version 1.2 (5/31/09) - expanded API - 'className' CalEvent attribute - 'source' CalEvent attribute - dynamically get/add/remove/update events of current month - locale improvements: change month/day name text - better date formatting ($.fullCalendar.formatDate) - multiple 'event sources' allowed - dynamically add/remove event sources - docs have been reworked (include addition of Google Calendar docs) - changed behavior of parseDate for number strings (now interpets as unix timestamp, not MS times) - bugfixes - rightToLeft month start bug - off-by-one errors with month formatting commands - events from previous months sticking when clicking prev/next quickly - Google Calendar API changed to work w/ multiple event sources - can also provide 'className' and 'draggable' options - date utilties moved from $ properties to $.fullCalendar - minified version of fullcalendar.js - test suit (available from svn) version 1.1 (5/10/09) - Added the following options: - weekStart - rightToLeft - titleFormat - timeFormat - cacheParam - resize - Fixed rendering bugs - Opera 9.25 (events placement & window resizing) - IE6 (window resizing) - Optimized window resizing for ALL browsers - Events on same day now sorted by start time (but first by timespan) - Correct z-index when dragging - Dragging contained in overflow DIV for IE6 - Modified fullcalendar.css - for right-to-left support - for variable start-of-week - for IE6 resizing bug - for THEAD and TBODY (in 1.0, just used TBODY, restructured in 1.1) - IF UPGRADING FROM FULLCALENDAR 1.0, YOU MUST UPGRADE FULLCALENDAR.CSS !!!!!!!!!!!