module CouchRest module Model module Connection extend ActiveSupport::Concern def database self.class.database end def server self.class.server end module ClassMethods # Overwrite the normal use_database method so that a database # name can be provided instead of a full connection. def use_database(db) @_database_name = db end # Replace CouchRest's database reader with a more advanced # version that will make a best guess at the database you might # want to use. Allows for a string to be provided instead of # a database object. def database @database ||= prepare_database(@_database_name) end def server @server ||= end def prepare_database(db = nil) unless db.is_a?(CouchRest::Database) conf = connection_configuration db = [conf[:prefix], db.to_s, conf[:suffix]].compact.join('_') self.server.database!(db) else db end end protected def prepare_server_uri conf = connection_configuration userinfo = [conf[:username], conf[:password]].compact.join(':') userinfo += '@' unless userinfo.empty? "#{conf[:protocol]}://#{userinfo}#{conf[:host]}:#{conf[:port]}" end def connection_configuration @server_configuration ||= self.connection.update( (load_connection_config_file[environment] || {}).symbolize_keys ) end def load_connection_config_file connection_config_cache[connection_config_file] ||= File.exists?(connection_config_file) ? YAML::load( : { } end def connection_config_cache Thread.current[:connection_config_cache] ||= {} end end end end end