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2013-01-07 21:22:35 +01:00
require 'simplecov' unless ENV['CI']
2011-10-08 23:36:38 +02:00
2013-01-09 07:14:05 +01:00
2011-10-08 23:36:38 +02:00
# This file is copied to spec/ when you run 'rails generate rspec:install'
ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= 'test'
require File.expand_path("../../config/environment", __FILE__)
require 'rspec/rails'
require 'capybara/rails'
require 'capybara/rspec'
require 'webmock/rspec'
require 'email_spec'
2013-01-09 07:14:05 +01:00
require 'sidekiq/testing/inline'
2011-10-08 23:36:38 +02:00
# Requires supporting ruby files with custom matchers and macros, etc,
# in spec/support/ and its subdirectories.
Dir[Rails.root.join("spec/support/**/*.rb")].each {|f| require f}
require 'capybara/poltergeist'
Capybara.javascript_driver = :poltergeist
WebMock.disable_net_connect!(allow_localhost: true)
2011-10-08 23:36:38 +02:00
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.mock_with :rspec
config.include LoginHelpers, type: :request
config.include FactoryGirl::Syntax::Methods
2012-09-17 18:38:59 +02:00
config.include Devise::TestHelpers, type: :controller
2011-10-08 23:36:38 +02:00
# If you're not using ActiveRecord, or you'd prefer not to run each of your
# examples within a transaction, remove the following line or assign false
# instead of true.
config.use_transactional_fixtures = false
config.before do
2012-11-21 05:14:05 +01:00
# Use tmp dir for FS manipulations
2013-01-02 18:46:06 +01:00
temp_repos_path = Rails.root.join('tmp', 'test-git-base-path')
Gitlab.config.gitolite.stub(repos_path: temp_repos_path)
FileUtils.rm_rf temp_repos_path
FileUtils.mkdir_p temp_repos_path
2011-10-08 23:36:38 +02:00