2011-10-09 00:36:38 +03:00
class Notify < ActionMailer::Base
2012-05-12 17:01:09 +08:00
include Resque::Mailer
2012-04-23 15:32:56 +03:00
add_template_helper ApplicationHelper
2012-08-09 06:02:55 +03:00
add_template_helper GitlabMarkdownHelper
2012-04-23 15:32:56 +03:00
2012-07-02 21:51:48 +03:00
default_url_options[:host] = Gitlab.config.web_host
2012-07-02 21:51:48 +03:00
default_url_options[:protocol] = Gitlab.config.web_protocol
2012-07-03 18:52:48 +03:00
default_url_options[:port] = Gitlab.config.web_port if Gitlab.config.web_custom_port?
2012-03-31 15:59:06 +03:00
2012-07-02 21:51:48 +03:00
default from: Gitlab.config.email_from
2011-10-09 00:36:38 +03:00
2012-05-14 23:07:36 -04:00
def new_user_email(user_id, password)
@user = User.find(user_id)
2011-10-09 00:36:38 +03:00
@password = password
2012-08-20 23:04:53 -04:00
mail(to: @user.email, subject: subject("Account was created for you"))
2011-10-09 00:36:38 +03:00
2012-05-15 19:36:48 -04:00
def new_issue_email(issue_id)
@issue = Issue.find(issue_id)
2012-08-06 03:16:06 +02:00
@project = @issue.project
2012-08-20 23:04:53 -04:00
mail(to: @issue.assignee_email, subject: subject("new issue ##{@issue.id}", @issue.title))
2011-10-09 00:36:38 +03:00
2012-05-15 19:21:12 -04:00
def note_wall_email(recipient_id, note_id)
@note = Note.find(note_id)
2012-08-06 03:16:06 +02:00
@project = @note.project
2012-08-20 23:18:57 -04:00
mail(to: recipient(recipient_id), subject: subject)
2011-10-09 00:36:38 +03:00
2012-05-15 19:20:15 -04:00
def note_commit_email(recipient_id, note_id)
@note = Note.find(note_id)
2012-02-10 10:59:39 +08:00
@commit = @note.target
2012-08-06 05:08:22 +02:00
@commit = CommitDecorator.decorate(@commit)
2012-08-06 03:16:06 +02:00
@project = @note.project
2012-08-20 23:18:57 -04:00
mail(to: recipient(recipient_id), subject: subject("note for commit #{@commit.short_id}", @commit.title))
2011-12-18 16:29:58 +02:00
2012-05-15 18:48:00 -04:00
def note_merge_request_email(recipient_id, note_id)
@note = Note.find(note_id)
2012-05-12 17:01:09 +08:00
@merge_request = @note.noteable
2012-08-06 03:16:06 +02:00
@project = @note.project
2012-08-20 23:18:57 -04:00
mail(to: recipient(recipient_id), subject: subject("note for merge request !#{@merge_request.id}"))
2011-10-09 00:36:38 +03:00
2012-05-15 18:50:36 -04:00
def note_issue_email(recipient_id, note_id)
@note = Note.find(note_id)
2012-05-12 17:01:09 +08:00
@issue = @note.noteable
2012-08-06 03:16:06 +02:00
@project = @note.project
2012-08-20 23:18:57 -04:00
mail(to: recipient(recipient_id), subject: subject("note for issue ##{@issue.id}"))
2011-10-09 00:36:38 +03:00
2012-05-15 18:50:36 -04:00
2012-07-19 20:09:19 -04:00
def note_wiki_email(recipient_id, note_id)
@note = Note.find(note_id)
@wiki = @note.noteable
2012-08-06 03:16:06 +02:00
@project = @note.project
2012-08-20 23:18:57 -04:00
mail(to: recipient(recipient_id), subject: subject("note for wiki"))
2012-07-19 20:09:19 -04:00
2012-05-15 19:41:37 -04:00
def new_merge_request_email(merge_request_id)
@merge_request = MergeRequest.find(merge_request_id)
2012-08-06 03:16:06 +02:00
@project = @merge_request.project
2012-08-20 23:04:53 -04:00
mail(to: @merge_request.assignee_email, subject: subject("new merge request !#{@merge_request.id}", @merge_request.title))
2011-12-17 18:07:28 +02:00
2012-05-14 23:42:47 -04:00
def reassigned_merge_request_email(recipient_id, merge_request_id, previous_assignee_id)
@merge_request = MergeRequest.find(merge_request_id)
@previous_assignee ||= User.find(previous_assignee_id)
2012-08-06 03:16:06 +02:00
@project = @merge_request.project
2012-08-20 23:18:57 -04:00
mail(to: recipient(recipient_id), subject: subject("changed merge request !#{@merge_request.id}", @merge_request.title))
2011-12-18 15:46:06 +02:00
2012-05-14 23:27:52 -04:00
def reassigned_issue_email(recipient_id, issue_id, previous_assignee_id)
@issue = Issue.find(issue_id)
@previous_assignee ||= User.find(previous_assignee_id)
2012-08-06 03:16:06 +02:00
@project = @issue.project
2012-08-20 23:18:57 -04:00
mail(to: recipient(recipient_id), subject: subject("changed issue ##{@issue.id}", @issue.title))
2012-08-20 23:04:53 -04:00
2012-08-27 00:13:03 +03:00
def project_access_granted_email(user_project_id)
@users_project = UsersProject.find user_project_id
@project = @users_project.project
mail(to: @users_project.user.email,
subject: subject("access to project was granted"))
2012-08-20 23:04:53 -04:00
2012-08-20 23:18:57 -04:00
# Look up a User by their ID and return their email address
# recipient_id - User ID
# Returns a String containing the User's email address.
def recipient(recipient_id)
if recipient = User.find(recipient_id)
2012-08-20 23:04:53 -04:00
# Formats arguments into a String suitable for use as an email subject
# extra - Extra Strings to be inserted into the subject
# Examples
# >> subject('Lorem ipsum')
# => "gitlab | Lorem ipsum"
# # Automatically inserts Project name when @project is set
# >> @project = Project.last
# => #<Project id: 1, name: "Ruby on Rails", path: "ruby_on_rails", ...>
# >> subject('Lorem ipsum')
# => "gitlab | Lorem ipsum | Ruby on Rails"
# # Accepts multiple arguments
# >> subject('Lorem ipsum', 'Dolor sit amet')
# => "gitlab | Lorem ipsum | Dolor sit amet"
def subject(*extra)
"gitlab | " << extra.join(' | ') << (@project ? " | #{@project.name}" : "")
2011-12-18 16:07:47 +02:00
2011-10-09 00:36:38 +03:00