moved docs out of master (they are in docs branch instead)
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 0 additions and 1186 deletions
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# Makefile for Sphinx documentation
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SPHINXBUILD = sphinx-build
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web: pickle
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@echo "Link check complete; look for any errors in the above output " \
"or in build/linkcheck/output.txt."
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Changing Event Colors
You can modify the default color that affects *all* events by adding some
css in the following form:
.. code-block:: css
.fc-agenda .fc-event-time,
.fc-event a {
background-color: black; /* background color */
border-color: black; /* border color (often same as background-color) */
color: red; /* text color */
You can also change the color for *certain* events by using the ``className`` property
of each :ref:`CalEvent Object <CalEvent>`. Here is an example of the CSS you would write
if your className was ``"holiday"``:
.. code-block:: css
.fc-agenda .holiday .fc-event-time,
.holiday a {
background-color: green; /* background color */
border-color: green; /* border color (often same as background-color) */
color: yellow; /* text color */
If you are using the "default" and "className" techniques together,
make sure the CSS for the "default" technique *comes first*.
FullCalendar can be used with jQuery UI themes. Themes provide a more stylized
look for the calendar and can easily be created using the
`jQuery UI ThemeRoller <>`_.
In order for themes to work, you must include the theme's CSS file and
*fullcalendar.css* on the current page. You must also enable the ``theme`` option.
Here is the full list of theme-related options:
**theme**: Boolean, *Default*: ``false``
Enables/disables use of jQuery UI themes
**buttonIcons**: Object
Determines which icons appear within header buttons. If a button
does not have an entry, it falls back to using ``buttonText``.
Here is the default value for ``buttonIcons``::
prev: 'circle-triangle-w',
next: 'circle-triangle-e'
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# FullCalendar documentation build configuration file, created by
# sphinx-quickstart on Sat Apr 11 19:03:41 2009.
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source_suffix = '.txt'
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#source_encoding = 'utf-8'
# The master toctree document.
master_doc = 'index'
# General information about the project.
project = u'FullCalendar'
copyright = u'2009, Adam Shaw'
# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
# built documents.
# The short X.Y version.
version = open('../version.txt').read()
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
release = version
# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
# for a list of supported languages.
#language = None
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#today = ''
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#today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y'
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#default_role = None
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#add_function_parentheses = True
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# unit titles (such as .. function::).
#add_module_names = True
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pygments_style = 'sphinx'
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html_style = 'default.css'
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#html_short_title = None
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html_static_path = ['static']
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#html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y'
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#html_use_smartypants = True
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#html_sidebars = {}
# Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to
# template names.
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#html_use_modindex = True
# If false, no index is generated.
#html_use_index = True
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#html_split_index = False
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#html_copy_source = True
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#html_use_opensearch = ''
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html_file_suffix = '.php'
# Output file base name for HTML help builder.
htmlhelp_basename = 'FullCalendardoc'
# Options for LaTeX output
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#latex_paper_size = 'letter'
# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
#latex_font_size = '10pt'
# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
# (source start file, target name, title, author, document class [howto/manual]).
latex_documents = [
('index', 'FullCalendar.tex', ur'FullCalendar Documentation',
ur'Adam Shaw', 'manual'),
# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of
# the title page.
#latex_logo = None
# For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts,
# not chapters.
#latex_use_parts = False
# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
#latex_preamble = ''
# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
#latex_appendices = []
# If false, no module index is generated.
#latex_use_modindex = True
highlight_language = 'javascript'
@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
Date Utilities
**formatDate** - $.fullCalendar.formatDate(*date, formatString, [options]*)
Format a date into a string value with a specified format.
The format can be combinations of the following:
* **s** - seconds
* **ss** - seconds, 2 digits
* **m** - minutes
* **mm** - minutes, 2 digits
* **h** - hours
* **hh** - hours, 2 digits
* **H** - hours, military time
* **HH** - hours, milirary time, 2 digits
* **d** - date number
* **dd** - date number, 2 digits
* **ddd** - date name, short
* **dddd** - date name, full
* **M** - month number
* **MM** - month number, 2 digits
* **MMM** - month name, short
* **MMMM** - month name, full
* **yy** - year, 2 digits
* **yyyy** - year, 4 digits
* **t** - 'a' or 'p'
* **tt** - 'am' or 'pm'
* **T** - 'A' or 'P'
* **TT** - 'AM' or 'PM'
* **u** - ISO8601 format
* **S** - 'st', 'nd', 'rd', 'th' for the date
Special Characters:
literal text
single quote
only displays format if one of the enclosed variables is non-zero
*options* can override any of the :ref:`Locale Options<locale>`
.. _formatDates:
**formatDates** - $.fullCalendar.formatDates(*date1, date2, formatString, [options]*)
Similar to ``formatDate``, but accepts *two* dates, leveraging the following
special characters in *formatString*:
switches to formatting the 2nd date
only displays the enclosed format if the current date is different from the
alternate date in the same regards
**parseDate** - $.fullCalendar.parseDate(*string*)
Parses a string and returns a javascript Date object.
The string may be in ISO8601 format, IETF format, or a UNIX timestamp.
**parseISO8601** - $.fullCalendar.parseISO8601(*string, [ignoreTimezone]*)
Parses an ISO8601 string into a javascript Date object.
@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
.. _event-sources:
Event Sources
The following options determine *how* events get on the calendar:
**events**: Array/String/Function
An array of :ref:`CalEvents <CalEvent>` can be used to hardcode events into the
Or, a URL can be provided. This URL should return JSON for an array of
:ref:`CalEvents <CalEvent>`. GET parameters, determined by the
``startParam`` and ``endParam`` options, will be inserted into the URL.
These parameters indicate the UNIX timestamp of the start of the first
visible day (inclusive) and the end of the last visible day (exclusive).
Or, a function can be provided for custom fetching. The function is
queried every time event data is needed. The function is passed a ``start``
Date object, an ``end`` Date object, and a function to be called when
fetching is complete. Here is the general form::
events: function(start, end, callback) {
// do some asynchronous ajax
start: start.getTime(),
end: end.getTime()
function(events) {
// make sure the events are official CalEvent objects
// (not seen here)
// then, pass the events to the callback
**eventSources**: Array
Similar to the ``events`` options, except one may specify *multiple* sources.
For example, one may specify an array of JSON URL's, an array of custom
functions, an array of hardcoded event arrays, or any combination.
**startParam**: String, *Default*: ``'start'``
A GET parameter of this name will be inserted into the URL when fetching
events from a JSON script. The value of this GET parameter will be a UNIX
timestamp denoting the start of the first visible day (inclusive).
**endParam**: String, *Default*: ``'end'``
A GET parameter of this name will be inserted into the URL when fetching
events from a JSON script. The value of this GET parameter will be a UNIX
timestamp denoting the end of the last visible day (exclusive).
**cacheParam**: String, *Default*: ``'_'``
When using a JSON url, a parameter of this name will
automatically be inserted into the URL to prevent the browser from
caching the response. The value will be the current millisecond time.
.. _CalEvent:
CalEvent Objects
A CalEvent is a data structure that frequents FullCalendar's API. It is the
standardized currency used in :ref:`event-sources`. It is also passed to various
:ref:`Triggered Actions <triggered-actions>`. Here are the properties of a
**id**: Integer/String
Uniquely identifies the given event. Instances of repeating events should
all have the same id.
**title**: String
The text on an event's element
**allDay**: Boolean (optional, defaults to ``true``, see :ref:`allDayDefault <allDayDefault>` option)
Determines whether the start-date and end-date's times should be ignored.
If ``true``, times will be ignored. If ``false``, times will be considered,
displaying them on each event (like the text '3pm').
**date**: Date
Alias for ``start``
**start**: Date
A javascript Date object indicating the date/time an event begins.
In an :ref:`Event Source <event-sources>`, for convenience,
one can also use a string in IETF format (ex: "Wed, 18 Oct 2009 13:00:00 EST"),
a string in ISO8601 format (ex: "2009-11-05T13:15:30Z") or an integer
UNIX timestamp.
**end**: Date (optional)
A javascript Date object indicating the date/time an event ends.
As with ``start``, IETF and ISO8601 strings can be used.
**If an event is all-day...**
the end date is *inclusive*. This means an event with ``start`` *Nov 10* and
``end`` *Nov 12* will span *3 days* on the calendar.
**If an event is NOT all-day...**
the end date is *exclusive*. This is only a gotcha when your ``end`` has time 00:00.
It means your event ends on midnight, and it will *not* span through the next day.
**url**: String (optional)
A URL that will be visited when this event is clicked by the user.
By default, the new page will be opened in the current window, but one
may specify an ``eventClick`` :ref:`Triggered Action <triggered-actions>` for
more complex behavior (just remember to return ``false`` to prevent the default action).
**className**: String/Array (optional)
A CSS class (or array of classes) that will be attached to this event's
**editable**: Boolean (optional)
Overrides the master ``editable`` option for this single event.
**source**: Array/String/Function (automatically populated)
A reference to the original array, JSON URL, or function the event
came from. Do not worry about populating this value, FullCalendar will
do this automatically.
@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
Google Calendar
To integrate with your Google Calendar, you must first **make your calendar public**:
#. In the Google Calendar interface, locate the "My Calendar" box on the left.
#. Click the arrow next to the calendar you need.
#. A menu will appear. Click "Share this calendar."
#. Check "Make this calendar public."
#. Make sure "Share only my free/busy information" is *unchecked*.
#. Click "Save."
Then, you must obtain your calendar's **XML feed URL**.
#. In the Google Calendar interface, locate the "My Calendar" box on the left
#. Click the arrow next to the calendar you need.
#. A menu will appear. Click "Calendar settings."
#. In the "Calendar Address" section of the screen, click the XML badge.
#. Your feed's URL will appear.
The ``$.fullCalendar.gcalFeed`` function produces an event source that can be
passed to the ``events`` or ``eventSources`` options::
events: $.fullCalendar.gcalFeed(
"", // feed URL
{ className: 'gcal-events' } // optional options
Here is a list of available options:
* **className** - CSS class to attach to each event from this Google Calendar
* **editable** - whether to allow dragging/resizing (default: ``false``)
* **currentTimezone** - a string like "America/Chicago". Consult for a full list.
See *gcal.html* in the *examples* directory for a complete example.
Timezones Gotchas
Sometimes it can be confusing as to why FullCalendar displays event times differently
than the Google Calendar interface. There are the two factors involved in this:
* **the calendar's timezone**, accessed through "Calendar settings" after clicking the arrow next to the calendar's name
* **your Google Account's timezone**, accessed through the "Settings" link at the top right
of the Google Calendar screen (near the "Sign out" link)
When both timezones are the same, you should have no problems. When they are different, FullCalendar will display
times in the *calendar's* timezone. Thus, times will be different than what you see in the Google Calendar interface
because they are being adjusted to the GMT of the calendar. The solution is to use the ``currentTimezone`` option.
If this is set to the same timezone as your Google Account, all dates should appear consistent.
@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
The following code initializes a FullCalendar within an element::
// put your options here
.. _BasicOptions:
Basic Options
**year, month, date**: Integers
The initial year/month/date when the calendar loads.
``month`` is 0-based, meaning January=0, February=1, etc.
If ommitted, the calendar starts on the current date.
**defaultView**: String, *Default*: ``'month'``
The initial view when the calendar loads. Any of the :ref:`available-views`.
**header**: Object/``false``, *Default*: ``{ left:'title', center:'', right:'today prev,next' }``
Defines the buttons/text at the top of the calendar.
``false`` will display no header.
An object can be supplied with properties ``left``, ``center``, and ``right``.
These properties contain strings with comma separated values,
containing any of the following:
text containing the current date or date-range
button for moving the calendar back one month/week/day
button for moving the calendar forward one month/week/day
button for moving the calendar back on year
button for moving the calendar forward one year
button for moving the calendar to the current month/week/day
*a blank space*
visual gap between buttons/text
*a view name*
button that will switch the calendar to any of the
Specifying an empty string for a property will cause it display no text/buttons.
**buttonText**: Object
Text that will be displayed on buttons of the header. Default::
prev: ' ◄ ', // left triangle
next: ' ► ', // right triangle
prevYear: ' << ', // <<
nextYear: ' >> ', // >>
today: 'today',
month: 'month',
week: 'week',
day: 'day'
**aspectRatio**: Float, *Default*: ``1.35``
A calendar is a block-level element that fills its entire avaiable width.
The calendar's height, however, is determined by this ratio of width-to-height.
(Hint: larger numbers make smaller heights).
**height**: Integer
Will make the entire calendar (including header) a pixel height.
You may change this after initialization with :ref:`Option Setters<option-getters-setters>`.
**contentHeight**: Integer
Will make the calendar's content area a pixel height.
You may change this after initialization with :ref:`Option Setters<option-getters-setters>`.
.. _allDayDefault:
**allDayDefault**: Boolean, *Default*: ``true``
Determines the default value for each :ref:`CalEvent's <CalEvent>` ``allDay`` property,
when it is unspecified.
**weekends**: Boolean, *Default*: ``true``
Whether to include Saturday/Sunday columns in any of the views.
**weekMode**: String, *Default*: ``'fixed'``
Determines the number of weeks displayed in a month view.
Also determines each week's height. Available options:
The calendar will always be 6 weeks tall.
The ``aspectRatio`` will always be maintained.
The calendar will have either 4, 5, or 6 weeks, depending on the month.
The height of the weeks will stretch to fill the available height,
as determined by ``aspectRatio``.
The calendar will have either 4, 5, or 6 weeks, depending on the month.
The ``aspectRatio`` will NOT be maintained however. Each week will have
a constant height, meaning the calendar's height will change month-to-month.
**allDaySlot**: Boolean, *Default*: ``true``
In the agenda views, determines if the "all-day" slot is displayed at the top
of the calendar. When hidden with ``false``, all-day events will not be displayed
in agenda views.
**allDayText**: String, *Default*: ``'all-day'``
In the agenda views, the text titling the "all-day" slot at the top of the calendar.
**firstHour**: Integer, *Default*: 6
In the agenda views, determines the first hour that will be visible in the
scroll pane. Values must be from 0-23, where 0=midnight, 1=1am, etc.
**slotMinutes**: Integer, *Default*: 30
In the agenda views, the frequency for displaying time slots, in minutes.
**defaultEventMinutes**: Integer, *Default*: 120
In the agenda views, when a :ref:`CalEvent <CalEvent>` has an unspecified end date,
determines the length (in minutes) the event appears to be.
**minTime**: Integer/String, *Default*: ``0``
In the agenda views, determines the first hour/time that will be displayed, even when
the scollbars have been scrolled all the way up. This can be a number like ``5`` (which
means 5am), a string like ``'5:30'`` (which means 5:30am) or a string like ``'5:30am'``.
**maxTime**: Integer/String, *Default*: ``24``
In the agenda views, determines the last hour/time (exclusively) that will be displayed, even when
the scrollbars have been scrolled all the way down. This can be a number like ``22`` (which
means 10pm), a string like ``'22:30'`` (which means 10:30pm) or a string like ``'10:30pm'``.
Event Editing
**editable**: Boolean, *Default*: ``false``
Determines whether the events on the calendar can be modified, i.e,
if the events will be *draggable* and *resizable*.
This can be overridden on a per-event basis with a :ref:`CalEvent's <CalEvent>`
``editable`` property.
For dragging, the `jQuery UI draggable <>`_ library is required.
For resizing, the `jQuery UI resizable <>`_ library is required.
**disableDragging**: Boolean, *Default*: ``false``
Disables all event dragging, even when events are editable.
**disableResizing**: Boolean, *Default*: ``false``
Disables all event resizing, even when events are editable.
**dragRevertDuration**: Float, *Default*: ``500``
The time in milliseconds it takes for an event to revert to its
original position after an unsuccessful drag.
**dragOpacity**: Float
The opacity of an event when it is being dragged. Values range
from 0.0 to 1.0.
Specify a single number to affect all views, or a
:ref:`ViewHash` to target specific views. Here is the default
(a View Hash)::
// for agendaWeek and agendaDay
agenda: .5,
// for all other views
'': 1.0
Time & Date Formatting
**titleFormat**: String/Object
Determines the text that will be displayed in the header's title
using the :ref:`formatDates <formatDates>` format.
A single string will set the title format for *all* views.
A :ref:`ViewHash` may be provided to target specific views.
Here is the default (a View Hash), showing example output::
month: 'MMMM yyyy', // September 2009
week: "MMM d[ yyyy]{ '—'[ MMM] d yyyy}", // Sep 7 - 13 2009
day: 'dddd, MMM d, yyyy' // Tuesday, Sep 8, 2009
**columnFormat**: String/Object
Determines the text that will be displayed on the calendar's column headings
using the :ref:`formatDates <formatDates>` format.
A single string will set the title format for *all* views.
A :ref:`ViewHash` may be provided to target specific views.
Here is the default (a View Hash), showing example output::
month: 'ddd', // Mon
week: 'ddd M/d', // Mon 9/7
day: 'dddd M/d' // Monday 9/7
**timeFormat**: String/Object
Determines the time-text that will be displayed on an event
using the :ref:`formatDates <formatDates>` format.
Time-text will only be displayed for :ref:`CalEvents <CalEvent>`
that have ``allDay`` equal to ``false``.
A single string will change the time-text for applicable events in *all* views.
A :ref:`ViewHash` may be provided to target specific views.
Here is the default (a View Hash), showing example output::
// for agendaWeek and agendaDay
agenda: 'h:mm{ - h:mm}', // 5:00 - 6:30
// for all other views
'': 'h(:mm)t' // 7p
**axisFormat**: String, *Default*: ``h(:mm)tt``
Determines the time-text that will be displayed on the left vertical axis
of the agenda views.
.. _available-views:
Available Views
**month** - `see example <../../media/fullcalendar-views/month.html>`_
**basicWeek** - `see example <../../media/fullcalendar-views/basicWeek.html>`_
**basicDay** - `see example <../../media/fullcalendar-views/basicDay.html>`_
**agendaWeek** - `see example <../../media/fullcalendar-views/agendaWeek.html>`_
**agendaDay** - `see example <../../media/fullcalendar-views/agendaDay.html>`_
.. _ViewHash:
View Hash
A "View Hash" is an object that specifies options for specific calendar views.
It can contain any of the following properties::
month: // month view
week: // basicWeek & agendaWeek views
day: // basicDay & agendaDay views
agenda: // agendaDay & agendaWeek views
agendaDay: // agendaDay view
agendaWeek: // agendaWeek view
basic: // basicWeek & basicDay views
basicWeek: // basicWeek view
basicDay: // basicDay view
'': // (an empty string) when no other properties match
Currently the only options that support View Hashes are
``dragOpacity``, ``titleFormat``, ``columnFormat``, and ``timeFormat``.
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
.. _locale:
Locale Options
**firstDay**: Integer, *Default*: ``0``
The day-of-week each week begins. Sunday=0,
Monday=1 (for UK users), Tuesday=2, etc.
**isRTL**: Boolean, *Default*: ``false``
Displays the calendar right-to-left (for languages such as Arabic and Hebrew)
**monthNames**: Array, *Default*: ``['January','February','March'...``
Full names of months.
**monthNamesShort**: Array, *Default*: ``['Jan','Feb','Mar'...``
Abbreviated names of months.
**dayNames**: Array, *Default*: ``['Sunday','Monday','Tuesday'...``
Full names of days-of-week.
**dayNamesShort**: Array, *Default*: ``['Sun','Mon','Tue'...``
Abbreviated names of days-of-week.
The ``buttonText`` and ``allDayText`` options in :ref:`BasicOptions`
might also be of interest.
@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
The following are methods that can be called on a FullCalendar-initialized
jQuery object:
**prev** - .fullCalendar('prev')
Moves the calendar one step back (either by a month, week, or day).
**next** - .fullCalendar('next')
Moves the calendar one step forward (either by a month, week, or day).
**today** - .fullCalendar('today')
Moves the calendar to the current date.
**gotoDate** - .fullCalendar('gotoDate', *year, [month, [date]]*)
Moves the calendar to an arbitrary year/month/date.
``month`` is 0-based, meaning January=0, February=1, etc.
This method can also be called with a single argument, a Date object.
**incrementDate** - .fullCalendar('incrementDate', *years, [months, [days]]*)
Moves the calendar forward/backward an arbitrary amount of time.
**changeView** - .fullCalendar('changeView', *viewName*)
Immediately switches to a different view. ``viewName`` must be one of the
**getView** - .fullCalendar('getView')
Returns the :ref:`View Object <view-object>` for the current view.
This is useful if you want to get information about the calendar's title
or start/end dates.
**getDate** - .fullCalendar('getDate')
Returns a Date object for the current date of the calendar. For month view,
it will always be sometime between the first and last day of the month. For week view,
it will always be sometime between the first and last day of the week.
**updateEvent** - .fullCalendar('updateEvent', *calEvent*)
Reports changes to a :ref:`CalEvent's <CalEvent>` standard properties.
This will cause the event to be rerendered on the calendar.
If there are repeating events on the calendar with the
same ID, these events will be changed as well.
``calEvent`` must be a :ref:`CalEvent <CalEvent>` retrieved from a
:ref:`Triggered Action<triggered-actions>` or from the ``clientEvents`` method.
**renderEvent** - .fullCalendar('renderEvent', *calEvent, [stick]*)
Renders a new event on the calendar. ``calEvent`` must have
at least a ``title`` and a ``start``.
By default, the event will disappear once the calendar refetches its event
sources (example: when prev/next is clicked). However, specifying ``stick`` as ``true``
will cause the event to be permanently fixed to the calendar.
**removeEvents** - .fullCalendar('removeEvents', *[idOrFilter]*)
If the second argument is omitted, all events are removed.
If the second argument is an ID, all events with
the same ID will be removed.
The second argument may also be a filter function that accepts
one :ref:`CalEvent <CalEvent>` argument and returns ``true`` if it
should be removed.
**clientEvents** - .fullCalendar('clientEvents', *[idOrFilter]*)
This method will return an array of :ref:`CalEvents <CalEvent>` that
FullCalendar has stored on the client-side (browser).
If the second argument is omitted, all events will be returned.
If the second argument is an ID, all events with the
same ID will be returned.
The second argument may also be a filter function that accepts
one :ref:`CalEvent <CalEvent>` argument and returns ``true`` if it should
be included in the result set.
**addEventSource** - .fullCalendar('addEventSource', *source*)
Adds an :ref:`Event Source <event-sources>`. ``source`` may be an array/string/function just as in
the ``events`` option. Events will be immediately fetched from this source
and placed on the calendar.
**removeEventSource** - .fullCalendar('removeEventSource', *source*)
Removes an :ref:`Event Source <event-sources>`. ``source`` must be a reference to the
original array/string/function. Events from the source will immediately be
removed from the calendar.
**rerenderEvents** - .fullCalendar(``'rerenderEvents'``)
Rerenders all events on the screen.
**refetchEvents** - .fullCalendar(``'refetchEvents'``)
Refetches events from all sources and rerenders them on the screen.
**render** - .fullCalendar(``'render'``)
Immediately renders the calendar if is is not already visible.
If the calendar *is* already visible, readjusts its size.
This method is useful in the scenario where a tab setup might hide/show
a calendar. Call this method whenever the calendar's tab is shown.
**destroy** - .fullCalendar(``'destroy'``)
Restores the element to the state before FullCalendar was initialized. Removes elements,
events handlers, and data.
*Available in v1.4.3 and later*
.. _option-getters-setters:
Dynamically Getting/Setting Properties
You may dynamically *retrieve* any of a FullCalendar's options using the following form::
$('#calendar').fullCalendar('option', 'optionName'); // returns the value
You may dynamically *set* some of FullCalendar's options using the following form::
$('#calendar').fullCalendar('option', 'optionName', 'optionValue');
**HOWEVER**, setting only works for the three following options: **apsectRatio**, **contentHeight**, and **height**.
The next version of FullCalendar will have more advancements in this area.
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
<? fullcalendar_docs_head() ?>
<? fullcalendar_title() ?>
<? fullcalendar_docs_nav() ?>
<? begin_content() ?>
{% block body %}{% endblock %}
<? end_content() ?>
<? fullcalendar_side() ?>
@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
.. _triggered-actions:
Triggered Actions
The following options are *functions* that get executed every time something
special happens. For every triggered action, a final ``view`` parameter is
always available (:ref:`more below <view-object>`).
**viewDisplay**: function(*view*)
Triggered once when the calendar loads and every time the
calendar's view is changed. This includes when the prev or next
button is pressed.
**loading**: function(*isLoading, view*)
Triggered with a ``true`` argument when the calendar begins fetching
events via AJAX. Triggered with ``false`` when done.
**windowResize**: function(*view*)
Triggered after the calendar's dimensions have been changed due to
the containing window being resized.
``this`` is set to the main element.
**dayClick**: function(*dayDate, allDay, jsEvent, view*)
Triggered when the user clicks on a day. ``dayDate`` is a Date object holding the
current date and time (if in an agenda view) of the clicked area.
``allDay`` will be ``true`` when the user clicks on a day in month-view
or the "all-day" slot in the agenda views. It will be ``false`` when the user
clicks on a slot in the agenda views.
``jsEvent`` is the native javascript event (with information about click position, etc).
``this`` is set to the TD element of the clicked day.
**eventRender**: function(*calEvent, element, view*)
Triggered before an element is rendered for the given :ref:`CalEvent <CalEvents>`.
``element`` is the jQuery element that will be used by default. You may modify
this element or return a brand new element that will be used instead.
Returning ``false`` will prevent the event from being rendered at all.
This function is great for attaching other jQuery plugins to each event
element, such as a `qTip <>`_
tooltip effect.
**eventAfterRender**: function(calEvent, element, view)
Triggered after an event is rendered on the calendar and its position has been chosen.
**eventClick**, **eventMouseover**, **eventMouseout**: function(*calEvent, jsEvent, view*)
Triggered on click/mouseover/mouseout actions for an event.
``calEvent`` holds that event's information (date, title, etc).
``jsEvent`` holds the native javascript event (with information about click position, etc).
``this`` is set to the event's element
For ``eventClick``, return ``false`` to prevent the browser from going to
the event's URL.
**eventDragStart**, **eventDragStop**: function(*calEvent, jsEvent, ui, view*)
Triggered before/after an event is dragged (but not necessarily moved to a new day/time).
``calEvent`` holds that event's information (date, title, etc).
``jsEvent`` holds the native javascript event (with information about click position, etc).
``ui`` holds the jQuery UI object.
``this`` is set to the event's element
**eventDrop**: function(*calEvent, dayDelta, minuteDelta, allDay, revertFunc, jsEvent, ui, view*)
Triggered when dragging stops and the event has moved to a *different* day/time.
``dayDelta`` holds the number of days the event was moved forward (a positive number)
or backwards (a negative number).
``minuteDelta`` holds the number of minutes the event was moved forward (a positive number)
or backwards (a negative number). Only applies to the agenda views.
``dayDelta`` and ``minuteDelta`` are elegant for dealing with multi-day and
repeating events. If updating a remote database, just add these values to the
start and end times of all events with the given ````
``allDay`` is ``true`` if the event has been dropped on a day in month-view or the
"all-day" slot in the agenda views. It will be ``false`` if dropped on a slot
in the agenda views.
``revertFunc`` is a function that, if called, reverts the event's start/end date to
the values *before* the drag. This is useful if an ajax call should fail.
**eventResizeStart**, **eventResizeStop**: function(*calEvent, jsEvent, ui, view*)
Triggered before/after an event is resized (but not necessarily changed).
``calEvent`` holds that event's information (date, title, etc).
``jsEvent`` holds the native javascript event (with information about click position, etc).
``ui`` holds the jQuery UI object.
``this`` is set to the event's element
**eventResize**: function(*calEvent, dayDelta, minuteDelta, revertFunc, jsEvent, ui, view*)
Triggered when an event is resized and *changed in duration*.
``dayDelta`` holds the number of days the event's end time was moved
forward (a positive number) or backwards (a negative number).
``minuteDelta`` holds the number of minutes the event's end time was moved
forward (a positive number) or backwards (a negative number).
Only applies to the agenda views.
``revertFunc`` is a function that, if called, reverts the event's start/end date to
the values *before* the drag. This is useful if an ajax call should fail.
.. _view-object:
View Object
The final parameter of every triggered action is a *view* object. It contains information about the
current view (whether month/basicWeek/basicDay) and contains the following properties:
**name**: String
Name of one of the available views (month, basicWeek, basicDay)
**title**: String
Title text that is displayed at the top of the header
(such as "September 2009" or "Sep 7 - 13 2009").
**start**: Date
The Date of the first day of the month/week.
If day-view, the Date of the single day.
**end**: Date
The Date of the day *after* the last day of the month/week.
If day-view, the Date *after* the single day.
Because this is an *exclusive* value, if the calendar has a
month-view on October 2009, ``end`` will be November 1st.
**visStart**: Date
The Date of the first *visible* day of the view. In month-view,
this value is often before the 1st day of the month, because most
months do not begin on a Monday.
In week and day views, this value will always be the same as ``start``.
**visEnd**: Date
The Date of the day *after* the last visible day
(because it is exclusive like ``end``).
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