Methods ======= The following are methods that can be called on a FullCalendar-initialized jQuery object: **prev** - .fullCalendar('prev') Moves the calendar one step back (either by a month, week, or day). **next** - .fullCalendar('next') Moves the calendar one step forward (either by a month, week, or day). **today** - .fullCalendar('today') Moves the calendar to the current date. **gotoDate** - .fullCalendar('gotoDate', *year, [month, [date]]*) Moves the calendar to an arbitrary year/month/date. ``month`` is 0-based, meaning January=0, February=1, etc. **moveDate** - .fullCalendar('moveDate', *years, [months, [days]]*) Moves the calendar forward/backward an arbitrary amount of time. **updateEvent** - .fullCalendar('updateEvent', *calEvent*) Reports changes about a modified :ref:`CalEvent `. This will cause the event to be rerendered on the calendar. If there are repeating events on the calendar with the same ID, these events will be changed as well. ``calEvent`` must be a :ref:`CalEvent ` retrieved from a :ref:`Triggered Action` or from the ``clientEvents`` method. **renderEvent** - .fullCalendar('renderEvent', *calEvent, [stick]*) Renders a new event on the calendar. ``calEvent`` must have at least a ``title`` and a ``start``. By default, the event will disappear once the user switches views or clicks prev/next. However, specifying ``stick`` as ``true`` will cause the event to be permanently fixed to the calendar. **removeEvents** - .fullCalendar('removeEvents', *[idOrFilter]*) If the second argument is omitted, all events are removed. If the second argument is a :ref:`CalEvent's ` ID, all events with the same ID will be removed. The second argument may also be a filter function that accepts one :ref:`CalEvent ` argument and returns ``true`` or ``false`` about whether it should be removed. **clientEvents** - .fullCalendar('clientEvents', *[idOrFilter]*) This method will return :ref:`CalEvents ` that FullCalendar has stored on the client-side (browser). If the second argument is omitted, all events will be returned. If the second argument is a :ref:`CalEvent's ` ID, all events with the same ID will be returned. The second argument may also be a filter function that accepts one :ref:`CalEvent ` argument and returns ``true`` or ``false`` about whether it should be included in the result set. **addEventSource** - .fullCalendar('addEventSource', *source*) Adds an :ref:`Event Source `. ``source`` may be an array/string/function just as in the ``events`` option. Events will be immediately fetched from this source and placed on the calendar. **removeEventSource** - .fullCalendar('removeEventSource', *source*) Removes an :ref:`Event Source `. ``source`` must be a reference to the original array/string/function. Events from the source will immediately be removed from the calendar. **rerenderEvents** - .fullCalendar(``'rerenderEvents'``) Rerenders all events on the screen. **refetchEvents** - .fullCalendar(``'refetchEvents'``) Refetches events from all event sources and rerenders them on the screen.