# Copyright 2009 Daniel Mierswa # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 require toolchain-funcs SUMMARY="A tactical role-playing game. Third game of the Jagged Alliance series." DESCRIPTION="A very high rated tactical role-playing game with a big community and lots of modifications." HOMEPAGE="http://ja2.dragonriders.de" DOWNLOADS="editor? ( http://tron.homeunix.org/ja2/editor.slf.gz -> ${PN}-editor.slf.gz )" if [[ "${PV}" != scm ]] ; then DOWNLOADS+=" http://tron.homeunix.org/ja2/ja2-${PV}-source.tar.bz2" WORK="${WORKBASE}/ja2-${PV}" fi LICENCES="SFI-SCLA" SLOT="0" MYOPTIONS="debug demo editor linguas: ( ( nl en fr de it pl ru ) [[ description = [ Jagged Alliance 2 Vanilla Translations ] ]] ( ru_gold ) [[ description = [ Jagged Alliance 2 Gold Translations ] ]] ) [[ number-selected = exactly-one ]]" DEPENDENCIES=" build+run: media-libs/SDL " UPSTREAM_CHANGELOG="http://tron.homeunix.org/ja2" ja2_config() { until [ $# -eq 0 ] ; do echo "$1" >> config.default shift done } src_prepare() { sed "s:TILECACHE:[Tt][Ii][Ll][Ee][Cc][Aa][Cc][Hh][Ee]:g" -i Makefile || die "sed Makefile failed" option debug && ja2_config _DEBUG=yes WITH_SOUND_DEBUG=yes option demo && ja2_config WITH_DEMO=yes option editor && ja2_config JA2EDITOR=yes option linguas:nl && ja2_config LNG=DUTCH option linguas:en && ja2_config LNG=ENGLISH option linguas:fr && ja2_config LNG=FRENCH option linguas:de && ja2_config LNG=GERMAN option linguas:it && ja2_config LNG=ITALIAN option linguas:pl && ja2_config LNG=POLISH option linguas:ru && ja2_config LNG=RUSSIAN option linguas:ru_gold && ja2_config LNG=RUSSIAN_GOLD ja2_config CC=$(tc-getCC) CXX=$(tc-getCXX) ja2_config PREFIX="${IMAGE}/usr" MANPREFIX="${IMAGE}/usr/share" } src_install() { default insinto /usr/share/${PN} doins Makefile option editor && newins "${WORKBASE}/${PN}-editor.slf" editor.slf } pkg_postinst() { elog "Before playing:" elog " make -f /usr/share/${PN}/Makefile SGPDATADIR=/path/to/data lowercase" if option editor ; then elog " cp /usr/share/${PN}/editor.slf /path/to/data/Data/" fi elog "Then put:" elog " data_dir = /path/to/data" elog "into ~/.ja2/ja2.ini where /path/to/data is the topmost data directory (i.e. /path/to/data/Data exists)" }