.. _event-sources: Event Sources ============= The following options determine *how* events get on the calendar: **events**: Array/String/Function An array of :ref:`CalEvents ` can be used to hardcode events into the calendar. Or, a URL can be provided. This URL should return JSON for an array of :ref:`CalEvents `. GET parameters, determined by the ``startParam`` and ``endParam`` options, will be inserted into the URL. These parameters indicate the UNIX timestamp of the start of the first visible day (inclusive) and the end of the last visible day (exclusive). Or, a function can be provided for custom fetching. The function is queried every time event data is needed. The function is passed a ``start`` Date object, an ``end`` Date object, and a function to be called when fetching is complete. Here is the general form:: events: function(start, end, callback) { // do some asynchronous ajax $.getJSON("/myscript", { start: start.getTime(), end: end.getTime() }, function(result) { // format the result into an array of CalEvents // (not seen here) // then, pass the CalEvent array to the callback callback(calevents); }); } **eventSources**: Array Similar to the ``events`` options, except one may specify *multiple* sources. For example, one may specify an array of JSON URL's, an array of custom functions, an array of hardcoded event arrays, or any combination. **startParam**: String, *Default*: ``'start'`` A GET parameter of this name will be inserted into the URL when fetching events from a JSON script. The value of this GET parameter will be a UNIX timestamp denoting the start of the first visible day (inclusive). **endParam**: String, *Default*: ``'end'`` A GET parameter of this name will be inserted into the URL when fetching events from a JSON script. The value of this GET parameter will be a UNIX timestamp denoting the end of the last visible day (exclusive). **cacheParam**: String, *Default*: ``'_'`` When using a JSON url, a parameter of this name will automatically be inserted into the URL to prevent the browser from caching the response. The value will be the current millisecond time. .. _CalEvent: CalEvent Objects ================ A CalEvent is a data structure that frequents FullCalendar's API. It is the standardized currency used in :ref:`event-sources`. It is also passed to various :ref:`Triggered Actions `. Here are the properties of a CalEvent: **id**: Integer/String Uniquely identifies the given event. Instances of repeating events should all have the same id. **title**: String The text on an event's element **date**: Date Alias for ``start`` **start**: Date A javascript Date object indicating the date/time an event begins. In an :ref:`Event Source `, for convenience, one can also use a string in IETF format (ex: "Wed, 18 Oct 2009 13:00:00 EST"), a string in ISO8601 format (ex: "2009-11-05T13:15:30Z") or an integer UNIX timestamp. **end**: Date (optional) A javascript Date object indicating the date/time an event ends. If the event is an all-day event, specifies the inclusive last day of the event. (This is different from previous versions of FullCalendar). For example, an all-day event with start on *Nov 10* and end on *Nov 12* would span *3 days*. As with ``start``, IETF and ISO8601 strings can be used with an :ref:`Event Source `. **allDay**: Boolean (optional, defaults to ``true``) Determines whether an event's time is displayed (such as 3pm). ``false`` will show the time, ``true`` will not. **className**: String/Array (optional) A CSS class (or array of classes) that will be attached to this event's element. **editable**: Boolean (optional) Overrides the master ``editable`` option for this single event. **source**: Array/String/Function (automatically populated) A reference to the original array, JSON URL, or function the event came from. Do not worry about populating this value, FullCalendar will do this automatically.