opts-mething redesign. completion improved. example: args-command for demonstrate arguments and options.

This commit is contained in:
Denis Knauf 2021-11-30 15:23:05 +01:00
parent 5b5b620601
commit 476e033d29
3 changed files with 164 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -1,25 +1,47 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby #!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'pathname'
$:.unshift Pathname.new(__FILE__).dirname.dirname.join('lib').to_s
require 'dencli' require 'dencli'
cli = DenCli.new 'example', "This is an example for generate a DenCli-API" cli = DenCli.new 'example', "This is an example for generate a DenCli-API"
cli.cmd( :example, "I have an example command") { STDERR.puts "This is an example" } cli.cmd( :example, "I have an example command") { STDERR.puts "This is an example" }
cli.cmd( :help, "", aliases: [nil, '-h', '--help']) {|*args| STDERR.puts cli.help(*args) } cli.cmd( :help, "", aliases: [nil, '-h', '--help']) {|*args| STDERR.puts cli.help(*args) }
cli.cmd( :args, "Expects and prints given arguments", &lambda {|a, b, c:, d:, e:|
p a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d, e: e
opt( :c, '-c=ForC', "Option c").
opt( :d, '-d=ForD', "Option d", default: "something").
opt( :e, '-e', "Toggle e", default: false)
cli.sub( :more, "Sub-Commands are also possible with a new cli") do |sub| cli.sub( :more, "Sub-Commands are also possible with a new cli") do |sub|
sub.cmd( :help, "", aliases: [nil, '-h', '--help']) {|*args| STDERR.puts sub.help(*args) }
sub.cmd( :help, "") {|*args| STDERR.puts cli.help( 'more', *args) } sub.cmd( :help, "") {|*args| STDERR.puts cli.help( 'more', *args) }
sub.cmd( :example, "Here is an example, too") { STDERR.puts "This is an other example" } sub.cmd( :example, "Here is an example, too") { STDERR.puts "This is an other example" }
sub.cmd( :foo, "BAR") { STDERR.puts "FOO bar"} sub.cmd( :foo, "BAR") { STDERR.puts "FOO bar"}
sub.cmd( :args, "Expects and prints given arguments", &lambda {|a, b=1, c:, d: 5, e:|
p a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d, e: e
opt( :c, '-c=ForC', "Option c").
opt( :d, '-d=ForD', "Option d (implicit default)").
opt( :e, '-e', "Toggle e")
sub.sub( :deeper, "You want to have Sub-Sub-Commands?") do |sub2| sub.sub( :deeper, "You want to have Sub-Sub-Commands?") do |sub2|
sub2.cmd( :help, "") {|*args| STDERR.puts cli.help( 'more', 'deeper', *args) } sub2.cmd( :help, "", aliases: [nil, '-h', '--help'], &lambda {|*args| STDERR.puts sub2.help(*args) })
sub2.cmd( :last, "The last example") { STDERR.puts "The last example" } sub2.cmd( :last, "The last example", &lambda { STDERR.puts "The last example" })
sub2.sub( :'sub-commands', "Endless Sub-Sub- ...") do |sub3| sub2.sub( :'sub-commands', "Endless Sub-Sub- ...") do |sub3|
sub2.cmd( :help, "") {|*args| STDERR.puts cli.help( 'more', 'deeper', 'sub-commands', *args) } sub3.cmd( :help, "") {|*args| STDERR.puts sub3.help( sub3, *args) }
sub3.cmd( :hehe, "The real last example", min: 2) { STDERR.puts "Trust me!" } sub3.cmd( :hehe, "The real last example", min: 2) { STDERR.puts "Trust me!" }
end end
end end
end end
cli.call *ARGV cli.call *ARGV
rescue DenCli::UsageError
STDERR.puts $!
exit 1

View file

@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
require_relative '../dencli' require_relative '../dencli'
class DenCli::CMD class DenCli::CMD
attr_reader :parent, :name, :description, :exe, :completion, :options attr_reader :parent, :name, :description, :exe, :completion, :options
def initialize parent, name, description, exe def initialize parent, name, description, exe
raise "Proc expected, instead of: #{exe.inspect}" unless Proc === exe raise "Proc expected, instead of: #{exe.inspect}" unless Proc === exe
@parent, @name, @description, @exe = parent, name, description, lambda( &exe) @parent, @name, @description, @exe = parent, name, description, lambda( &exe)
@options = [] @options = {}
completion {|*a| [] } completion {|*a| [] }
end end
@ -14,22 +15,32 @@ class DenCli::CMD
def full_cmd() _full_cmd [] end def full_cmd() _full_cmd [] end
def parameters() @exe.parameters end def parameters() @exe.parameters end
def required() @exe.parameters.select{|e|:req == e[0]}.map{|e|e[1]} end def arguments_required() @exe.parameters.select {|e| :req == e[0] }.map {|e| e[1] } end
def additional() @exe.parameters.select{|e|:opt == e[0]}.map{|e|e[1]} end alias required arguments_required
def arguments_additional() @exe.parameters.select {|e| :opt == e[0] }.map {|e| e[1] } end
alias additional arguments_additional
def arguments() @exe.parameters.select {|e| :req == e[0] or :opt == e[0] }.map {|e| e[1] } end
def options_required() @exe.parameters.select {|e| :keyreq == e[0] }.map {|e| e[1] } end
def options_additional() @exe.parameters.select {|e| :key == e[0] }.map {|e| e[1] } end
def help() "Usage: #{usage}\n#{description}\n#{options_help}" end
def complete( *pre, str) @completion.call *pre, str end
def call( *as) def call( *as)
if @options.empty?
@exe.call *as
os = {} os = {}
unless @options.empty?
# options like --abc | -x will be provided in os
options = OptionParser.new options = OptionParser.new
options.banner = "#{full_cmd.join ' '}" options.banner = "#{full_cmd.join ' '}"
@options.each do |(aname, aas, aos, aexe)| # see also @options-array
os[aname] = aos[aname] if aos.has_key? :default @options.each {|_, opt| opt.on options, os }
options.on( *aas) {|val| os[aname] = aexe[val] }
as = options.parse! as as = options.parse! as
if @exe.lambda? if @exe.lambda?
# The difference between a lambda and a Proc is, that Proc has anytime arity=-1.
# There will be no check if all arguments are given or some were missing or more than expected.
# lambda checks these arguments and has a arity.
# We will check it to provide useful errors.
pars = required pars = required
if as.length < pars.length if as.length < pars.length
raise DenCli::UsageError, "Missing parameter(s): #{pars[as.length..-1].join " "}" raise DenCli::UsageError, "Missing parameter(s): #{pars[as.length..-1].join " "}"
@ -40,33 +51,127 @@ class DenCli::CMD
raise DenCli::UsageError, "Unused parameter(s): #{as[-pars.length..-1].shelljoin}" raise DenCli::UsageError, "Unused parameter(s): #{as[-pars.length..-1].shelljoin}"
end end
end end
kr = @options.select {|_, o| o.required? and not os.has_key? o.name }
unless kr.empty?
raise DenCli::UsageError, "Missing argument(s): #{kr.map {|o| o.as.first }.join ', '}"
end end
@exe.call *as, **os @exe.call *as, **os
end end
def usage def usage
"#{parent.full_cmd.join ' '} #{name} "+ args =
@options.map{|(_,(o,_,_,_),_)|"[#{o}] "}.join( '')+ @options.map do |_, o|
s = "#{o.short}#{o.val ? ?= : ''}#{o.val}"; o.required? ? "#{s} " : "[#{s}] "
"#{full_cmd.join ' '} #{args.join ''}"+
(@exe.lambda? ? ( (@exe.lambda? ? (
required.join( " ")+ required.map{|s|"<#{s}>"}.join( " ")+
(additional.empty? ? "" : " [#{additional.join " "}]") (additional.empty? ? "" : " [#{additional.map{|s|"<#{s}>"}.join " "}]")
) : '...') ) : '...')
end end
def help def options_help
"#{usage}\n#{description}" sc, lc, dc = 0, 0, 0
@options.each do |_, o|
s = o.short&.length || 0
l = o.long&.length || 0
v = o.val&.length || 0
d = o.desc&.to_s&.length || 0
d += 3 + o.default.to_s.length if o.default?
if 0 == l
x = s + (0==v ? 0 : 1+v)
sc = x if sc < x
sc = s if sc < s
x = l + (0==v ? 0 : 1+v)
lc = x if lc < x
dc = d if dc < d
format = " %-#{sc}s%s %-#{lc}s %s"
@options.map {|_, o|
s, l, v, y = o.short, o.long, o.val, ','
if l.nil?
s += "=#{v}" if v
y = ' '
elsif s.nil?
l += "=#{v}" if v
y = ' '
d = o.desc || ''
d += " (#{o.default})" if o.default?
format % [ s, y, l, d ]
}.join "\n"
end end
def complete( *pre, str) @completion.call *pre, str end
def completion &exe def completion &exe
@completion = exe @completion = exe
self self
end end
def opt name, *as, **os, &exe class Opt
@options.push [name.to_s.to_sym, as, os, exe || lambda{|val|val} ] attr_reader :name, :long, :short, :val, :desc, :os, :conv, :req
def required?() @req end
def default?() NilClass != @default end
def default() NilClass == @default ? nil : @default end
def initialize cmd, name, opt, *alts, desc, default: NilClass, **os, &conv
long = short = val = nil
case opt
when /\A(--[^=-]+)=(.+)\z/
long, val = $1, $2
when /\A(--[^=-]+)\z/
long, val = $1, nil
when /\A(-[^=-]+)=(.+)\z/
short, val = $1, $2
when /\A(-[^=-]+)\z/
short, val = $1, nil
else raise ArgumentError, "Unexpected format for option: #{opt.inspect}"
alts.each do |alt|
case alt
when /\A(--[^=-]+)=(.+)\z/
long, val = $1, val || $2
when /\A(--[^=-]+)\z/
long, val = $1, nil
when /\A(-[^=-]+)=(.+)\z/
short, val = $1, val || $2
when /\A(-[^=-]+)\z/
short, val = $1, nil
else raise ArgumentError, "Unexpected format for option: #{alt.inspect}"
@name, @short, @long, @val, @desc, @default, @os, @conv =
name.to_s.to_sym, short, long, val, desc, default, os, conv || lambda{|v|v}
@req =
if NilClass != default
elsif cmd.exe.lambda?
! cmd.exe.parameters.select {|e| [:keyreq, @name] == e[0..1] }.empty?
def on parser, store
parser.on "#{@short}#{@val ? ?= : ''}#{@val}", "#{@long}#{@val ? ?= : ''}#{@val}", **@os do |val|
store[@name] = @conv[val]
def inspect
"#<%s:0x%016x %s %s %s %s (%p) %p os=%p conv=%s>" % [
self.class.name, object_id, @req ? "<#{@name}>" : "[#{@name}]",
@short, @long, @val, @default, @desc, @os,
@exe ? "<#{@exe.lambda? ? :lambda: :proc} ##{@exe.arity}>" : "nil"
def opt name, opt, *alts, desc, **os, &conv
r = Opt.new( self, name, opt, *alts, desc, **os, &conv)
@options[r.name] = r
self self
end end

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@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
class DenCli class DenCli
VERSION = '0.3.2' VERSION = '0.4.0'
end end