Main Usage ========== The following code initializes a FullCalendar within an element of ID 'calendar':: $('#calendar').fullCalendar({ // put your options here }) .. _GeneralOptions: General Options =============== **year**, **month**: integers The month that will be displayed when the calendar first loads. ``month`` is zero-based (January is 0, February is 1, etc). **draggable**: boolean, default:``false`` Determines if all events on the calendar can be dragged & dropped. If ``true``, requires `jQuery UI `_ core and draggables. Can be overridden on a per-event basis with the ``draggable`` property of each :ref:`CalEvent `. **fixedWeeks**: boolean, default:``true`` If ``true``, the calendar will always be 6 weeks tall. If ``false``, the calendar's height will vary per month. **abbrevDayHeadings**: boolean, default:``true`` Whether to display "Sun" versus "Sunday" for days of the week. **title**: boolean, default:``true`` Determines whether a title such as "January 2009" will be displayed at the top of the calendar. **titleFormat**: string, default:``"F Y"`` A string defining the format of the title above the calendar. The default "F Y" creates strings such as "January 2009". Consult the :ref:`$.fullCalendar.formatDate ` documentation for a full list of commands. **buttons**: boolean/hash, default:``true`` ``true`` will display a previous-month, next-month, and "today" button. The "today" button will only be visible for months other than the current. ``false`` will display absolutely no buttons. An object hash can be provided to display only *certain* buttons. The hash can have the following properties:: { today: bool/string, prevYear: bool/string, prevMonth: bool/string, nextMonth: bool/string, nextYear: bool/string } A value of ``false`` will not display the button. A value of ``true`` will display the button with some default text. A *string* value will display the button *and* customize its text. **showTime**: boolean/ ``"guess"``, default:``"guess"`` Determines if times will be displayed before each event's title. ``"guess"`` displays times only for events with non-zero start or end times. **timeFormat**: string, default: ``"gx"`` A string defining the format of dislayed event times. The default "gx" creates a string such as "9a". Consult the :ref:`$.fullCalendar.formatDate ` documentation for a full list of commands. **eventDragOpacity**: float The opacity of an event element while it is being dragged (0.0 - 1.0) **eventRevertDuration**: integer Controls the duration (in milliseconds) of the animation of an event snapping back into place. .. _TriggeredActions: Triggered Actions ================= The following options are *functions* that get executed every time something special happens: **monthDisplay**: function(year, month, monthTitle) Triggered once when the calendar loads and every time the calendar's month is changed. ``month`` is zero-based. ``monthTitle`` contains the new title of the month (ex: "January 2009") **loading**: function(isLoading) Triggered with a ``true`` argument when the calendar begins fetching events via AJAX. Triggered with ``false`` when done. **resize**: function() Triggered after the calendar has recovered from a resize (due to the window being resized). ``this`` is set to the main element **dayClick**: function(dayDate) Triggered when the user clicks on a day. ``dayDate`` is a Date object with it's time set to 00:00:00. ``this`` is set to the TD element of the clicked day. **eventRender**: function(calEvent, element) Triggered before an element is rendered for the given :ref:`CalEvent `. ``element`` is the jQuery element that will be used by default. You may modify this element or return a brand new element that will be used instead. Returning ``false`` will prevent the event from being rendered at all. This function is great for attaching other jQuery plugins to each event element, such as a `qTip `_ tooltip effect. **eventClick**, **eventMouseover**, **eventMouseout**: function(calEvent, jsEvent) Triggered on click/mouseover/mouseout actions for an event. ``calEvent`` holds that event's information (date, title, etc). ``jsEvent`` holds the native javascript event (with information about click position, etc). ``this`` is set to the event's element For ``eventClick``, return ``false`` to prevent the browser from going to the event's URL. **eventDragStart**, **eventDragStop**: function(calEvent, jsEvent, ui) Triggered before/after an event is dragged (but not necessarily moved to a new day). ``calEvent`` holds that event's information (date, title, etc). ``jsEvent`` holds the native javascript event (with information about click position, etc). ``ui`` holds the jQuery UI object. ``this`` is set to the event's element **eventDrop**: function(calEvent, dayDelta, jsEvent, ui) Triggered when dragging stops and the event has moved to a *different* day. ``dayDelta`` holds the number of days the event was moved forward (a positive number) or backwards (a negative number). ``dayDelta`` is elegant for dealing with multi-day and repeating events. If updating a remote database, just add the ``dayDelta`` to the start and end times of all events with the given ```` .. _EventSources: Event Feeds and Sources ======================= The following options determine *how* events get on the calendar: **events**: array/string/function An array of :ref:`CalEvents ` can be used to hardcode events into the calendar. Or, a URL can be provided. This URL should return JSON for an array of :ref:`CalEvents `. GET parameters, determined by the ``startParam`` and ``endParam`` options, will be inserted into the URL. These parameters indicate the UNIX timestamp of the start of the first visible day (inclusive) and the end of the last visible day (exclusive). Or, a function can be provided for custom fetching. The function is queried every time event data is needed. The function is passed a ``start`` Date object, an ``end`` Date object, and a function to be called when fetching is complete. Here is the general form:: events: function(start, end, callback) { // do some asynchronous ajax $.getJSON("/myscript", { start: start.getTime(), end: end.getTime() }, function(result) { // format the result into an array of 'CalEvent' objects // (not seen here) // then, pass the 'calevent' array to the callback callback(calevents); }); } **eventSources**: array Similar to the ``events`` options, except one may specify *multiple* sources. For example, one may specify an array of JSON URL's, an array of custom functions, an array of hardcoded event arrays, or any combination. **startParam**: string, default:``"start"`` A GET parameter of this name will be inserted into the URL when fetching events from a JSON script. The value of this GET parameter will be a UNIX timestamp denoting the start of the first visible day (inclusive). **endParam**: string, default:``"end"`` A GET parameter of this name will be inserted into the URL when fetching events from a JSON script. The value of this GET parameter will be a UNIX timestamp denoting the end of the last visible day (exclusive). **cacheParam**: string, default:``"_"`` When using a JSON url, a parameter of this name will automatically be inserted into the URL to prevent the browser from caching the response. The value will be the current millisecond time. The following methods can be called on a FullCalendar that has already been initialized: **.fullCalendar(** ``'addEventSource'``, **source)** Adds an event source. ``source`` may be an array/string/function just as in the ``events`` option. Events will be immediately fetched from this source and placed on the calendar. **.fullCalendar(** ``'removeEventSource'``, **source)** Remove an event source. ``source`` must be the original array/string/function. .. _CalEvents: CalEvent Objects ================ A CalEvent is a data structure that frequents FullCalendar's API. It is the standardized currency used in :ref:`EventSources`. It is also passed to various :ref:`Triggered Actions `. Here are the properties of a CalEvent: **id**: integer/string, Uniquely identifies the given event. Absolutely essential for multi-day and repeating events to be dragged and dropped correctly. **title**: string, The text on an event's element **date**: date Alias for ``start`` **start**: date A javascript Date object indicating the date/time an event begins. Events with ambiguous time-of-day should use 00:00:00. In an :ref:`Event Source `, for convenience, one can also use a string in IETF format (ex: "Wed, 18 Oct 2009 13:00:00 EST"), a string in ISO8601 format (ex: "2009-11-05T13:15:30Z") or an integer UNIX timestamp. **end**: date (optional) A javascript Date object indicating the date/time an event ends. This is an **exclusive** value!!! **Example:** if an event spans two whole days, ``end`` must be the time 00:00:00 of the *third* day. If an event has an ambiguous end time, ``end`` should be set to midnight of the next day. This is implied if ``end`` is omitted. (For convenience with an :ref:`Event Source `). IETF and ISO8601 strings can be used with an :ref:`Event Source `. **draggable**: boolean (optional) Overrides the master ``draggable`` property for this single event. **showTime**: boolean/ ``"guess"`` (optional) Overrides the master ``showTime`` property for this single event. **className**: string/array (optional) A CSS class (or array of classes) that will be attached to this event's element. **source**: array/string/function (automatic) A reference to the original array, JSON URL, or function the event came from. Do not worry about populating this value, FullCalendar will do this automatically. The following methods can be called on a FullCalendar that has already been initialized. These methods get/add/update/remove events on the current month. For JSON and custom event sources, changes are never *permanent* because they may be overwritten by a refetch. The developer is responsible for updating any remote databases. **.fullCalendar(** ``'addEvent'``, **calEvent)** Add an event to the current month on-the-fly. ``calEvent`` is an object containing at least an id, title, and start date. **.fullCalendar(** ``'updateEvent'``, **calEvent)** Report modifications to the given :ref:`CalEvent ` and redraw. ``calEvent`` must be the *actual CalEvent object*, as retrieved from a :ref:`Triggered Action ` or ``getEventsById`` (see below). A set of repeating events will all be affected. **.fullCalendar(** ``'removeEvent'``, **calEventOrId)** Remove elements belonging to the given :ref:`CalEvent `. If the event is repeating, all occurences of the event will be removed. The second argument may be a CalEvent's ID, or the CalEvent object itself. **.fullCalendar(** ``'getEventsById'`` , **eventId)** Returns a list of :ref:`CalEvents ` with the given ID that are currently being displayed. Navigation Methods ================== The following methods may be called on a FullCalendar that has already been initialized: **.fullCalendar(** ``'prevMonth'`` **)** Visits the previous month. **.fullCalendar(** ``'nextMonth'`` **)** Visits the next month. **.fullCalendar(** ``'gotoMonth'``, **year, month)** Visits an arbitrary month. ``month`` is zero-based (0 is January, 1 is February, etc). **.fullCalendar(** ``'today'`` **)** Visits the current month. **.fullCalendar(** ``'prevYear'`` **)** Moves one year back. **.fullCalendar(** ``'nextYear'`` **)** Moves one year ahead. **.fullCalendar(** ``'refresh'`` **)** Refetch and redraw the events for the current month. Locale ====== Use the following options to change the calendar's locale: **weekStart**: integer, default:``0`` The day-of-week each week begins. 0 = Sunday (default), 1 = Monday (for UK users), 2 = Tuesday, etc. **rightToLeft**: boolean, default:``false`` Displays the calendar right-to-left (for Arabic and Hebrew) The following *variables* may be reassigned or modified to globally change the text for months and days: **$.fullCalendar.monthNames** Default: ``['January', 'February', 'March', ...]`` **$.fullCalendar.monthAbbrevs** Default: ``['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', ...]`` **$.fullCalendar.dayNames** Default: ``['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', ...]`` **$.fullCalendar.dayAbbrevs** Default: ``['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', ...]`` Notice these variables are attached to the main **$** jQuery object. The :ref:`GeneralOptions` ``titleFormat`` and ``timeFormat`` may also be of interest to those wanting to change locale. Date Parsing and Formatting =========================== The following utilities are always available. These typically come in handy when creating a custom event source: .. _formatDate: **$.fullCalendar.formatDate(date, format)** Format a javascript Date object into a string. ``format`` may contain one or more of the following commands (similar to PHP's date function): * **Y** - Examples: 1999 or 2003 * **y** - Examples: 99 or 03 * **F** - January through December * **M** - Jan through Dec * **n** - 1 through 12 (month) * **m** - 01 through 12 (month, leading zeros) * **a** - am or pm * **A** - AM or PM * **x** - a or p * **X** - A or P * **g** - 1 through 12 (hour) * **G** - 0 through 23 (hour, military time) * **h** - 01 through 12 (hour, leading zeros) * **H** - 00 through 23 (hour, military time and leading zeros) * **i** - 00 to 59 (minute, leading zeros) * **c** - 2009-06-07T05:28:21Z (ISO8601) **$.fullCalendar.parseDate(string)** Parse a string and return a javascript Date object. The string may be in ISO8601 format, IETF format, or a UNIX timestamp. **$.fullCalendar.parseISO8601(string, ignoreTimezone)** Parse an ISO8601 string into a javascript Date object. Notice these functions are attached to the main **$** jQuery object. Google Calendar =============== To integrate with your Google Calendar, you must first **make your calendar public**: #. In the Google Calendar interface, locate the "My Calendar" box on the left. #. Click the arrow next to the calendar you need. #. A menu will appear. Click "Share this calendar." #. Check "Make this calendar public." #. Make sure "Share only my free/busy information" is *unchecked*. #. Click "Save." Then, you must obtain your calendar's **XML feed URL**. #. In the Google Calendar interface, locate the "My Calendar" box on the left #. Click the arrow next to the calendar you need. #. A menu will appear. Click "Calendar settings." #. In the "Calendar Address" section of the screen, click the XML badge. #. Your feed's URL will appear. The API for integrating a Google Calendar feed has changed since FullCalendar 1.1. The ``$.fullCalendar.gcalFeed`` function now produces an event source that can be passed to the ``events`` or ``eventSources`` option:: $('#calendar').fullCalendar({ events: $.fullCalendar.gcalFeed( "", // feed URL { className: 'gcal-events' } // optional options ) }); Here is a list of available options: * **className** - CSS class to attach to each event from this Google Calendar * **draggable** - whether to allow dragging (default: ``false``) See *gcal.html* in the *examples* directory for a complete example.