version 1.4.1 (10/31/09) - can exclude weekends with new 'weekends' option - gcal feed 'currentTimezone' option - bugfixes - year/month/date option sometimes wouldn't set correctly (depending on current date) - daylight savings issue caused agenda views to start at 1am (for BST users) - cleanup of gcal.js code version 1.4 (10/19/09) - agendaWeek and agendaDay views - added some options for agenda views: - allDaySlot - allDayText - firstHour - slotMinutes - defaultEventMinutes - axisFormat - modified some existing options/triggers to work with agenda views: - dragOpacity and timeFormat can now accept a "View Hash" (a new concept) - dayClick now has an allDay parameter - eventDrop now has an an allDay parameter (this will affect those who use revertFunc, adjust parameter list) - added 'prevYear' and 'nextYear' for buttons in header - minor change for theme users, ui-state-hover not applied to active/inactive buttons - added event-color-changing example in docs - better defaults for right-to-left themed button icons version 1.3.2 (10/13/09) - Bugfixes (please upgrade from 1.3.1!) - squashed potential infinite loop when addMonths and addDays is called with an invalid date - $.fullCalendar.parseDate() now correctly parses IETF format - when switching views, the 'today' button sticks inactive, fixed - gotoDate now can accept a single Date argument - documentation for changes in 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 now on website version 1.3.1 (9/30/09) - Important Bugfixes (please upgrade from 1.3!) - When current date was late in the month, for long months, and prev/next buttons were clicked in month-view, some months would be skipped/repeated - In certain time zones, daylight savings time would cause certain days to be misnumbered in month-view - Subtle change in way week interval is chosen when switching from month to basicWeek/basicDay view - Added 'allDayDefault' option - Added 'changeView' and 'render' methods version 1.3 (9/21/09) - different 'views': month/basicWeek/basicDay - more flexible 'header' system for buttons - themable by jQuery UI themes - resizable events (require jQuery UI resizable plugin) - rescoped & rewritten CSS, enhanced default look - cleaner css & rendering techniques for right-to-left - reworked options & API to support multiple views / be consistent with jQuery UI - refactoring of entire codebase - broken into different JS & CSS files, assembled w/ build scripts - new test suite for new features, uses firebug-lite - refactored docs - Options + date + defaultView + aspectRatio + disableResizing + monthNames (use instead of $.fullCalendar.monthNames) + monthNamesShort (use instead of $.fullCalendar.monthAbbrevs) + dayNames (use instead of $.fullCalendar.dayNames) + dayNamesShort (use instead of $.fullCalendar.dayAbbrevs) + theme + buttonText + buttonIcons x draggable -> editable/disableDragging x fixedWeeks -> weekMode x abbrevDayHeadings -> columnFormat x buttons/title -> header x eventDragOpacity -> dragOpacity x eventRevertDuration -> dragRevertDuration x weekStart -> firstDay x rightToLeft -> isRTL x showTime (use 'allDay' CalEvent property instead) - Triggered Actions + eventResizeStart + eventResizeStop + eventResize x monthDisplay -> viewDisplay x resize -> windowResize 'eventDrop' params changed, can revert if ajax cuts out - CalEvent Properties x showTime -> allDay x draggable -> editable 'end' is now INCLUSIVE when allDay=true 'url' now produces a real tag, more native clicking/tab behavior - Methods: + renderEvent x prevMonth -> prev x nextMonth -> next x prevYear/nextYear -> moveDate x refresh -> rerenderEvents/refetchEvents x removeEvent -> removeEvents x getEventsByID -> clientEvents - Utilities: 'formatDate' format string completely changed (inspired by jQuery UI datepicker + datejs) 'formatDates' added to support date-ranges - Google Calendar Options: x draggable -> editable - Bugfixes - gcal extension fetched 25 results max, now fetches all version 1.2.1 (6/29/09) - bugfixes - allows and corrects invalid end dates for events - doesn't throw an error in IE while rendering when display:none - fixed 'loading' callback when used w/ multiple addEventSource calls - gcal className can now be an array version 1.2 (5/31/09) - expanded API - 'className' CalEvent attribute - 'source' CalEvent attribute - dynamically get/add/remove/update events of current month - locale improvements: change month/day name text - better date formatting ($.fullCalendar.formatDate) - multiple 'event sources' allowed - dynamically add/remove event sources - options for prevYear and nextYear buttons - docs have been reworked (include addition of Google Calendar docs) - changed behavior of parseDate for number strings (now interpets as unix timestamp, not MS times) - bugfixes - rightToLeft month start bug - off-by-one errors with month formatting commands - events from previous months sticking when clicking prev/next quickly - Google Calendar API changed to work w/ multiple event sources - can also provide 'className' and 'draggable' options - date utilties moved from $ to $.fullCalendar - more documentation in source code - minified version of fullcalendar.js - test suit (available from svn) - top buttons now use