diff --git a/app/controllers/refs_controller.rb b/app/controllers/refs_controller.rb index d180e708..a261f2a8 100644 --- a/app/controllers/refs_controller.rb +++ b/app/controllers/refs_controller.rb @@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ class RefsController < ApplicationController @repo = project.repo @commit = project.commit(@ref) + @commit = CommitDecorator.decorate(@commit) @tree = Tree.new(@commit.tree, project, @ref, params[:path]) @tree = TreeDecorator.new(@tree) @hex_path = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(params[:path] || "/") diff --git a/app/helpers/application_helper.rb b/app/helpers/application_helper.rb index ce1ff151..06cfa5b6 100644 --- a/app/helpers/application_helper.rb +++ b/app/helpers/application_helper.rb @@ -42,8 +42,88 @@ module ApplicationHelper grouped_options_for_select(options, @ref || @project.default_branch) end + def gfm(text, html_options = {}) + return text if text.nil? + raise "@project is not set" if @project.nil? + + # Extract pre blocks + # from http://github.github.com/github-flavored-markdown/ + extractions = {} + text.gsub!(%r{
|.*?}m) do |match| + md5 = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(match) + extractions[md5] = match + "{gfm-extraction-#{md5}}" + end + + # match 1 2 3 4 5 6 + text.gsub!(/(\W)?(@([\w\._]+)|[#!$](\d+)|([\h]{6,40}))(\W)?/) do |match| + prefix = $1 + reference = $2 + user_name = $3 + issue_id = $4 + merge_request_id = $4 + snippet_id = $4 + commit_id = $5 + suffix = $6 + + # TODO: add popups with additional information + ref_link = case reference + + # team member: @foo + when /^@/ + user = @project.users.where(:name => user_name).first + member = @project.users_projects.where(:user_id => user).first if user + link_to("@#{user_name}", project_team_member_path(@project, member), html_options.merge(:class => "gfm gfm-team_member #{html_options[:class]}")) if member + + # issue: #123 + when /^#/ + # avoid HTML entities + unless prefix.try(:end_with?, "&") && suffix.try(:start_with?, ";") + issue = @project.issues.where(:id => issue_id).first + link_to("##{issue_id}", project_issue_path(@project, issue), html_options.merge(:title => "Issue: #{issue.title}", :class => "gfm gfm-issue #{html_options[:class]}")) if issue + end + + # merge request: !123 + when /^!/ + merge_request = @project.merge_requests.where(:id => merge_request_id).first + link_to("!#{merge_request_id}", project_merge_request_path(@project, merge_request), html_options.merge(:title => "Merge Request: #{merge_request.title}", :class => "gfm gfm-merge_request #{html_options[:class]}")) if merge_request + + # snippet: $123 + when /^\$/ + snippet = @project.snippets.where(:id => snippet_id).first + link_to("$#{snippet_id}", project_snippet_path(@project, snippet), html_options.merge(:title => "Snippet: #{snippet.title}", :class => "gfm gfm-snippet #{html_options[:class]}")) if snippet + + # commit: 123456... + when /^\h/ + commit = @project.commit(commit_id) + link_to(commit_id, project_commit_path(@project, :id => commit.id), html_options.merge(:title => "Commit: #{commit.author_name} - #{CommitDecorator.new(commit).title}", :class => "gfm gfm-commit #{html_options[:class]}")) if commit + + end # case + + ref_link.nil? ? match : "#{prefix}#{ref_link}#{suffix}" + end # gsub + + # Insert pre block extractions + text.gsub!(/\{gfm-extraction-(\h{32})\}/) do + extractions[$1] + end + + text.html_safe + end + + # circumvents nesting links, which will behave bad in browsers + def link_to_gfm(body, url, html_options = {}) + gfm_body = gfm(body, html_options) + + gfm_body.gsub!(%r{.*?}m) do |match| + "#{match}#{link_to("", url, html_options)[0..-5]}" # "".length +1 + end + + link_to(gfm_body.html_safe, url, html_options) + end + def markdown(text) - @__renderer ||= Redcarpet::Markdown.new(Redcarpet::Render::GitlabHTML.new({ filter_html: true, with_toc_data: true }), { + @__renderer ||= Redcarpet::Markdown.new(Redcarpet::Render::GitlabHTML.new(self, filter_html: true, with_toc_data: true), { no_intra_emphasis: true, tables: true, fenced_code_blocks: true, diff --git a/app/helpers/commits_helper.rb b/app/helpers/commits_helper.rb index fa87632d..16ecfb1f 100644 --- a/app/helpers/commits_helper.rb +++ b/app/helpers/commits_helper.rb @@ -1,22 +1,4 @@ module CommitsHelper - def commit_msg_with_link_to_issues(project, message) - return '' unless message - out = '' - message.split(/(#[0-9]+)/m).each do |m| - if m =~ /(#([0-9]+))/m - begin - issue = project.issues.find($2) - out += link_to($1, project_issue_path(project, $2)) - rescue - out += $1 - end - else - out += m - end - end - preserve out - end - def identification_type(line) if line[0] == "+" "new" diff --git a/app/mailers/notify.rb b/app/mailers/notify.rb index 2ce940c3..ea404247 100644 --- a/app/mailers/notify.rb +++ b/app/mailers/notify.rb @@ -16,59 +16,69 @@ class Notify < ActionMailer::Base def new_issue_email(issue_id) @issue = Issue.find(issue_id) - mail(:to => @issue.assignee_email, :subject => "gitlab | New Issue was created") + @project = @issue.project + mail(:to => @issue.assignee_email, :subject => "gitlab | new issue ##{@issue.id} | #{@issue.title} | #{@project.name}") end def note_wall_email(recipient_id, note_id) recipient = User.find(recipient_id) @note = Note.find(note_id) - mail(:to => recipient.email, :subject => "gitlab | #{@note.project_name} ") + @project = @note.project + mail(:to => recipient.email, :subject => "gitlab | #{@project.name}") end def note_commit_email(recipient_id, note_id) recipient = User.find(recipient_id) @note = Note.find(note_id) @commit = @note.target - mail(:to => recipient.email, :subject => "gitlab | note for commit | #{@note.project_name} ") + @commit = CommitDecorator.decorate(@commit) + @project = @note.project + mail(:to => recipient.email, :subject => "gitlab | note for commit #{@commit.short_id} | #{@commit.title} | #{@project.name}") end def note_merge_request_email(recipient_id, note_id) recipient = User.find(recipient_id) @note = Note.find(note_id) @merge_request = @note.noteable - mail(:to => recipient.email, :subject => "gitlab | note for merge request | #{@note.project_name} ") + @project = @note.project + mail(:to => recipient.email, :subject => "gitlab | note for merge request !#{@merge_request.id} | #{@project.name}") end def note_issue_email(recipient_id, note_id) recipient = User.find(recipient_id) @note = Note.find(note_id) @issue = @note.noteable - mail(:to => recipient.email, :subject => "gitlab | note for issue #{@issue.id} | #{@note.project_name} ") + @project = @note.project + mail(:to => recipient.email, :subject => "gitlab | note for issue ##{@issue.id} | #{@project.name}") end def note_wiki_email(recipient_id, note_id) recipient = User.find(recipient_id) @note = Note.find(note_id) @wiki = @note.noteable - mail(:to => recipient.email, :subject => "gitlab | note for wiki | #{@note.project_name}") + @project = @note.project + mail(:to => recipient.email, :subject => "gitlab | note for wiki | #{@project.name}") end def new_merge_request_email(merge_request_id) @merge_request = MergeRequest.find(merge_request_id) - mail(:to => @merge_request.assignee_email, :subject => "gitlab | new merge request | #{@merge_request.title} ") + @project = @merge_request.project + mail(:to => @merge_request.assignee_email, :subject => "gitlab | new merge request !#{@merge_request.id} | #{@merge_request.title} | #{@project.name}") end def reassigned_merge_request_email(recipient_id, merge_request_id, previous_assignee_id) recipient = User.find(recipient_id) @merge_request = MergeRequest.find(merge_request_id) @previous_assignee ||= User.find(previous_assignee_id) - mail(:to => recipient.email, :subject => "gitlab | merge request changed | #{@merge_request.title} ") + @project = @merge_request.project + mail(:to => recipient.email, :subject => "gitlab | changed merge request !#{@merge_request.id} | #{@merge_request.title} | #{@project.name}") end def reassigned_issue_email(recipient_id, issue_id, previous_assignee_id) recipient = User.find(recipient_id) @issue = Issue.find(issue_id) @previous_assignee ||= User.find(previous_assignee_id) - mail(:to => recipient.email, :subject => "gitlab | changed issue | #{@issue.title} ") + @project = @issue.project + mail(:to => recipient.email, :subject => "gitlab | changed issue ##{@issue.id} | #{@issue.title} | #{@project.name}") end end diff --git a/app/views/commits/_commit.html.haml b/app/views/commits/_commit.html.haml index 98241614..b4f8f91f 100644 --- a/app/views/commits/_commit.html.haml +++ b/app/views/commits/_commit.html.haml @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ %strong.cgray= commit.author_name – = image_tag gravatar_icon(commit.author_email), :class => "avatar", :width => 16 - = link_to truncate(commit.title, :length => 50), project_commit_path(@project, :id => commit.id), :class => "row_title" + = link_to_gfm truncate(commit.title, :length => 50), project_commit_path(@project, :id => commit.id), :class => "row_title" %span.committed_ago = time_ago_in_words(commit.committed_date) diff --git a/app/views/commits/_commit_box.html.haml b/app/views/commits/_commit_box.html.haml index 6994de4a..5edaaf9b 100644 --- a/app/views/commits/_commit_box.html.haml +++ b/app/views/commits/_commit_box.html.haml @@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ = link_to tree_project_ref_path(@project, @commit.id), :class => "browse-button primary grouped" do %strong Browse Code ยป %h3.commit-title.page_title - = commit_msg_with_link_to_issues(@project, @commit.title) + = gfm @commit.title - if @commit.description.present? %pre.commit-description - = commit_msg_with_link_to_issues(@project, @commit.description) + = gfm @commit.description .commit-info .row .span4 diff --git a/app/views/commits/index.atom.builder b/app/views/commits/index.atom.builder index 86c9fc04..cca70456 100644 --- a/app/views/commits/index.atom.builder +++ b/app/views/commits/index.atom.builder @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ xml.feed "xmlns" => "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom", "xmlns:media" => "http://sear xml.name commit.author_name xml.email commit.author_email end - xml.summary commit.description + xml.summary gfm(commit.description) end end end diff --git a/app/views/dashboard/issues.html.haml b/app/views/dashboard/issues.html.haml index ca87fc6f..5b20bffe 100644 --- a/app/views/dashboard/issues.html.haml +++ b/app/views/dashboard/issues.html.haml @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - if @issues.any? - @issues.group_by(&:project).each do |group| %div.ui-box - - project = group[0] - %h5= project.name + - @project = group[0] + %h5= @project.name %ul.unstyled.issues_table - group[1].each do |issue| = render(:partial => 'issues/show', :locals => {:issue => issue}) diff --git a/app/views/dashboard/merge_requests.html.haml b/app/views/dashboard/merge_requests.html.haml index 407bf532..11176102 100644 --- a/app/views/dashboard/merge_requests.html.haml +++ b/app/views/dashboard/merge_requests.html.haml @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ - if @merge_requests.any? - @merge_requests.group_by(&:project).each do |group| %ul.unstyled.ui-box - - project = group[0] - %h5= project.name + - @project = group[0] + %h5= @project.name - group[1].each do |merge_request| = render(:partial => 'merge_requests/merge_request', :locals => {:merge_request => merge_request}) %hr diff --git a/app/views/events/_commit.html.haml b/app/views/events/_commit.html.haml index d6c55461..ca0f29e2 100644 --- a/app/views/events/_commit.html.haml +++ b/app/views/events/_commit.html.haml @@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ %strong.cdark= commit.author_name – = image_tag gravatar_icon(commit.author_email), :class => "avatar", :width => 16 - = truncate(commit.title, :length => 50) rescue "--broken encoding" + = gfm truncate(commit.title, :length => 50), project_commit_path(project, :id => commit.id) rescue "--broken encoding" diff --git a/app/views/issues/_show.html.haml b/app/views/issues/_show.html.haml index 37f17370..ed27bddd 100644 --- a/app/views/issues/_show.html.haml +++ b/app/views/issues/_show.html.haml @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ - else = image_tag "no_avatar.png", :class => "avatar" - %p= link_to truncate(issue.title, :length => 100), project_issue_path(issue.project, issue), :class => "row_title" + %p= link_to_gfm truncate(issue.title, :length => 100), project_issue_path(issue.project, issue), :class => "row_title" %span.update-author %small.cdark= "##{issue.id}" diff --git a/app/views/issues/show.html.haml b/app/views/issues/show.html.haml index 4e8bcb89..c653377a 100644 --- a/app/views/issues/show.html.haml +++ b/app/views/issues/show.html.haml @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ .alert-message.error.status_info Closed - else .alert-message.success.status_info Open - = @issue.title + = gfm @issue.title .middle_box_content %cite.cgray Created by @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ - if @issue.milestone - milestone = @issue.milestone %cite.cgray and attached to milestone - %strong= link_to truncate(milestone.title, :length => 20), project_milestone_path(milestone.project, milestone) + %strong= link_to_gfm truncate(milestone.title, :length => 20), project_milestone_path(milestone.project, milestone) .right - @issue.labels.each do |label| diff --git a/app/views/merge_requests/_merge_request.html.haml b/app/views/merge_requests/_merge_request.html.haml index 5cd9b9b2..59af97a3 100644 --- a/app/views/merge_requests/_merge_request.html.haml +++ b/app/views/merge_requests/_merge_request.html.haml @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ = merge_request.target_branch = image_tag gravatar_icon(merge_request.author_email), :class => "avatar" - %p= link_to truncate(merge_request.title, :length => 80), project_merge_request_path(merge_request.project, merge_request), :class => "row_title" + %p= link_to_gfm truncate(merge_request.title, :length => 80), project_merge_request_path(merge_request.project, merge_request), :class => "row_title" %span.update-author %small.cdark= "##{merge_request.id}" diff --git a/app/views/merge_requests/show/_mr_box.html.haml b/app/views/merge_requests/show/_mr_box.html.haml index b542dac9..bb8bf1ce 100644 --- a/app/views/merge_requests/show/_mr_box.html.haml +++ b/app/views/merge_requests/show/_mr_box.html.haml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ .alert-message.error.status_info Closed - else .alert-message.success.status_info Open - = @merge_request.title + = gfm @merge_request.title .middle_box_content %div diff --git a/app/views/milestones/_milestone.html.haml b/app/views/milestones/_milestone.html.haml index 81ec92ef..06cf6304 100644 --- a/app/views/milestones/_milestone.html.haml +++ b/app/views/milestones/_milestone.html.haml @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ - if can? current_user, :admin_milestone, milestone.project = link_to 'Edit', edit_project_milestone_path(milestone.project, milestone), :class => "btn small edit-milestone-link grouped" %h4 - = link_to truncate(milestone.title, :length => 100), project_milestone_path(milestone.project, milestone), :class => "row_title" + = link_to_gfm truncate(milestone.title, :length => 100), project_milestone_path(milestone.project, milestone), :class => "row_title" %small = milestone.expires_at %br diff --git a/app/views/milestones/show.html.haml b/app/views/milestones/show.html.haml index 7ec49b55..1a731810 100644 --- a/app/views/milestones/show.html.haml +++ b/app/views/milestones/show.html.haml @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ .alert-message.error.status_info Closed - else .alert-message.success.status_info Open - = @milestone.title + = gfm @milestone.title %small.right= @milestone.expires_at .middle_box_content @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ = link_to [@project, issue] do %span.badge.badge-info ##{issue.id} – - = link_to truncate(issue.title, :length => 60), [@project, issue] + = link_to_gfm truncate(issue.title, :length => 60), [@project, issue] %br = paginate @issues, :theme => "gitlab" diff --git a/app/views/notify/new_issue_email.html.haml b/app/views/notify/new_issue_email.html.haml index dd6f50c0..08eea553 100644 --- a/app/views/notify/new_issue_email.html.haml +++ b/app/views/notify/new_issue_email.html.haml @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ %td{:style => "font-size: 1px; line-height: 1px;", :width => "21"} %td{:align => "left", :style => "padding: 20px 0 0;"} %h2{:style => "color:#646464 !important; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; line-height: 26px; font-size: 18px; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; "} - = link_to project_issue_url(@issue.project, @issue), :title => @issue.title do - = "Issue ##{@issue.id.to_s}" - = truncate(@issue.title, :length => 45) + = "Issue ##{@issue.id}" + = link_to_gfm truncate(@issue.title, :length => 45), project_issue_url(@issue.project, @issue), :title => @issue.title %br diff --git a/app/views/notify/new_merge_request_email.html.haml b/app/views/notify/new_merge_request_email.html.haml index f7ec01e8..4bacff50 100644 --- a/app/views/notify/new_merge_request_email.html.haml +++ b/app/views/notify/new_merge_request_email.html.haml @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ %td{:style => "font-size: 1px; line-height: 1px;", :width => "21"} %td{:align => "left", :style => "padding: 20px 0 0;"} %h2{:style => "color:#646464; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; line-height: 26px; font-size: 18px; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; "} - New Merge Request - = link_to truncate(@merge_request.title, :length => 16), project_merge_request_url(@merge_request.project, @merge_request) + = "New Merge Request !#{@merge_request.id}" + = link_to_gfm truncate(@merge_request.title, :length => 16), project_merge_request_url(@merge_request.project, @merge_request) %td{:style => "font-size: 1px; line-height: 1px;", :width => "21"} %tr %td{:style => "font-size: 1px; line-height: 1px;", :width => "21"} diff --git a/app/views/notify/note_commit_email.html.haml b/app/views/notify/note_commit_email.html.haml index 99b89632..6994f1a6 100644 --- a/app/views/notify/note_commit_email.html.haml +++ b/app/views/notify/note_commit_email.html.haml @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ %td{:style => "font-size: 1px; line-height: 1px;", :width => "21"} %td{:align => "left", :style => "padding: 20px 0 0;"} %h2{:style => "color:#646464; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; line-height: 26px; font-size: 18px; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; "} - New comment for commit - = link_to truncate(@commit.id.to_s, :length => 16), project_commit_url(@note.project, :id => @commit.id, :anchor => "note_#{@note.id}") + = "New comment for Commit #{@commit.short_id}" + = link_to_gfm truncate(@commit.title, :length => 16), project_commit_url(@note.project, :id => @commit.id, :anchor => "note_#{@note.id}") %td{:style => "font-size: 1px; line-height: 1px;", :width => "21"} %tr %td{:style => "font-size: 1px; line-height: 1px;", :width => "21"} diff --git a/app/views/notify/note_issue_email.html.haml b/app/views/notify/note_issue_email.html.haml index 17d58bde..34d9b800 100644 --- a/app/views/notify/note_issue_email.html.haml +++ b/app/views/notify/note_issue_email.html.haml @@ -4,10 +4,8 @@ %td{:style => "font-size: 1px; line-height: 1px;", :width => "21"} %td{:align => "left", :style => "padding: 20px 0 0;"} %h2{:style => "color:#646464 !important; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; line-height: 26px; font-size: 18px; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; "} - New comment - - = link_to project_issue_url(@issue.project, @issue, :anchor => "note_#{@note.id}") do - = "Issue ##{@issue.id.to_s}" - = truncate(@issue.title, :length => 35) + = "New comment for Issue ##{@issue.id}" + = link_to_gfm truncate(@issue.title, :length => 35), project_issue_url(@issue.project, @issue, :anchor => "note_#{@note.id}") %td{:style => "font-size: 1px; line-height: 1px;", :width => "21"} %tr %td{:style => "font-size: 1px; line-height: 1px;", :width => "21"} diff --git a/app/views/notify/note_merge_request_email.html.haml b/app/views/notify/note_merge_request_email.html.haml index 9c2284a6..20e7679d 100644 --- a/app/views/notify/note_merge_request_email.html.haml +++ b/app/views/notify/note_merge_request_email.html.haml @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ %td{:style => "font-size: 1px; line-height: 1px;", :width => "21"} %td{:align => "left", :style => "padding: 20px 0 0;"} %h2{:style => "color:#646464; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; line-height: 26px; font-size: 18px; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; "} - New comment for Merge Request - = link_to truncate(@merge_request.title, :length => 16), project_merge_request_url(@merge_request.project, @merge_request, :anchor => "note_#{@note.id}") + = "New comment for Merge Request !#{@merge_request.id}" + = link_to_gfm truncate(@merge_request.title, :length => 16), project_merge_request_url(@merge_request.project, @merge_request, :anchor => "note_#{@note.id}") %td{:style => "font-size: 1px; line-height: 1px;", :width => "21"} %tr %td{:style => "font-size: 1px; line-height: 1px;", :width => "21"} diff --git a/app/views/notify/note_wiki_email.html.haml b/app/views/notify/note_wiki_email.html.haml index 91270682..59131951 100644 --- a/app/views/notify/note_wiki_email.html.haml +++ b/app/views/notify/note_wiki_email.html.haml @@ -4,9 +4,8 @@ %td{:style => "font-size: 1px; line-height: 1px;", :width => "21"} %td{:align => "left", :style => "padding: 20px 0 0;"} %h2{:style => "color:#646464 !important; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; line-height: 26px; font-size: 18px; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; "} - New comment - - = link_to project_issue_url(@wiki.project, @wiki, :anchor => "note_#{@note.id}") do - = "Wiki ##{@wiki.title.to_s}" + New comment for Wiki page + = link_to_gfm @wiki.title, project_issue_url(@wiki.project, @wiki, :anchor => "note_#{@note.id}") %td{:style => "font-size: 1px; line-height: 1px;", :width => "21"} %tr %td{:style => "font-size: 1px; line-height: 1px;", :width => "21"} diff --git a/app/views/notify/reassigned_issue_email.html.haml b/app/views/notify/reassigned_issue_email.html.haml index 43579b27..26ddc133 100644 --- a/app/views/notify/reassigned_issue_email.html.haml +++ b/app/views/notify/reassigned_issue_email.html.haml @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ %td{:style => "font-size: 1px; line-height: 1px;", :width => "21"} %td{:align => "left", :style => "padding: 20px 0 0;"} %h2{:style => "color:#646464; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; line-height: 26px; font-size: 18px; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; "} - Reassigned Issue - = link_to truncate(@issue.title, :length => 16), project_issue_url(@issue.project, @issue) + = "Reassigned Issue ##{@issue.id}" + = link_to_gfm truncate(@issue.title, :length => 16), project_issue_url(@issue.project, @issue) %td{:style => "font-size: 1px; line-height: 1px;", :width => "21"} %tr %td{:style => "font-size: 1px; line-height: 1px;", :width => "21"} diff --git a/app/views/notify/reassigned_merge_request_email.html.haml b/app/views/notify/reassigned_merge_request_email.html.haml index 30b1f4fe..e9f657c1 100644 --- a/app/views/notify/reassigned_merge_request_email.html.haml +++ b/app/views/notify/reassigned_merge_request_email.html.haml @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ %td{:style => "font-size: 1px; line-height: 1px;", :width => "21"} %td{:align => "left", :style => "padding: 20px 0 0;"} %h2{:style => "color:#646464; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; line-height: 26px; font-size: 18px; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; "} - Reassigned Merge Request - = link_to truncate(@merge_request.title, :length => 16), project_merge_request_url(@merge_request.project, @merge_request) + = "Reassigned Merge Request !#{@merge_request.id}" + = link_to_gfm truncate(@merge_request.title, :length => 16), project_merge_request_url(@merge_request.project, @merge_request) %td{:style => "font-size: 1px; line-height: 1px;", :width => "21"} %tr %td{:style => "font-size: 1px; line-height: 1px;", :width => "21"} diff --git a/app/views/refs/_tree_commit.html.haml b/app/views/refs/_tree_commit.html.haml index 7da8ae1c..2c8cd932 100644 --- a/app/views/refs/_tree_commit.html.haml +++ b/app/views/refs/_tree_commit.html.haml @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ - if tm %strong= link_to "[#{tm.user_name}]", project_team_member_path(@project, tm) -= link_to truncate(content_commit.title, :length => tm ? 30 : 50), project_commit_path(@project, content_commit.id), :class => "tree-commit-link" += link_to_gfm truncate(content_commit.title, :length => tm ? 30 : 50), project_commit_path(@project, content_commit.id), :class => "tree-commit-link" diff --git a/app/views/refs/blame.html.haml b/app/views/refs/blame.html.haml index 0fc08e0c..6d036c94 100644 --- a/app/views/refs/blame.html.haml +++ b/app/views/refs/blame.html.haml @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ %td.blame_commit   %code= link_to commit.short_id, project_commit_path(@project, :id => commit.id) - = link_to truncate(commit.title, :length => 30), project_commit_path(@project, :id => commit.id), :class => "row_title" rescue "--broken encoding" + = link_to_gfm truncate(commit.title, :length => 30), project_commit_path(@project, :id => commit.id), :class => "row_title" rescue "--broken encoding" %td.lines = preserve do %pre diff --git a/app/views/repositories/_branch.html.haml b/app/views/repositories/_branch.html.haml index 3efe83ec..6b2698d9 100644 --- a/app/views/repositories/_branch.html.haml +++ b/app/views/repositories/_branch.html.haml @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ %code= commit.short_id = image_tag gravatar_icon(commit.author_email), :class => "", :width => 16 - = truncate(commit.title, :length => 40) + = gfm truncate(commit.title, :length => 40) %td %span.update-author.right = time_ago_in_words(commit.committed_date) diff --git a/app/views/repositories/_feed.html.haml b/app/views/repositories/_feed.html.haml index a9a11819..a9b9fd00 100644 --- a/app/views/repositories/_feed.html.haml +++ b/app/views/repositories/_feed.html.haml @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ = link_to project_commits_path(@project, commit.id) do %code= commit.short_id = image_tag gravatar_icon(commit.author_email), :class => "", :width => 16 - = truncate(commit.title, :length => 40) + = gfm truncate(commit.title, :length => 40) %td %span.right.cgray = time_ago_in_words(commit.committed_date) diff --git a/app/views/repositories/tags.html.haml b/app/views/repositories/tags.html.haml index d09c40e1..8db6c538 100644 --- a/app/views/repositories/tags.html.haml +++ b/app/views/repositories/tags.html.haml @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ = link_to project_commit_path(@project, commit.id) do %code= commit.short_id = image_tag gravatar_icon(commit.author_email), :class => "", :width => 16 - = truncate(commit.title, :length => 40) + = gfm truncate(commit.title, :length => 40) %td %span.update-author.right = time_ago_in_words(commit.committed_date) diff --git a/lib/redcarpet/render/gitlab_html.rb b/lib/redcarpet/render/gitlab_html.rb index 638c227c..33403ded 100644 --- a/lib/redcarpet/render/gitlab_html.rb +++ b/lib/redcarpet/render/gitlab_html.rb @@ -1,4 +1,14 @@ class Redcarpet::Render::GitlabHTML < Redcarpet::Render::HTML + + attr_reader :template + alias_method :h, :template + + def initialize(template, options = {}) + @template = template + @project = @template.instance_variable_get("@project") + super options + end + def block_code(code, language) if Pygments::Lexer.find(language) Pygments.highlight(code, :lexer => language, :options => {:encoding => 'utf-8'}) @@ -6,4 +16,8 @@ class Redcarpet::Render::GitlabHTML < Redcarpet::Render::HTML Pygments.highlight(code, :options => {:encoding => 'utf-8'}) end end + + def postprocess(full_document) + h.gfm(full_document) + end end diff --git a/spec/helpers/commit_helper_spec.rb b/spec/helpers/commit_helper_spec.rb deleted file mode 100644 index 747a28a3..00000000 --- a/spec/helpers/commit_helper_spec.rb +++ /dev/null @@ -1,67 +0,0 @@ -require "spec_helper" -include Haml::Helpers - -describe CommitsHelper do - - before do - @project = Factory :project - @other_project = Factory :project, :path => "OtherPath", :code => "OtherCode" - @fake_user = Factory :user - @valid_issue = Factory :issue, :assignee => @fake_user, :author => @fake_user, :project => @project - @invalid_issue = Factory :issue, :assignee => @fake_user, :author => @fake_user, :project => @other_project - end - - it "should provides return message untouched if no issue number present" do - message = "Dummy message without issue number" - - commit_msg_with_link_to_issues(@project, message).should eql message - end - - it "should returns message handled by preserve" do - message = "My brand new - Commit on multiple - lines !" - - #\n are converted to as specified in preserve_rspec - expected = "My brand new Commit on multiple lines !" - - commit_msg_with_link_to_issues(@project, message).should eql expected - end - - it "should returns empty string if message undefined" do - commit_msg_with_link_to_issues(@project, nil).should eql '' - end - - it "should returns link_to issue for one valid issue in message" do - issue_id = @valid_issue.id - message = "One commit message ##{issue_id}" - expected = "One commit message ##{issue_id}" - - commit_msg_with_link_to_issues(@project, message).should eql expected - end - - it "should returns message untouched for one invalid issue in message" do - issue_id = @invalid_issue.id - message = "One commit message ##{issue_id}" - - commit_msg_with_link_to_issues(@project, message).should eql message - end - - it "should handle multiple issue references in commit message" do - issue_id = @valid_issue.id - invalid_issue_id = @invalid_issue.id - - message = "One big commit message with a valid issue ##{issue_id} and an invalid one ##{invalid_issue_id}. - We reference valid ##{issue_id} multiple times (##{issue_id}) as the invalid ##{invalid_issue_id} is also - referenced another time (##{invalid_issue_id})" - - expected = "One big commit message with a valid issue ##{issue_id}"+ - " and an invalid one ##{invalid_issue_id}. "+ - "We reference valid ##{issue_id} multiple times "+ - "(##{issue_id}) "+ - "as the invalid ##{invalid_issue_id} is also referenced another time (##{invalid_issue_id})" - - commit_msg_with_link_to_issues(@project, message).should eql expected - end - -end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/spec/helpers/gitlab_flavored_markdown_spec.rb b/spec/helpers/gitlab_flavored_markdown_spec.rb new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9ba2e911 --- /dev/null +++ b/spec/helpers/gitlab_flavored_markdown_spec.rb @@ -0,0 +1,232 @@ +require "spec_helper" + +describe ApplicationHelper do + before do + @project = Project.find_by_path("gitlabhq") || Factory(:project) + @commit = @project.repo.commits.first.parents.first + @commit = CommitDecorator.decorate(Commit.new(@commit)) + @other_project = Factory :project, :path => "OtherPath", :code => "OtherCode" + @fake_user = Factory :user, :name => "fred" + end + + describe "#gfm" do + it "should raiase an error if @project is not set" do + @project = nil + + expect { gfm("foo") }.to raise_error + end + + describe "referencing a commit" do + it "should link using a full id" do + gfm("Reverts changes from #{@commit.id}").should == "Reverts changes from #{link_to @commit.id, project_commit_path(@project, :id => @commit.id), :title => "Commit: #{@commit.author_name} - #{@commit.title}", :class => "gfm gfm-commit "}" + end + + it "should link using a short id" do + gfm("Backported from #{@commit.id[0, 6]}").should == "Backported from #{link_to @commit.id[0, 6], project_commit_path(@project, :id => @commit.id), :title => "Commit: #{@commit.author_name} - #{@commit.title}", :class => "gfm gfm-commit "}" + end + + it "should link with adjecent text" do + gfm("Reverted (see #{@commit.id})").should == "Reverted (see #{link_to @commit.id, project_commit_path(@project, :id => @commit.id), :title => "Commit: #{@commit.author_name} - #{@commit.title}", :class => "gfm gfm-commit "})" + end + + it "should not link with an invalid id" do + gfm("What happened in 12345678?").should == "What happened in 12345678?" + end + end + + describe "referencing a team member" do + it "should link using a simple name" do + user = Factory :user, name: "barry" + @project.users << user + member = @project.users_projects.where(:user_id => user).first + + gfm("@#{user.name} you are right").should == "#{link_to "@#{user.name}", project_team_member_path(@project, member), :class => "gfm gfm-team_member "} you are right" + end + + it "should link using a name with dots" do + user = Factory :user, name: "alphA.Beta" + @project.users << user + member = @project.users_projects.where(:user_id => user).first + + gfm("@#{user.name} you are right").should == "#{link_to "@#{user.name}", project_team_member_path(@project, member), :class => "gfm gfm-team_member "} you are right" + end + + it "should link using name with underscores" do + user = Factory :user, name: "ping_pong_king" + @project.users << user + member = @project.users_projects.where(:user_id => user).first + + gfm("@#{user.name} you are right").should == "#{link_to "@#{user.name}", project_team_member_path(@project, member), :class => "gfm gfm-team_member "} you are right" + end + + it "should link with adjecent text" do + user = Factory.create(:user, :name => "ace") + @project.users << user + member = @project.users_projects.where(:user_id => user).first + + gfm("Mail the Admin (@#{user.name})").should == "Mail the Admin (#{link_to "@#{user.name}", project_team_member_path(@project, member), :class => "gfm gfm-team_member "})" + end + + it "should add styles" do + user = Factory :user, name: "barry" + @project.users << user + gfm("@#{user.name} you are right").should have_selector(".gfm.gfm-team_member") + end + + it "should not link using a bogus name" do + gfm("What hapened to @foo?").should == "What hapened to @foo?" + end + end + + describe "referencing an issue" do + before do + @issue = Factory :issue, :assignee => @fake_user, :author => @fake_user, :project => @project + @invalid_issue = Factory :issue, :assignee => @fake_user, :author => @fake_user, :project => @other_project + end + + it "should link using a correct id" do + gfm("Fixes ##{@issue.id}").should == "Fixes #{link_to "##{@issue.id}", project_issue_path(@project, @issue), :title => "Issue: #{@issue.title}", :class => "gfm gfm-issue "}" + end + + it "should link with adjecent text" do + gfm("This has already been discussed (see ##{@issue.id})").should == "This has already been discussed (see #{link_to "##{@issue.id}", project_issue_path(@project, @issue), :title => "Issue: #{@issue.title}", :class => "gfm gfm-issue "})" + end + + it "should add styles" do + gfm("Fixes ##{@issue.id}").should have_selector(".gfm.gfm-issue") + end + + it "should not link using an invalid id" do + gfm("##{@invalid_issue.id} has been marked duplicate of this").should == "##{@invalid_issue.id} has been marked duplicate of this" + end + end + + describe "referencing a merge request" do + before do + @merge_request = Factory :merge_request, :assignee => @fake_user, :author => @fake_user, :project => @project + @invalid_merge_request = Factory :merge_request, :assignee => @fake_user, :author => @fake_user, :project => @other_project + end + + it "should link using a correct id" do + gfm("Fixed in !#{@merge_request.id}").should == "Fixed in #{link_to "!#{@merge_request.id}", project_merge_request_path(@project, @merge_request), :title => "Merge Request: #{@merge_request.title}", :class => "gfm gfm-merge_request "}" + end + + it "should link with adjecent text" do + gfm("This has been fixed already (see !#{@merge_request.id})").should == "This has been fixed already (see #{link_to "!#{@merge_request.id}", project_merge_request_path(@project, @merge_request), :title => "Merge Request: #{@merge_request.title}", :class => "gfm gfm-merge_request "})" + end + + it "should add styles" do + gfm("Fixed in !#{@merge_request.id}").should have_selector(".gfm.gfm-merge_request") + end + + it "should not link using an invalid id" do + gfm("!#{@invalid_merge_request.id} violates our coding guidelines") + end + end + + describe "referencing a snippet" do + before do + @snippet = Factory.create(:snippet, + :title => "Render asset to string", + :author => @fake_user, + :project => @project) + end + + it "should link using a correct id" do + gfm("Check out $#{@snippet.id}").should == "Check out #{link_to "$#{@snippet.id}", project_snippet_path(@project, @snippet), :title => "Snippet: #{@snippet.title}", :class => "gfm gfm-snippet "}" + end + + it "should link with adjecent text" do + gfm("I have created a snippet for that ($#{@snippet.id})").should == "I have created a snippet for that (#{link_to "$#{@snippet.id}", project_snippet_path(@project, @snippet), :title => "Snippet: #{@snippet.title}", :class => "gfm gfm-snippet "})" + end + + it "should add styles" do + gfm("Check out $#{@snippet.id}").should have_selector(".gfm.gfm-snippet") + end + + it "should not link using an invalid id" do + gfm("Don't use $1234").should == "Don't use $1234" + end + end + + it "should link to multiple things" do + user = Factory :user, name: "barry" + @project.users << user + member = @project.users_projects.where(:user_id => user).first + + gfm("Let @#{user.name} fix the *mess* in #{@commit.id}").should == "Let #{link_to "@#{user.name}", project_team_member_path(@project, member), :class => "gfm gfm-team_member "} fix the *mess* in #{link_to @commit.id, project_commit_path(@project, :id => @commit.id), :title => "Commit: #{@commit.author_name} - #{@commit.title}", :class => "gfm gfm-commit "}" + end + + it "should not trip over other stuff", :focus => true do + gfm("_Please_ *stop* 'helping' and all the other b*$#%' you do.").should == "_Please_ *stop* 'helping' and all the other b*$#%' you do." + end + + it "should not touch HTML entities" do + gfm("We'll accept good pull requests.").should == "We'll accept good pull requests." + end + + it "should forward HTML options to links" do + gfm("fixed in #{@commit.id}", :class => "foo").should have_selector("a.foo") + end + end + + describe "#link_to_gfm" do + let(:issue1) { Factory :issue, :assignee => @fake_user, :author => @fake_user, :project => @project } + let(:issue2) { Factory :issue, :assignee => @fake_user, :author => @fake_user, :project => @project } + + it "should handle references nested in links with all the text" do + link_to_gfm("This should finally fix ##{issue1.id} and ##{issue2.id} for real", project_commit_path(@project, :id => @commit.id)).should == "#{link_to "This should finally fix ", project_commit_path(@project, :id => @commit.id)}#{link_to "##{issue1.id}", project_issue_path(@project, issue1), :title => "Issue: #{issue1.title}", :class => "gfm gfm-issue "}#{link_to " and ", project_commit_path(@project, :id => @commit.id)}#{link_to "##{issue2.id}", project_issue_path(@project, issue2), :title => "Issue: #{issue2.title}", :class => "gfm gfm-issue "}#{link_to " for real", project_commit_path(@project, :id => @commit.id)}" + end + + it "should forward HTML options" do + link_to_gfm("This should finally fix ##{issue1.id} for real", project_commit_path(@project, :id => @commit.id), :class => "foo").should have_selector(".foo") + end + end + + describe "#markdown" do + before do + @issue = Factory :issue, :assignee => @fake_user, :author => @fake_user, :project => @project + @merge_request = Factory :merge_request, :assignee => @fake_user, :author => @fake_user, :project => @project + @note = Factory.create(:note, + :note => "Screenshot of the new feature", + :project => @project, + :noteable_id => @commit.id, + :noteable_type => "Commit", + :attachment => "screenshot123.jpg") + @snippet = Factory.create(:snippet, + :title => "Render asset to string", + :author => @fake_user, + :project => @project) + + @other_user = Factory :user, name: "bill" + @project.users << @other_user + @member = @project.users_projects.where(:user_id => @other_user).first + end + + it "should handle references in paragraphs" do + markdown("\n\nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. #{@commit.id} Nam pulvinar sapien eget odio adipiscing at faucibus orci vestibulum.\n").should == "

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. #{link_to @commit.id, project_commit_path(@project, :id => @commit.id), :title => "Commit: #{@commit.author_name} - #{@commit.title}", :class => "gfm gfm-commit "} Nam pulvinar sapien eget odio adipiscing at faucibus orci vestibulum.

\n" + end + + it "should handle references in headers" do + markdown("\n# Working around ##{@issue.id} for now\n## Apply !#{@merge_request.id}").should == "

Working around #{link_to "##{@issue.id}", project_issue_path(@project, @issue), :title => "Issue: #{@issue.title}", :class => "gfm gfm-issue "} for now


Apply #{link_to "!#{@merge_request.id}", project_merge_request_path(@project, @merge_request), :title => "Merge Request: #{@merge_request.title}", :class => "gfm gfm-merge_request "}

\n" + end + + it "should handle references in lists" do + markdown("\n* dark: ##{@issue.id}\n* light by @#{@other_user.name}\n").should == "\n" + end + + it "should handle references in " do + markdown("Apply _!#{@merge_request.id}_ ASAP").should == "

Apply #{link_to "!#{@merge_request.id}", project_merge_request_path(@project, @merge_request), :title => "Merge Request: #{@merge_request.title}", :class => "gfm gfm-merge_request "} ASAP

\n" + end + + it "should leave code blocks untouched" do + markdown("\n some code from $#{@snippet.id}\n here too\n").should == "
some code from $#{@snippet.id}\nhere too\n
\n" + + markdown("\n```\nsome code from $#{@snippet.id}\nhere too\n```\n").should == "
some code from $#{@snippet.id}\nhere too\n
\n" + end + + it "should leave inline code untouched" do + markdown("\nDon't use `$#{@snippet.id}` here.\n").should == "

Don't use $#{@snippet.id} here.

\n" + end + end +end diff --git a/spec/mailers/notify_spec.rb b/spec/mailers/notify_spec.rb index 4df771b9..010f063a 100644 --- a/spec/mailers/notify_spec.rb +++ b/spec/mailers/notify_spec.rb @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ describe Notify do it_behaves_like 'an assignee email' it 'has the correct subject' do - should have_subject /New Issue was created/ + should have_subject /new issue ##{issue.id}/ end it 'contains a link to the new issue' do @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ describe Notify do it_behaves_like 'an assignee email' it 'has the correct subject' do - should have_subject /new merge request/ + should have_subject /new merge request !#{merge_request.id}/ end it 'contains a link to the new merge request' do @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ describe Notify do it_behaves_like 'a multiple recipients email' it 'has the correct subject' do - should have_subject /merge request changed/ + should have_subject /changed merge request !#{merge_request.id}/ end it 'contains the name of the previous assignee' do @@ -188,6 +188,8 @@ describe Notify do mock(:commit).tap do |commit| commit.stub(:id).and_return('fauxsha1') commit.stub(:project).and_return(project) + commit.stub(:short_id).and_return('fauxsha1') + commit.stub(:safe_message).and_return('some message') end end before(:each) { note.stub(:target).and_return(commit) } @@ -197,7 +199,7 @@ describe Notify do it_behaves_like 'a note email' it 'has the correct subject' do - should have_subject /note for commit/ + should have_subject /note for commit #{commit.short_id}/ end it 'contains a link to the commit' do @@ -215,7 +217,7 @@ describe Notify do it_behaves_like 'a note email' it 'has the correct subject' do - should have_subject /note for merge request/ + should have_subject /note for merge request !#{merge_request.id}/ end it 'contains a link to the merge request note' do @@ -233,7 +235,7 @@ describe Notify do it_behaves_like 'a note email' it 'has the correct subject' do - should have_subject /note for issue #{issue.id}/ + should have_subject /note for issue ##{issue.id}/ end it 'contains a link to the issue note' do diff --git a/spec/requests/gitlab_flavored_markdown_spec.rb b/spec/requests/gitlab_flavored_markdown_spec.rb new file mode 100644 index 00000000..06ae6841 --- /dev/null +++ b/spec/requests/gitlab_flavored_markdown_spec.rb @@ -0,0 +1,241 @@ +require 'spec_helper' + +describe "Gitlab Flavored Markdown" do + let(:project) { Factory :project } + let(:issue) { Factory :issue, :project => project } + let(:merge_request) { Factory :merge_request, :project => project } + let(:fred) do + u = Factory :user, :name => "fred" + project.users << u + u + end + + before do + # add test branch + @branch_name = "gfm-test" + r = project.repo + i = r.index + # add test file + @test_file = "gfm_test_file" + i.add(@test_file, "foo\nbar\n") + # add commit with gfm + i.commit("fix ##{issue.id}\n\nask @#{fred.name} for details", :head => @branch_name) + + # add test tag + @tag_name = "gfm-test-tag" + r.git.native(:tag, {}, @tag_name, commit.id) + end + after do + # delete test branch and tag + project.repo.git.native(:branch, {:D => true}, @branch_name) + project.repo.git.native(:tag, {:d => true}, @tag_name) + project.repo.gc_auto + end + + let(:commit) { project.commits(@branch_name).first } + + before do + login_as :user + project.add_access(@user, :read, :write) + end + + + describe "for commits" do + it "should render title in commits#index" do + visit project_commits_path(project, :ref => @branch_name) + + page.should have_link("##{issue.id}") + end + + it "should render title in commits#show" do + visit project_commit_path(project, :id => commit.id) + + page.should have_link("##{issue.id}") + end + + it "should render description in commits#show" do + visit project_commit_path(project, :id => commit.id) + + page.should have_link("@#{fred.name}") + end + + it "should render title in refs#tree", :js => true do + visit tree_project_ref_path(project, :id => @branch_name) + + within(".tree_commit") do + page.should have_link("##{issue.id}") + end + end + + it "should render title in refs#blame" do + visit blame_file_project_ref_path(project, :id => @branch_name, :path => @test_file) + + within(".blame_commit") do + page.should have_link("##{issue.id}") + end + end + + it "should render title in repositories#branches" do + visit branches_project_repository_path(project) + + page.should have_link("##{issue.id}") + end + + it "should render title in repositories#tags" do + visit tags_project_repository_path(project) + + page.should have_link("##{issue.id}") + end + end + + + describe "for issues" do + before do + @other_issue = Factory :issue, + :author => @user, + :assignee => @user, + :project => project + @issue = Factory :issue, + :author => @user, + :assignee => @user, + :project => project, + :title => "fix ##{@other_issue.id}", + :description => "ask @#{fred.name} for details" + end + + it "should render subject in issues#index" do + visit project_issues_path(project) + + page.should have_link("##{@other_issue.id}") + end + + it "should render subject in issues#show" do + visit project_issue_path(project, @issue) + + page.should have_link("##{@other_issue.id}") + end + + it "should render details in issues#show" do + visit project_issue_path(project, @issue) + + page.should have_link("@#{fred.name}") + end + end + + + describe "for merge requests" do + before do + @merge_request = Factory :merge_request, + :project => project, + :title => "fix ##{issue.id}" + end + + it "should render title in merge_requests#index" do + visit project_merge_requests_path(project) + + page.should have_link("##{issue.id}") + end + + it "should render title in merge_requests#show" do + visit project_merge_request_path(project, @merge_request) + + page.should have_link("##{issue.id}") + end + end + + + describe "for milestones" do + before do + @milestone = Factory :milestone, + :project => project, + :title => "fix ##{issue.id}", + :description => "ask @#{fred.name} for details" + end + + it "should render title in milestones#index" do + visit project_milestones_path(project) + + page.should have_link("##{issue.id}") + end + + it "should render title in milestones#show" do + visit project_milestone_path(project, @milestone) + + page.should have_link("##{issue.id}") + end + + it "should render description in milestones#show" do + visit project_milestone_path(project, @milestone) + + page.should have_link("@#{fred.name}") + end + end + + + describe "for notes" do + it "should render in commits#show", :js => true do + visit project_commit_path(project, :id => commit.id) + fill_in "note_note", :with => "see ##{issue.id}" + click_button "Add Comment" + + page.should have_link("##{issue.id}") + end + + it "should render in issue#show", :js => true do + visit project_issue_path(project, issue) + fill_in "note_note", :with => "see ##{issue.id}" + click_button "Add Comment" + + page.should have_link("##{issue.id}") + end + + it "should render in merge_request#show", :js => true do + visit project_merge_request_path(project, merge_request) + fill_in "note_note", :with => "see ##{issue.id}" + click_button "Add Comment" + + page.should have_link("##{issue.id}") + end + + it "should render in projects#wall", :js => true do + visit wall_project_path(project) + fill_in "note_note", :with => "see ##{issue.id}" + click_button "Add Comment" + + page.should have_link("##{issue.id}") + end + + it "should render in wikis#index", :js => true do + visit project_wiki_path(project, :index) + fill_in "Title", :with => 'Test title' + fill_in "Content", :with => '[link test](test)' + click_on "Save" + + fill_in "note_note", :with => "see ##{issue.id}" + click_button "Add Comment" + + page.should have_link("##{issue.id}") + end + end + + + describe "for wikis" do + before do + visit project_wiki_path(project, :index) + fill_in "Title", :with => "Circumvent ##{issue.id}" + fill_in "Content", :with => "# Other pages\n\n* [Foo](foo)\n* [Bar](bar)\n\nAlso look at ##{issue.id} :-)" + click_on "Save" + end + + it "should NOT render title in wikis#show" do + within(".content h3") do # page title + page.should have_content("Circumvent ##{issue.id}") + page.should_not have_link("##{issue.id}") + end + end + + it "should render content in wikis#show" do + page.should have_link("##{issue.id}") + end + end +end