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2009-09-21 06:57:20 +02:00
/* Date Math
2009-10-01 07:39:02 +02:00
var DAY_MS = 86400000,
2009-10-10 10:12:40 +02:00
HOUR_MS = 3600000,
MINUTE_MS = 60000;
2009-09-21 06:57:20 +02:00
function addYears(d, n, keepTime) {
d.setFullYear(d.getFullYear() + n);
2009-10-01 07:39:02 +02:00
if (!keepTime) {
return d;
2009-09-21 06:57:20 +02:00
2009-10-01 07:39:02 +02:00
function addMonths(d, n, keepTime) { // prevents day overflow/underflow
if (+d) { // prevent infinite looping on invalid dates
var m = d.getMonth() + n,
check = cloneDate(d);
if (!keepTime) {
while (d.getMonth() != check.getMonth()) {
d.setDate(d.getDate() + (d < check ? 1 : -1));
2009-10-01 07:39:02 +02:00
return d;
2009-09-21 06:57:20 +02:00
2009-10-01 07:39:02 +02:00
function addDays(d, n, keepTime) { // deals with daylight savings
if (+d) {
var dd = d.getDate() + n,
check = cloneDate(d);
check.setHours(9); // set to middle of day
if (!keepTime) {
fixDate(d, check);
return d;
fc.addDays = addDays;
function fixDate(d, check) { // force d to be on check's YMD, for daylight savings purposes
if (+d) { // prevent infinite looping on invalid dates
while (d.getDate() != check.getDate()) {
d.setTime(+d + (d < check ? 1 : -1) * HOUR_MS);
2009-10-01 07:39:02 +02:00
2009-09-21 06:57:20 +02:00
function addMinutes(d, n) {
d.setMinutes(d.getMinutes() + n);
return d;
function clearTime(d) {
return d;
function cloneDate(d, dontKeepTime) {
if (dontKeepTime) {
return clearTime(new Date(+d));
return new Date(+d);
2009-11-01 00:51:30 +01:00
function zeroDate() { // returns a Date with time 00:00:00 and dateOfMonth=1
var i=0, d;
do {
d = new Date(1970, i++, 1);
} while (d.getHours()); // != 0
2009-11-01 00:51:30 +01:00
return d;
function skipWeekend(date, inc, excl) {
inc = inc || 1;
while (!date.getDay() || (excl && date.getDay()==1 || !excl && date.getDay()==6)) {
2009-11-01 00:51:30 +01:00
addDays(date, inc);
return date;
2009-09-21 06:57:20 +02:00
/* Date Parsing
var parseDate = fc.parseDate = function(s) {
if (typeof s == 'object') { // already a Date object
return s;
if (typeof s == 'number') { // a UNIX timestamp
return new Date(s * 1000);
if (typeof s == 'string') {
if (s.match(/^\d+$/)) { // a UNIX timestamp
return new Date(parseInt(s) * 1000);
return parseISO8601(s, true) || (s ? new Date(s) : null);
2009-09-21 06:57:20 +02:00
// TODO: never return invalid dates (like from new Date(<string>)), return null instead
2009-09-21 06:57:20 +02:00
return null;
2009-09-21 06:57:20 +02:00
var parseISO8601 = fc.parseISO8601 = function(s, ignoreTimezone) {
// derived from http://delete.me.uk/2005/03/iso8601.html
// TODO: for a know glitch/feature, read tests/issue_206_parseDate_dst.html
var m = s.match(/^([0-9]{4})(-([0-9]{2})(-([0-9]{2})([T ]([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})(:([0-9]{2})(\.([0-9]+))?)?(Z|(([-+])([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})))?)?)?)?$/);
if (!m) {
return null;
var date = new Date(m[1], 0, 1),
check = new Date(m[1], 0, 1, 9, 0),
offset = 0;
if (m[3]) {
date.setMonth(m[3] - 1);
check.setMonth(m[3] - 1);
if (m[5]) {
fixDate(date, check);
if (m[7]) {
if (m[8]) {
if (m[10]) {
if (m[12]) {
date.setMilliseconds(Number("0." + m[12]) * 1000);
fixDate(date, check);
2009-09-21 06:57:20 +02:00
if (!ignoreTimezone) {
if (m[14]) {
offset = Number(m[16]) * 60 + Number(m[17]);
offset *= m[15] == '-' ? 1 : -1;
2009-09-21 06:57:20 +02:00
offset -= date.getTimezoneOffset();
return new Date(+date + (offset * 60 * 1000));
2009-09-21 06:57:20 +02:00
var parseTime = fc.parseTime = function(s) { // returns minutes since start of day
if (typeof s == 'number') { // an hour
return s * 60;
if (typeof s == 'object') { // a Date object
return s.getHours() * 60 + s.getMinutes();
var m = s.match(/(\d+)(?::(\d+))?\s*(\w+)?/);
if (m) {
var h = parseInt(m[1]);
if (m[3]) {
h %= 12;
if (m[3].toLowerCase().charAt(0) == 'p') {
h += 12;
return h * 60 + (m[2] ? parseInt(m[2]) : 0);
2009-09-21 06:57:20 +02:00
/* Date Formatting
var formatDate = fc.formatDate = function(date, format, options) {
return formatDates(date, null, format, options);
2009-09-21 06:57:20 +02:00
var formatDates = fc.formatDates = function(date1, date2, format, options) {
options = options || defaults;
var date = date1,
otherDate = date2,
i, len = format.length, c,
i2, formatter,
res = '';
for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
c = format.charAt(i);
if (c == "'") {
for (i2=i+1; i2<len; i2++) {
if (format.charAt(i2) == "'") {
if (date) {
if (i2 == i+1) {
res += "'";
res += format.substring(i+1, i2);
i = i2;
else if (c == '(') {
for (i2=i+1; i2<len; i2++) {
if (format.charAt(i2) == ')') {
var subres = formatDate(date, format.substring(i+1, i2), options);
if (parseInt(subres.replace(/\D/, ''))) {
res += subres;
i = i2;
else if (c == '[') {
for (i2=i+1; i2<len; i2++) {
if (format.charAt(i2) == ']') {
var subformat = format.substring(i+1, i2);
var subres = formatDate(date, subformat, options);
if (subres != formatDate(otherDate, subformat, options)) {
res += subres;
i = i2;
else if (c == '{') {
date = date2;
otherDate = date1;
else if (c == '}') {
date = date1;
otherDate = date2;
else {
for (i2=len; i2>i; i2--) {
if (formatter = dateFormatters[format.substring(i, i2)]) {
if (date) {
res += formatter(date, options);
i = i2 - 1;
if (i2 == i) {
if (date) {
res += c;
return res;
2009-09-21 06:57:20 +02:00
var dateFormatters = {
s : function(d) { return d.getSeconds() },
ss : function(d) { return zeroPad(d.getSeconds()) },
m : function(d) { return d.getMinutes() },
mm : function(d) { return zeroPad(d.getMinutes()) },
h : function(d) { return d.getHours() % 12 || 12 },
hh : function(d) { return zeroPad(d.getHours() % 12 || 12) },
H : function(d) { return d.getHours() },
HH : function(d) { return zeroPad(d.getHours()) },
d : function(d) { return d.getDate() },
dd : function(d) { return zeroPad(d.getDate()) },
ddd : function(d,o) { return o.dayNamesShort[d.getDay()] },
dddd: function(d,o) { return o.dayNames[d.getDay()] },
M : function(d) { return d.getMonth() + 1 },
MM : function(d) { return zeroPad(d.getMonth() + 1) },
MMM : function(d,o) { return o.monthNamesShort[d.getMonth()] },
MMMM: function(d,o) { return o.monthNames[d.getMonth()] },
yy : function(d) { return (d.getFullYear()+'').substring(2) },
yyyy: function(d) { return d.getFullYear() },
t : function(d) { return d.getHours() < 12 ? 'a' : 'p' },
tt : function(d) { return d.getHours() < 12 ? 'am' : 'pm' },
T : function(d) { return d.getHours() < 12 ? 'A' : 'P' },
TT : function(d) { return d.getHours() < 12 ? 'AM' : 'PM' },
u : function(d) { return formatDate(d, "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'") },
S : function(d) {
var date = d.getDate();
if (date > 10 && date < 20) {
return 'th';
2009-09-21 06:57:20 +02:00
return ['st', 'nd', 'rd'][date%10-1] || 'th';
/* Element Dimensions
function setOuterWidth(element, width, includeMargins) {
element.each(function(i, _element) {
_element.style.width = width - hsides(_element, includeMargins) + 'px';
2009-09-21 06:57:20 +02:00
function setOuterHeight(element, height, includeMargins) {
element.each(function(i, _element) {
_element.style.height = height - vsides(_element, includeMargins) + 'px';
2009-09-21 06:57:20 +02:00
function hsides(_element, includeMargins) {
return (parseFloat(jQuery.curCSS(_element, 'paddingLeft', true)) || 0) +
(parseFloat(jQuery.curCSS(_element, 'paddingRight', true)) || 0) +
(parseFloat(jQuery.curCSS(_element, 'borderLeftWidth', true)) || 0) +
(parseFloat(jQuery.curCSS(_element, 'borderRightWidth', true)) || 0) +
(includeMargins ? hmargins(_element) : 0);
function hmargins(_element) {
return (parseFloat(jQuery.curCSS(_element, 'marginLeft', true)) || 0) +
(parseFloat(jQuery.curCSS(_element, 'marginRight', true)) || 0);
function vsides(_element, includeMargins) {
return (parseFloat(jQuery.curCSS(_element, 'paddingTop', true)) || 0) +
(parseFloat(jQuery.curCSS(_element, 'paddingBottom', true)) || 0) +
(parseFloat(jQuery.curCSS(_element, 'borderTopWidth', true)) || 0) +
(parseFloat(jQuery.curCSS(_element, 'borderBottomWidth', true)) || 0) +
(includeMargins ? vmargins(_element) : 0);
function vmargins(_element) {
return (parseFloat(jQuery.curCSS(_element, 'marginTop', true)) || 0) +
(parseFloat(jQuery.curCSS(_element, 'marginBottom', true)) || 0);
2009-09-21 06:57:20 +02:00
function setMinHeight(element, h) {
h = typeof h == 'number' ? h + 'px' : h;
element[0].style.cssText += ';min-height:' + h + ';_height:' + h;
2009-10-13 06:22:40 +02:00
/* Position Calculation
// nasty bugs in opera 9.25
// position()'s top returning incorrectly with TR/TD or elements within TD
2009-10-13 06:22:40 +02:00
var topBug;
2009-10-13 06:22:40 +02:00
function topCorrect(tr) { // tr/th/td or anything else
if (topBug !== false) {
var cell;
if (tr.is('th,td')) {
tr = (cell = tr).parent();
if (topBug === undefined && tr.is('tr')) {
topBug = tr.position().top != tr.children().position().top;
if (topBug) {
return tr.parent().position().top + (cell ? tr.position().top - cell.position().top : 0);
2009-10-13 06:22:40 +02:00
return 0;
2009-10-13 06:22:40 +02:00
2009-09-21 06:57:20 +02:00
/* Hover Matrix
function HoverMatrix(changeCallback) {
var t=this,
tops=[], lefts=[],
2009-09-21 06:57:20 +02:00
prevRowE, prevColE,
origRow, origCol,
currRow, currCol;
t.row = function(e) {
2009-09-21 06:57:20 +02:00
prevRowE = $(e);
tops.push(prevRowE.offset().top + topCorrect(prevRowE));
2009-09-21 06:57:20 +02:00
t.col = function(e) {
2009-09-21 06:57:20 +02:00
prevColE = $(e);
t.mouse = function(x, y) {
if (origRow === undefined) {
2009-09-21 06:57:20 +02:00
tops.push(tops[tops.length-1] + prevRowE.outerHeight());
lefts.push(lefts[lefts.length-1] + prevColE.outerWidth());
currRow = currCol = -1;
var r, c;
for (r=0; r<tops.length && y>=tops[r]; r++) {}
for (c=0; c<lefts.length && x>=lefts[c]; c++) {}
2009-09-21 06:57:20 +02:00
r = r >= tops.length ? -1 : r - 1;
c = c >= lefts.length ? -1 : c - 1;
if (r != currRow || c != currCol) {
currRow = r;
currCol = c;
if (r == -1 || c == -1) {
t.cell = null;
2009-09-21 06:57:20 +02:00
if (origRow === undefined) {
2009-09-21 06:57:20 +02:00
origRow = r;
origCol = c;
t.cell = {
2009-09-21 06:57:20 +02:00
row: r,
col: c,
top: tops[r],
left: lefts[c],
width: lefts[c+1] - lefts[c],
height: tops[r+1] - tops[r],
isOrig: r==origRow && c==origCol,
rowDelta: r-origRow,
colDelta: c-origCol
2009-09-21 06:57:20 +02:00
/* Misc Utils
var undefined,
dayIDs = ['sun', 'mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat'],
arrayPop = Array.prototype.pop;
2009-09-21 06:57:20 +02:00
function zeroPad(n) {
return (n < 10 ? '0' : '') + n;
function smartProperty(obj, name) { // get a camel-cased/namespaced property of an object
if (obj[name] !== undefined) {
2009-10-13 06:22:40 +02:00
return obj[name];
var parts = name.split(/(?=[A-Z])/),
i=parts.length-1, res;
for (; i>=0; i--) {
res = obj[parts[i].toLowerCase()];
if (res !== undefined) {
2009-10-13 06:22:40 +02:00
return res;
return obj[''];
function htmlEscape(s) {
return s
.replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
.replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
.replace(/'/g, '&#039;')
.replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
function HorizontalPositionCache(getElement) {
var t = this,
elements = {},
lefts = {},
rights = {};
function e(i) {
return elements[i] = elements[i] || getElement(i);
t.left = function(i) {
return lefts[i] = lefts[i] === undefined ? e(i).position().left : lefts[i];
t.right = function(i) {
return rights[i] = rights[i] === undefined ? t.left(i) + e(i).width() : rights[i];
t.clear = function() {
elements = {};
lefts = {};
rights = {};
function cssKey(_element) {
return _element.id + '/' + _element.className + '/' + _element.style.cssText.replace(/(^|;)\s*(top|left|width|height)\s*:[^;]*/ig, '');