formatDate (before version 1.3) =============================== Formats a Date object into a string.
$.fullCalendar.formatDate( *date*, *formatString* )
`formatString` may contain one or more of the following commands (similar to PHP’s date function): - **Y** - Examples: 1999 or 2003 - **y** - Examples: 99 or 03 - **F** - January through December - **M** - Jan through Dec - **n** - 1 through 12 (month) - **m** - 01 through 12 (month, leading zeros) - **a** - am or pm - **A** - AM or PM - **x** - a or p - **X** - A or P - **g** - 1 through 12 (hour) - **G** - 0 through 23 (hour, military time) - **h** - 01 through 12 (hour, leading zeros) - **H** - 00 through 23 (hour, military time and leading zeros) - **i** - 00 to 59 (minute, leading zeros) - **c** - 2009-06-07T05:28:21Z (ISO8601)