View Option Hash ================ A way to specify options on a per-view basis. This is specified as an object with key/value pairings. The key tells FullCalendar that the specified option value should only be applied for certain views. Currently, View Option Hashes only work for [dragOpacity](../event_ui/dragOpacity), [titleFormat](../text_customization/titleFormat), [columnFormat](../text_customization/columnFormat), and [timeFormat](../text_customization/timeFormat). Here is how you target certain views: { month: // month view week: // basicWeek & agendaWeek views day: // basicDay & agendaDay views agenda: // agendaDay & agendaWeek views agendaDay: // agendaDay view agendaWeek: // agendaWeek view basic: // basicWeek & basicDay views basicWeek: // basicWeek view basicDay: // basicDay view '': // (an empty string) when no other properties match } So for example, if you wanted to `dragOpacity` to be `.2` for month view, but `.5` for all other views, here is what your FullCalendar initialization code would look like: $('#calendar').fullCalendar({ dragOpacity: { month: .2, '' : .5 } });