eventDrop ========= Triggered when dragging stops and the event has moved to a *different* day/time.
function( *event*, *dayDelta*, *minuteDelta*, *allDay*, *revertFunc*, *jsEvent*, *ui*, *view* ) { }
`event` is an [Event Object](../event_data/Event_Object) that hold the event's information (date, title, etc). `dayDelta` holds the number of days the event was moved forward (a positive number) or backwards (a negative number). `minuteDelta` holds the number of minutes the event was moved forward (a positive number) or backwards (a negative number). Only useful for the agenda views. In other views, `0` is passed in. `dayDelta` and `minuteDelta` are elegant for dealing with multi-day and repeating events. If updating a remote database, just add these values to the start and end times of all events with the given `event.id`. `allDay` is `true` if the event has been dropped on a day in month view, or the "all-day" slot in the agenda views. It will be `false` if dropped on a slot in the agenda views (meaning it has been assigned a time). `revertFunc` is a function that, if called, reverts the event's start/end date to the values before the drag. This is useful if an ajax call should fail. `jsEvent` holds the native javascript event with low-level information such as mouse coordinates. `ui` holds the [jQuery UI object](http://jqueryui.com/demos/draggable/). `view` holds the current [View Object](../views/View_Object). Here is an example demonstrating most of these arguments: $('#calendar').fullCalendar({ events: [ // events here ], editable: true, eventDrop: function(event,dayDelta,minuteDelta,allDay,revertFunc) { alert( event.title + " was moved " + (dayDelta < 0 ? "back" : "forward") + dayDelta + " days and " + (minuteDelta < 0 ? "back" : "forward") + minuteDelta + " minutes." ); if (allDay) { alert("Event is now all-day"); }else{ alert("Event has a time-of-day"); } if (!confirm("Are you sure about this change?")) { revertFunc(); } } });
Prior to version 1.4, the *allDay* paramameter was not included. Prior to version 1.3, the *revertFunc* parameter was not included.