require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/base' describe RestClient do context "public API" do it "GET" do RestClient::Request.should_receive(:execute).with(:method => :get, :url => 'http://some/resource', :headers => {}) RestClient.get('http://some/resource') end it "POST" do RestClient::Request.should_receive(:execute).with(:method => :post, :url => 'http://some/resource', :payload => 'payload', :headers => {})'http://some/resource', 'payload') end it "PUT" do RestClient::Request.should_receive(:execute).with(:method => :put, :url => 'http://some/resource', :payload => 'payload', :headers => {}) RestClient.put('http://some/resource', 'payload') end it "DELETE" do RestClient::Request.should_receive(:execute).with(:method => :delete, :url => 'http://some/resource', :headers => {}) RestClient.delete('http://some/resource') end end context RestClient::Request do before do @request = => :put, :url => 'http://some/resource', :payload => 'payload') @uri = mock("uri") @uri.stub!(:request_uri).and_return('/resource') @uri.stub!(:host).and_return('some') @uri.stub!(:port).and_return(80) end it "requests xml mimetype" do @request.default_headers[:accept].should == 'application/xml' end it "processes a successful result" do res = mock("result") res.stub!(:code).and_return("200") res.stub!(:body).and_return('body') @request.process_result(res).should == 'body' end it "parses a url into a URI object" do URI.should_receive(:parse).with('') @request.parse_url('') end it "adds http:// to the front of resources specified in the syntax" do URI.should_receive(:parse).with('') @request.parse_url('') end it "determines the Net::HTTP class to instantiate by the method name" do @request.net_http_class(:put).should == Net::HTTP::Put end it "merges user headers with the default headers" do @request.should_receive(:default_headers).and_return({ '1' => '2' }) @request.make_headers('3' => '4').should == { '1' => '2', '3' => '4' } end it "prefers the user header when the same header exists in the defaults" do @request.should_receive(:default_headers).and_return({ '1' => '2' }) @request.make_headers('1' => '3').should == { '1' => '3' } end it "converts header symbols from :content_type to 'Content-type'" do @request.should_receive(:default_headers).and_return({}) @request.make_headers(:content_type => 'abc').should == { 'Content-type' => 'abc' } end it "executes by constructing the Net::HTTP object, headers, and payload and calling transmit" do @request.should_receive(:parse_url).with('http://some/resource').and_return(@uri) klass = mock("net:http class") @request.should_receive(:net_http_class).with(:put).and_return(klass) klass.should_receive(:new).and_return('result') @request.should_receive(:transmit).with(@uri, 'result', 'payload') @request.execute_inner end it "transmits the request with Net::HTTP" do http = mock("net::http connection") Net::HTTP.should_receive(:start).and_yield(http) http.should_receive(:request).with('req', 'payload') @request.should_receive(:process_result) @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload') end it "doesn't send nil payloads" do http = mock("net::http connection") Net::HTTP.should_receive(:start).and_yield(http) http.should_receive(:request).with('req', '') @request.should_receive(:process_result) @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', nil) end it "passes non-hash payloads straight through" do @request.process_payload("x").should == "x" end it "converts a hash payload to urlencoded data" do @request.process_payload(:a => 'b c').should == "a=b%20c" end it "set urlencoded content_type header on hash payloads" do @request.process_payload(:a => 1) @request.headers[:content_type].should == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' end it "sets up the credentials prior to the request" do http = mock("net::http connection") Net::HTTP.should_receive(:start).and_yield(http) http.stub!(:request) @request.stub!(:process_result) @request.stub!(:user).and_return('joe') @request.stub!(:password).and_return('mypass') @request.should_receive(:setup_credentials).with('req') @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', nil) end it "does not attempt to send any credentials if user is nil" do @request.stub!(:user).and_return(nil) req = mock("request") req.should_not_receive(:basic_auth) @request.setup_credentials(req) end it "does not attempt to send any credentials if user is nil" do @request.stub!(:user).and_return('joe') @request.stub!(:password).and_return('mypass') req = mock("request") req.should_receive(:basic_auth).with('joe', 'mypass') @request.setup_credentials(req) end it "execute calls execute_inner" do @request.should_receive(:execute_inner) @request.execute end it "class method execute wraps constructor" do req = mock("rest request") RestClient::Request.should_receive(:new).with(1 => 2).and_return(req) req.should_receive(:execute) RestClient::Request.execute(1 => 2) end end end