All API requests require authentication. You need to pass a `private_token` parameter by url or header. If passed as header, the header name must be "PRIVATE-TOKEN" (capital and with dash instead of underscore). You can find or reset your private token in your profile.
*`GET` requests access one or more resources and return the result as JSON
*`POST` requests return `201 Created` if the resource is successfully created and return the newly created resource as JSON
*`GET`, `PUT` and `DELETE` return `200 Ok` if the resource is accessed, modified or deleted successfully, the (modified) result is returned as JSON
*`DELETE` requests are designed to be idempotent, meaning a request a resource still returns `200 Ok` even it was deleted before or is not available. The reasoning behind it is the user is not really interested if the resource existed before or not.
The following list shows the possible return codes for API requests.
Return values:
*`200 Ok` - The `GET`, `PUT` or `DELETE` request was successful, the resource(s) itself is returned as JSON
*`201 Created` - The `POST` request was successful and the resource is returned as JSON
*`400 Bad Request` - A required attribute of the API request is missing, e.g. the title of an issue is not given
*`401 Unauthorized` - The user is not authenticated, a valid user token is necessary, see above
*`403 Forbidden` - The request is not allowed, e.g. the user is not allowed to delete a project
*`404 Not Found` - A resource could not be accessed, e.g. an ID for a resource could not be found
*`405 Method Not Allowed` - The request is not supported