2012-02-28 22:59:36 +02:00
- if current_user.require_ssh_key?
You wont be able to pull/push project code unless you
= link_to new_key_path, :class => "vlink" do
add new key
to your profile
( most recent )
= link_to projects_path do
Projects list →
.span9= render "dashboard/projects_feed"
- if current_user.can_create_project?
You can create up to
= current_user.projects_limit
projects. Click on link below to add a new one
= link_to new_project_path, :class => "" do
New Project »
- unless @merge_requests.blank?
Merge Requests
%small ( authored or assigned to you )
= link_to dashboard_merge_requests_path do
Vist merge requests page →
.dashboard_block= render "dashboard/merge_requests_feed"
- unless @issues.blank?
%small ( assigned to you )
= link_to dashboard_merge_requests_path do
Vist issues page →
.dashboard_block= render "dashboard/issues_feed"