setDefaults({ weekMode: 'fixed' }); function BasicView(element, calendar, viewName) { var t = this; // exports t.renderBasic = renderBasic; t.setHeight = setHeight; t.setWidth = setWidth; t.renderDayOverlay = renderDayOverlay; t.defaultSelectionEnd = defaultSelectionEnd; t.renderSelection = renderSelection; t.clearSelection = clearSelection; t.reportDayClick = reportDayClick; // for selection (kinda hacky) t.dragStart = dragStart; t.dragStop = dragStop; t.defaultEventEnd = defaultEventEnd; t.getHoverListener = function() { return hoverListener }; t.colContentLeft = colContentLeft; t.colContentRight = colContentRight; t.dayOfWeekCol = dayOfWeekCol; t.dateCell = dateCell; t.cellDate = cellDate; t.cellIsAllDay = function() { return true }; t.allDayRow = allDayRow; t.allDayBounds = allDayBounds; t.getRowCnt = function() { return rowCnt }; t.getColCnt = function() { return colCnt }; t.getColWidth = function() { return colWidth }; t.getDaySegmentContainer = function() { return daySegmentContainer }; // imports, element, calendar, viewName);;;; var opt = t.opt; var trigger = t.trigger; var clearEvents = t.clearEvents; var renderOverlay = t.renderOverlay; var clearOverlays = t.clearOverlays; var daySelectionMousedown = t.daySelectionMousedown; var formatDate = calendar.formatDate; // locals var head; var headCells; var body; var bodyRows; var bodyCells; var bodyFirstCells; var bodyCellTopInners; var daySegmentContainer; var viewWidth; var viewHeight; var colWidth; var rowCnt, colCnt; var coordinateGrid; var hoverListener; var colContentPositions; var rtl, dis, dit; var firstDay; var nwe; var tm; var colFormat; /* Rendering ------------------------------------------------------------*/ disableTextSelection(element.addClass('fc-grid')); function renderBasic(maxr, r, c, showNumbers) { rowCnt = r; colCnt = c; updateOptions(); var firstTime = !body; if (firstTime) { buildSkeleton(maxr, showNumbers); }else{ clearEvents(); } updateCells(firstTime); } function updateOptions() { rtl = opt('isRTL'); if (rtl) { dis = -1; dit = colCnt - 1; }else{ dis = 1; dit = 0; } firstDay = opt('firstDay'); nwe = opt('weekends') ? 0 : 1; tm = opt('theme') ? 'ui' : 'fc'; colFormat = opt('columnFormat'); } function buildSkeleton(maxRowCnt, showNumbers) { var s; var headerClass = tm + "-widget-header"; var contentClass = tm + "-widget-content"; var i, j; var table; s = "" + "" + ""; for (i=0; i"; // need fc- for setDayID } s += "" + "" + ""; for (i=0; i"; for (j=0; j" + // need fc- for setDayID "
" + (showNumbers ? "
" : '' ) + "
" + "
" + "
" + "
" + ""; } s += ""; } s += "
" + "
"; table = $(s).appendTo(element); head = table.find('thead'); headCells = head.find('th'); body = table.find('tbody'); bodyRows = body.find('tr'); bodyCells = body.find('td'); bodyFirstCells = bodyCells.filter(':first-child'); bodyCellTopInners = bodyRows.eq(0).find('div.fc-day-content div'); markFirstLast(head.add(head.find('tr'))); // marks first+last tr/th's markFirstLast(bodyRows); // marks first+last td's bodyRows.eq(0).addClass('fc-first'); // fc-last is done in updateCells dayBind(bodyCells); daySegmentContainer = $("
") .appendTo(element); } function updateCells(firstTime) { var dowDirty = firstTime || rowCnt == 1; // could the cells' day-of-weeks need updating? var month = t.start.getMonth(); var today = clearTime(new Date()); var cell; var date; var row; if (dowDirty) { headCells.each(function(i, _cell) { cell = $(_cell); date = indexDate(i); cell.html(formatDate(date, colFormat)); setDayID(cell, date); }); } bodyCells.each(function(i, _cell) { cell = $(_cell); date = indexDate(i); if (date.getMonth() == month) { cell.removeClass('fc-other-month'); }else{ cell.addClass('fc-other-month'); } if (+date == +today) { cell.addClass(tm + '-state-highlight fc-today'); }else{ cell.removeClass(tm + '-state-highlight fc-today'); } cell.find('div.fc-day-number').text(date.getDate()); if (dowDirty) { setDayID(cell, date); } }); bodyRows.each(function(i, _row) { row = $(_row); if (i < rowCnt) {; if (i == rowCnt-1) { row.addClass('fc-last'); }else{ row.removeClass('fc-last'); } }else{ row.hide(); } }); } function setHeight(height) { viewHeight = height; var bodyHeight = viewHeight - head.height(); var rowHeight; var rowHeightLast; var cell; if (opt('weekMode') == 'variable') { rowHeight = rowHeightLast = Math.floor(bodyHeight / (rowCnt==1 ? 2 : 6)); }else{ rowHeight = Math.floor(bodyHeight / rowCnt); rowHeightLast = bodyHeight - rowHeight * (rowCnt-1); } bodyFirstCells.each(function(i, _cell) { if (i < rowCnt) { cell = $(_cell); setMinHeight( cell.find('> div'), (i==rowCnt-1 ? rowHeightLast : rowHeight) - vsides(cell) ); } }); } function setWidth(width) { viewWidth = width; colContentPositions.clear(); colWidth = Math.floor(viewWidth / colCnt); setOuterWidth(headCells.slice(0, -1), colWidth); } /* Day clicking and binding -----------------------------------------------------------*/ function dayBind(days) { .mousedown(daySelectionMousedown); } function dayClick(ev) { if (!opt('selectable')) { // if selectable, SelectionManager will worry about dayClick var index = parseInt(this.className.match(/fc\-day(\d+)/)[1]); // TODO: maybe use .data var date = indexDate(index); trigger('dayClick', this, date, true, ev); } } /* Semi-transparent Overlay Helpers ------------------------------------------------------*/ function renderDayOverlay(overlayStart, overlayEnd, refreshCoordinateGrid) { // overlayEnd is exclusive if (refreshCoordinateGrid) {; } var rowStart = cloneDate(t.visStart); var rowEnd = addDays(cloneDate(rowStart), colCnt); for (var i=0; i