Rebuild team area
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 81 additions and 116 deletions
@ -11,6 +11,12 @@ table {
&.headless {
tr:first-child td{
border-top: 1px solid #CCC;
th {
font-weight: bold;
vertical-align: middle;
@ -1,20 +1,4 @@
class Teams::ProjectsController < Teams::ApplicationController
skip_before_filter :authorize_manage_user_team!, only: [:index]
def index
@projects = user_team.projects
@avaliable_projects = current_user.admin? ? Project.without_team(user_team) : current_user.owned_projects.without_team(user_team)
def new
@avaliable_projects = current_user.owned_projects.scoped
@avaliable_projects = @avaliable_projects.without_team(user_team) if user_team.projects.any?
redirect_to team_projects_path(user_team), notice: "No avalible projects." unless @avaliable_projects.any?
def create
redirect_to :back if params[:project_ids].blank?
@ -28,7 +12,7 @@ class Teams::ProjectsController < Teams::ApplicationController
# Assign projects to team
user_team.assign_to_projects(project_ids, access)
redirect_to team_projects_path(user_team), notice: 'Team of users was successfully assigned to projects.'
redirect_to edit_team_path(user_team), notice: 'Team of users was successfully assigned to projects.'
def edit
@ -37,7 +21,7 @@ class Teams::ProjectsController < Teams::ApplicationController
def update
if user_team.update_project_access(team_project, params[:greatest_project_access])
redirect_to team_projects_path(user_team), notice: 'Access was successfully updated.'
redirect_to edit_team_path(user_team), notice: 'Access was successfully updated.'
render :edit
@ -53,5 +37,4 @@ class Teams::ProjectsController < Teams::ApplicationController
def team_project
@project ||= user_team.projects.find_with_namespace(params[:id])
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ class TeamsController < ApplicationController
def edit
@avaliable_projects = current_user.admin? ? Project.without_team(user_team) : current_user.owned_projects.without_team(user_team)
def update
@ -26,14 +26,8 @@
%span.count= @team.members.count
- if can? current_user, :admin_user_team, @team
= nav_link(controller: [:projects]) do
= link_to team_projects_path(@team), class: "team-tab tab" do
%span.count= @team.projects.count
= nav_link(path: 'teams#edit') do
= link_to edit_team_path(@team), class: "stat-tab tab " do
Edit Team
.content= yield
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
- if can? current_user, :manage_user_team, @team
= link_to new_team_project_path(@team), class: "btn btn-tiny info" do
= link_to edit_team_path(@team), class: "btn btn-tiny info" do
Assign Project
@ -1,34 +1,73 @@
%h3.page_title= "Edit Team #{}"
= form_for @team, url: team_path(@team) do |f|
- if @team.errors.any?
%span= @team.errors.full_messages.first
= f.label :name do
Team name is
= f.text_field :name, placeholder: "Ex. OpenSource", class: "xlarge left"
= link_to 'Projects', '#tab-projects', 'data-toggle' => 'tab'
= link_to 'Edit Team', '#tab-edit', 'data-toggle' => 'tab'
= link_to 'Remove', '#tab-remove', 'data-toggle' => 'tab'
= f.label :description, "Details"
= f.text_area :description, maxlength: 250, class: "xlarge js-gfm-input", rows: 4
%h5.title Projects
- @projects.each do |project|
- if project.public
- else
= link_to project.name_with_namespace, project
= link_to 'Edit max access', edit_team_project_path(@team, project), class: "btn btn-small"
= link_to 'Relegate', team_project_path(@team, project), confirm: 'Remove project from team and move to global namespace. Are you sure?', method: :delete, class: "btn btn-remove small"
= form_tag team_projects_path(@team), id: "assign_projects", class: "bulk_import", method: :post do
%td= select_tag :project_ids, options_from_collection_for_select(@avaliable_projects , :id, :name_with_namespace), multiple: true, data: {placeholder: 'Select projects'}, class: 'chosen span4'
%td= select_tag :greatest_project_access, options_for_select(UserTeam.access_roles), {class: "project-access-select chosen" }
%td= submit_tag 'Add Project', class: "btn btn-create", id: :assign_projects_to_team
= f.label :path do
Team path is
= f.text_field :path, placeholder: "opensource", class: "xlarge left"
= f.submit 'Save team changes', class: "btn btn-primary"
%h5.title Remove team
Removed team can not be restored!
= link_to 'Remove team', team_path(@team), method: :delete, confirm: "You are sure?", class: "btn btn-remove btn-small"
%h5.title Edit Team
= form_for @team, url: team_path(@team) do |f|
- if @team.errors.any?
%span= @team.errors.full_messages.first
= f.label :name do
Team name is
= f.text_field :name, placeholder: "Ex. OpenSource", class: "xlarge left"
= f.label :description, "Details"
= f.text_area :description, maxlength: 250, class: "xlarge js-gfm-input", rows: 4
= f.label :path do
Team path is
= f.text_field :path, placeholder: "opensource", class: "xlarge left"
= f.submit 'Save team changes', class: "btn btn-primary"
%h5.title Remove team
Remove of team will cause removing members access to projects.
%strong Removed team can not be restored!
= link_to 'Remove team', team_path(@team), method: :delete, confirm: "You are sure?", class: "btn btn-remove btn-small"
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
Assigned projects (#{@team.projects.count})
Read more about project permissions
%strong= link_to "here", help_permissions_path, class: "vlink"
- if current_user.can?(:manage_user_team, @team) && @avaliable_projects.any?
= link_to new_team_project_path(@team), class: "btn btn-primary small grouped", title: "New Team Member" do
Assign project to Team
- if @team.projects.present?
%th Project name
%th Max access
- if current_user.can?(:admin_user_team, @team)
- @team.projects.each do |project|
= link_to project.name_with_namespace, project_path(project)
%span= @team.human_max_project_access(project)
- if current_user.can?(:admin_user_team, @team)
= link_to 'Edit max access', edit_team_project_path(@team, project), class: "btn btn-small"
= link_to 'Relegate', team_project_path(@team, project), confirm: 'Remove project from team and move to global namespace. Are you sure?', method: :delete, class: "btn btn-remove small"
- else
%p.nothing_here_message This team has no projects yet
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
Team: #{}
%legend Projects (#{@team.projects.count})
= form_tag team_projects_path(@team), id: "assign_projects", class: "bulk_import", method: :post do
%th Project name
%th Max access
- @team.projects.each do |project|
= link_to project.name_with_namespace, team_project_path(@team, project)
%span= @team.human_max_project_access(project)
%td= select_tag :project_ids, options_from_collection_for_select(@avaliable_projects , :id, :name_with_namespace), multiple: true, data: {placeholder: 'Select projects'}, class: 'chosen span5'
%td= select_tag :greatest_project_access, options_for_select(UserTeam.access_roles), {class: "project-access-select chosen span3" }
%td= submit_tag 'Add Project', class: "btn btn-create", id: :assign_projects_to_team
Add table
Reference in a new issue