailed usage message.
2012-04-01 13:15:18 -05:00
Tom Van Looy 2adbb3b345 $ wget
--2012-03-21 13:52:34--
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [application/x-tar]
Saving to: `ruby-1.9.2-p290.tar.gz'

    [               <=>                     ] 54,691,840  3.37M/s   in 18s     

2012-03-21 13:52:53 (2.85 MB/s) - `ruby-1.9.2-p290.tar.gz' saved [54691840]

[tom.vanlooy@itr232l ~/Desktop]
$ file ruby-1.9.2-p290.tar.gz 
ruby-1.9.2-p290.tar.gz: POSIX tar archive (GNU)
2012-03-21 13:53:38 +01:00
Valeriy Sizov f4646f970e fix install guide 2012-03-16 14:58:49 +02:00
Dmitriy Zaporozhets cf68adda4b fixed service docs 2012-03-15 20:06:26 +02:00
Dmitriy Zaporozhets 5fdcbedab4 add resque to gitlab service 2012-03-15 19:49:36 +02:00
sylis 5ba2f01cec Added needed new line for code in markdown 2012-03-13 23:07:13 +01:00
Dmitriy Zaporozhets 4b4dc9e483 en version 2012-03-13 20:19:03 +02:00
Valery Sizov 23bf72dc48 manual: fixed 2012-03-12 14:51:21 +02:00
Valery Sizov 7a6b7a5c50 added new manual 2012-03-12 14:47:57 +02:00