.. _locale: Locale Options ============== **firstDay**: Integer, *Default*: ``0`` The day-of-week each week begins. Sunday=0, Monday=1 (for UK users), Tuesday=2, etc. **isRTL**: Boolean, *Default*: ``false`` Displays the calendar right-to-left (for languages such as Arabic and Hebrew) **monthNames**: Array, *Default*: ``['January','February','March'...`` Full names of months. **monthNamesShort**: Array, *Default*: ``['Jan','Feb','Mar'...`` Abbreviated names of months. **dayNames**: Array, *Default*: ``['Sunday','Monday','Tuesday'...`` Full names of days-of-week. **dayNamesShort**: Array, *Default*: ``['Sun','Mon','Tue'...`` Abbreviated names of days-of-week. **buttonText**: Object Text that will be displayed on buttons of the header. Default:: { prev: '◄', // left triangle next: '►', // right triangle today: 'today', month: 'month', week: 'week', day: 'day' }