# Copyright 2009 Daniel Mierswa # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 require gtk-icon-cache gnome.org [ suffix=.tar.xz ] freedesktop-desktop freedesktop-mime SUMMARY="A visual diff and merge tool." DESCRIPTION="Rich featured diff and merge tool that integrates with most version control systems. It's also possible to do 3-way diffs." HOMEPAGE="http://meldmerge.org/" LICENCES="GPL-2" SLOT="0" PLATFORMS="~amd64 ~x86" MYOPTIONS="" # make check doesn't run tests but some upstream QA # make test needs X and fails because files are missing RESTRICT="test" DEPENDENCIES=" build: sys-devel/gettext build+run: dev-lang/python:*[>=2.6] run: gnome-bindings/pygobject:2[>=2.16.0] gnome-bindings/pygtk[>=2.14] suggestion: gnome-bindings/pygtksourceview:2[>=2.4] [[ description = [ syntax highlighting, line numbers, etc. ] ]] " # scrollkeeper can probably build the documentation # LANGUAGES="" prevents building help/ subdir, which seems to need that DEFAULT_SRC_COMPILE_PARAMS=( prefix=/usr libdir=/usr/${LIBDIR} docdir_='$(docdir)'/${PNVR} LANGUAGES="" ) DEFAULT_SRC_INSTALL_PARAMS=( ${DEFAULT_SRC_COMPILE_PARAMS[@]} ) src_install() { default edo rmdir "${IMAGE}"/usr/share/gnome/{help/meld,help,} \ "${IMAGE}"/usr/share/pixmaps } pkg_postinst() { freedesktop-desktop_pkg_postinst freedesktop-mime_pkg_postinst gtk-icon-cache_pkg_postinst } pkg_postrm() { freedesktop-desktop_pkg_postrm freedesktop-mime_pkg_postrm gtk-icon-cache_pkg_postrm }